
There is a second update, probably in the old time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Dion struggled to deal with the siege from the Shura crowd, and he couldn't help but recall the scene when the paladin Roland fought against the chief of the round table, Lancelot. The two prestigious knights faced each other for not just three days and three nights, but seven days and seven nights. But...but... more than [-]% of the time in seven days and seven nights was chat flow, and then two tricks.

These two heroic spirits didn't do their best at all, they were afraid of losing face, and they didn't want to let each other go, as long as they stalled, they won, so the two fishing gangs dragged on for seven days and seven nights, and finally went back to their hometowns to recuperate, neither losing nor losing face.

Dion didn't know about this at the beginning, and even admired Roland very much for a time, and asked him how he did it many times.

Roland just said naturally that as a heroic spirit, a battle lasts for three days and three nights, but it's only mediocre, and you can do it when you grow up.

Until this moment Dion found out, she couldn't do it.

Theoretically, the three days and three nights are not directly proportional to the length of the battle with high concentration and tension. If the peak heroic spirits are so capable, no matter how strong the enemy is, they can grind to death, but in reality the fatigue of the battle will continue to pile up. Let yourself be bloodied by the opponent.

"Roland, you big pig's hoof!"

Dieng scolded. At this time, she was still a French lady. She was not very old. Because of her age, her mind was not too mature, and she was even a little out of touch. Therefore, she has not been incorporated as a paladin by Charlemagne so far, but as a member of the royal family. Dragoon Guards.

The Asuras had already raised their shields, forming a wall of shields to continuously compress the battlefield from all directions. Even if she tried to escape from above, she would be shot down by arrows, and she also noticed an invisible airflow network in the sky, clearly intending to She is trapped here.

A thin sword is not enough to penetrate a heavy shield wall...Kai Wushuang also has to look at the target with a sword. The opponent is neither a scum with a combat effectiveness of [-], nor is one's own side the Three Kingdoms Gundam Legend that has been blown up by various blows.

Deep in the layers of large shields, there was a sudden roar of monsters, and a heavy hammer full of flesh rushed towards Dion's sword. Her rapier was pressed from straight to the limit. Arcing, sparks burst out from the friction of the sharp edges, the heroic spirit was knocked back by a hammer, the rear shield wall approached again, the Asuras stabbed their spears, she twirled in the air, and cut a three-foot sword circle with one sword, barely losing immediately.

Dion raised his face, and his golden hair with a ponytail fluttered behind his head: "Sura will..."

The commander of Asura, second only to King Asura.

Since it took the initiative to step onto the battlefield, it proved that the battle was coming to an end.

Dion realized something, the Asuras didn't give her a chance to breathe, the shield was raised, and arrows rained down from the sky, and Asura was nearly three meters tall, wearing heavy armor and full of bloody aura, facing the arrows Yu didn't shy away from it either, raising the heavy hammer and roaring, launching a fierce attack.

In the process of avoiding arrows and spears, Dieng's shoulder was hit by a heavy hammer, and her right arm was twisted and dislocated. She fell into the sand and groaned.

Shura Jiang's eyes were full of scarlet, and it was finally able to list a precious head as its own collection. The corner of its mouth raised a sneer, and then raised the hammer, ready to harvest.

But the moment the hammer was raised, it was surrounded by icy dead silence, and from behind the stacked Shura crowd, the line of sight that passed through the gaps of dozens of shields was full of playfulness and coldness. , covering it like the shadow of death.

The sense of déjà vu called death made it hesitate for a moment, and then turned its head suddenly to look at the source of the line of sight.

When it turned its head, the shield wall of the Shura crowd was pierced from behind.

The white figure crossed the middle of the Shura crowd as if strolling in a garden. The straight road he walked was covered with an uneven layer of blood, and his figure was like lightning, suddenly appearing in the center of the killing field.

The moment Shura turned around, he passed Bai Jue.

At the same time, the palms were pressed, and a trace of coldness froze the Shuras within dozens of steps. Their weapons were covered with frost. Cut off one's own arm or one's leg.

The white back appeared in front of Dion's eyes. She thought she was dead at the last moment, but at this moment she was still breathing. When she raised her head, she could only see a pair of golden eyes.

Still in shock, her heartbeat is still fast, staring at the man who appeared suddenly, the pupils under the mask are unwavering, as if she has not been shaken in the slightest even though she is in prison, her heart slowly settles down, as if being protected by a pair of hands. live nestlings.

This feeling is very incredible. It is the first time we meet, but I feel inexplicably at ease.

Even though he is a heroic spirit and the strongest weapon in the world, he will still show weakness when he is guarded.

The two looked at each other.

Bai Ge saw a familiar shadow from her body.

There is a little gentleness in her eyes. Ten years ago, she had the vigor of a girl with a ponytail.

At this time, there was a burst of melodious music in my ears.

Mozart choreographed the notes with a magnetic voice.

"You are here~~~there's nothing I fear~~~and i know that my heart will go on."

The theme song of Titanic lingered in my ears, melodious and beautiful.

Such a classic old love song made Dion immediately blush.

And Bai Ge directly pinched Mozart's nape: "Did I ask you to play this bgm?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't help it, it's so suitable, I can't help but sing it." Mozart said with a dry smile: "Your eyes are like alternating current..."

There was a flash of lightning in Bai Ge's eyes, and he said fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense again, I'll throw you to the power plant, so you can experience generating electricity with love."

"Don't, I'm not Tesla and Edison, where will electricity be generated... Be careful behind your back!"


There was a heavy impact sound, the heavy hammer fell, the ground suddenly cracked, and the aftermath spread, raising dust more than half a meter high.

Bai Jue raised his hand, holding the sharp thorn of the heavy hammer with five fingers, and slowly turned his head to look at the Asura general, showing a kind smile: "Didn't you see that I am talking to the later stage? You are... rushing To reincarnate? Want me to give you a ride?"

His smile is really kind, although the mask hides his expression, no one can see it.

But General Shura was already moved by this kind look, so he dropped the heavy hammer as if putting down a butcher's knife in repentance, and took out an ax from somewhere in his crotch, and chopped it down again with [-]% strength.

Wrapped in blood-red evil spirit, the power of this ax was enough to easily smash the outer defensive wall of the air-raid shelter, but this ax only chopped off one of Mozart's hairs.

Bai Jue threw Mozart behind him in a short moment, and at the same time kicked the felled ax into the ground with a roundabout kick. The destructive power poured into the ground, and the blood-red evil spirit was like a bomb buried in the soil.

Bai Jue snapped his fingers and easily detonated this force.

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