The chopping ax couldn't bear the force of the wanton turbulence and exploded. Most of the fragments of the ax swirled and brushed against Bai Jue's body, accurately hitting two Shuras who were trying to attack from behind. Complete sterilization surgery.

Immediately, Bai Jue lightly tapped the half-broken handle of the axe.

The sword finger is a branch of swordsmanship. It looks like an ordinary finger, but it is a killer move that has been honed over time. The sword energy released from the fingertips pushes the broken handle of the ax like a jet missile and hits General Shura. Squeezing its throat, it flew all the way to the rear, bumped into flowers and plants and buildings all the way, and was finally pierced through the neck by its own weapon.

"Who said you can't kill someone without a gun."

Bai Jue raised his hand to repel General Shura. Although it pierced through its throat, Shura's vitality was extremely tenacious. This move might not kill him. If Bai Jue took the opportunity to make another blow, it would be in time.It's just that thousands of Shuras are not so easy for him to deal with, let alone a Mozart.

However, the momentum cannot be lost.

"Where's my bgm?" Bai Jue glanced back at Mozart who was still in shock.

"My liver is so frightened! How can I sing in the mood!" Mozart stared.

"The more afraid you are, the more you want to sing." Bai Jue said with a smile: "How can I play music games without bgm? I need you to bless me with BGM, so that I can trigger QTE."

"It's no wonder I believed you, you're a very bad guy!"

"If you don't sing, I'll throw you out."

"Please don't worry, I have a lot of experience in the soundtrack!" Mozart hurriedly sat up: "Boss, what Bgm do you want!"

Seeing Mozart like this, Bai Jue was sure that he had discovered a new human essence.

——The wind follows the tiger, the cloud follows the dragon, and the man follows the heart.

"Then let's play a [-] theme song for breakout..." Bai Jue raised his sword, his eyes sharpened: "It's the BGM that looks like it's stealing the secret documents of the old American country."

"Understood." Mozart was about to start but another person pinched the nape of his neck again.

"I won't go." Dion pinched Mozart's neck vigorously: "If we choose to break through... Paris will face a frontal attack from the Asuras. I stay here to delay time. I'm sorry... I have to leave If so, you leave."

"What about me? What about me!!!" Mozart shouted, "Do I have no human rights as a musician?"

"I need you to attract the firepower. If it doesn't work, you can sing beside me." Dion said with a deadpan expression, seriously discriminatory.

"You can't keep it alone." Bai Jue didn't regard Mozart as a human being: "It's the same even with his jukebox."

"I know." Dieng said, "No matter what, I won't be a deserter. At least before His Majesty Charles returns, I can't lose Paris, and I must die on the battlefield..."

Bai Jue was silent for a while, but replied with a smile: "It's good to have backbone... Mozart, I want to change the song."

"Huh?" Mozart smelled trouble.

"I ordered a cool song for everyone here, I hope you like it." Bai Jue waved his robe with flames: "It's cold to keep guests, no one needs to leave."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you still have the will to fight, stand up." Bai Jue didn't shift his gaze, and said in a relaxed and even indifferent tone: "I stand here, it doesn't make any difference whether the city wall is there or not, it's just a group of villains That's all..."

He turned his head and stared in the direction of the city of Paris: "I heard that the scenery of Paris is very beautiful. I have never seen the scenery of the Champs Elysees. It would be a pity if it were destroyed here. The world is so big."

If the city was destroyed ten years ago, it may not be able to be rebuilt ten years later.

Bai Jue's words were so relaxed that Dion looked a little astonished.

Thousands of Asuras, this is not a group of monsters and Bai scholars, who will be killed if they say they are killed.

If multiple heroic spirits break through at the same time and still have a chance, they can stay for a bloody battle, which is also a way out.

"Stop talking." Mozart had already given up: "Honestly pick up your weapon, since you decided to stay and he decided to stay, then there is no need to say anything, just fight... I am ready All right."

"Ready to sing?"

"No, get ready to lie down and die."

Dion went up and kicked Mozart's handsome face. Seeing him fall to the ground with nosebleeds, he snorted unluckily.

She picked up the knight's long sword, gently wiped off the blood on it, shook her ponytail, and turned her back to Bai Jue: "Thank you sir, since you decided to stay, then I won't persuade you anymore, it's just the odds of winning this battle ..."

"Don't be too serious." Bai Jue said with a smile: "It's a good thing that the odds are low."

"What?" Dion couldn't understand for a while.

"The victory brought about by a complete crush is often not as exciting as a comeback with residual blood. Compared with a three-to-zero round, I prefer to watch a situation where two chase three." : "Being forced into a desperate situation means that there is no way out, but at the same time it also represents the possibility of the Jedi fighting back. Although fighting back is often said to be one of the illusions of life, this time it is not."

"Your Excellency seems to be talking about a mobilization order for war." Dieng let out a foul breath: "Please rest assured, I am ready to die for my country at any time, even if I die here..."

"So you are too nervous..." Bai Jue said softly, "Don't think about how to die in battle, but think about how to survive and win. If you die, you lose. If you live, you win. People are not worthy of praise, and those who always think about how to die in battle are walking dead, so to borrow the words of a friend of mine, Yinsang once said... It is better to think about living beautifully than dying beautifully."

Dion's expression froze.

A soft sentence broke her heart and touched her most vulnerable place.

She thinks she can't hold it, she thinks she can't win, all her efforts are just to make her die well, even if there is such an insignificant possibility, she has never fought for it, but thinks about how to die beautifully in battle.

She has already determined in her heart that she will definitely fail, so she no longer thinks about how to win.

This idea itself is a mistake and a failure, and it also deviates from the entrustment of the people and His Majesty.

"I..." Dion's hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

"Knowing that you are afraid proves that you have a real sense of being alive now." Bai Jue shook his head and laughed: "Really... I don't know why you heroic spirits, who clearly have power far beyond ordinary people, always forget a simple truth, Even if the ants survive, it is better to live like an ordinary person than to think about the too heavy and complicated concepts of moral responsibility, country and other concepts to die heroically."

He glanced at Mozart who was touching the bridge of his nose: "Just like him."

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