But they did not leave to start the war of siege, but began to clean up the battlefield. Because they had completed the staged goals, they began to focus on scattered individuals, such as... two heroic spirits.

It's like eating. After eating a bowl of rice, you almost feel that you should be full after eating, but you don't have to think about how much food you can eat before eating this bowl of rice, and there is no fixed amount... …But suppose there are not many side dishes, and there are only two pieces of meat on a large table, then some people will choose to eat first, add some ingredients to cushion their mouths, and eat the meat at the last bite.

It's like saving the strawberries on the cake until the end, it doesn't really make any difference.

Today, the battlefield is divided.

The Asuras had already surrounded Dion.

Mozart was also rushed to the other end of the battlefield by several giant monsters, enjoying the physical friction and collision between huge monsters, and had no chance to rush to help, and he couldn't support himself, his hand speed was too fast , The keyboard can't bear it, the brain nerves of that huge octopus have overheated, just like the motherboard whose high temperature can't dissipate heat, it's just a step away from the explosion, it looks like it's facing an ancient god.

Dieng drew the arrow from his shoulder.

She knew that she couldn't support it, but it was a pity that she didn't get back to her roots.

Even the Marshal of Germany can exchange three hundred heads, but she will take away two hundred and five heads no matter what.

She still has the remaining power, with the fighting power of the heroic spirit, before her power of the heroic spirit is exhausted, the strength is enough to support her bloody battle for three days and three nights... But this is also theoretical, can the golden saint still fight the thousand-day war?But in the world, hands-on actions are often aimed at unilateral instant kills. The sky is shattered and the earth is shattered. (Writing this, I couldn't help but have a crazy idea - so theoretically, if a female heroic spirit is a slut, no man in the world can hold it, squeeze juice for three days and three nights... Sigh... Isn't the saint warrior Also... emmm... I respect myself)

Heroic Spirit's combat stamina is higher than that of Saint Seiya, but they all face the same problem, and they will lose if they use old moves.

After that, it was just a fierce battle like a dying struggle.

Dion also knew that she could only hope that the crazy musician would last a little longer like a heroic spirit.

She pulled Mozart down, of course not really wanting him to be buried with him, but she had a slight hope that if another heroic spirit came, it might be able to change the situation of the battle. She was thinking that maybe the saint of the Vatican could arrive earlier.

It's just a gamble, just like betting on whether you can get an SSR with only one call sign in your hand.

Knowing that the chances are slim, but still harboring delusions, knowing that it is almost impossible, but still have to do it.

It's just that this time the chips are on her life and all her glory.

It is only four words to die for the country, but it is not easy to achieve this. Dion died in a foreign land in his last life. Perhaps in her opinion, being able to be blood-stained on the land of the motherland is also a happy thing... right?

"I was single in my previous life, and I am single in this life. I will die before I have time to fall in love. I am only in my twenties!"

Dieng had ten thousand depressions in his heart that he couldn't vent.

She was obsessed with gender in her previous life and was forced to dress up as a woman. Naturally, she was single all the way to old age.

In this life, she was reincarnated as a woman, and she didn't keep her memory. She only noticed the miserable life in her previous life from occasional records, so she decided not to repeat the same mistakes. A good girl... Although she didn't do any of the above three things, she felt that she was still a good girl.

It's just that as a heroic spirit, finding a boyfriend is... difficult, comparable to all the Valkyries taking maternity leave. I don't need to emphasize how difficult this is.

"There is such a regret left at the end of my life..." Dion sighed, "Why was Mozart the last man I saw? I would have recognized someone else... and I would be dragged down by these Shuras." to be buried with him."

The light of the sword in her hand flashed, beheading three Shuras in a row, and then lightly flicked off the blood on the blade of the sword, and stepped back like a round dance, with graceful posture, sharp movements, and firm eyes... But her spirit was not fully concentrated.

The Shura field tried to delay her, and she was also trying to delay the Shura crowd, it was a waste of time, don't blame this girl for not being serious, if you disturb me thinking about life, I will hack you to death, if I strike too hard, I will always hack you to death.

Time is running out, from noon to sunset, the winter days are short, so the sunset is very early, only three or four o'clock, the sky has already begun to darken, the Asuras finished cleaning the battlefield, and began to concentrate on encircling and suppressing the heroic spirits.

The octopus in Mozart's hand finally couldn't hold on, and was divided into corpses by a group of monsters, and he also fell into the group of monsters, so he could only run in one direction. Heroic Spirit's physical fitness is not bad, and he ran fast , but it doesn't do much... sooner or later it will be caught up.

The chasing Shuras followed unhurriedly, enjoying the cat-and-mouse foreplay, and Mozart also shouted at the top of his voice: "Help, help! Somebody help me! Gan Linniang's France! "

He rushed all the way to the edge of the battlefield, and then seemed to see a ghostly figure floating around.

"Calling English and French, pay attention." The man praised, and in the dark sky, Mozart saw a face without facial features, no, it was a pure white mask as cold as ice.

A pair of golden eyes were as bright as lights, and a white dress was stained with a little blood, dragging a Shura's head in his hand, with a long spine attached to the bottom of the head, which was extremely bloody and cruel.

"This group of guys are quite good at ambushing, and they set up many potholes along the way, which made me feel the pity of Mr. Miyazaki." The visitor whispered: "Desperate, for this world full of deep malice Desperate."

"What are you talking about... No, it's not when you're talking about this, there's..." Mozart shouted hastily.

But before the words finished, a cold light cut towards his neck. For a moment, Mozart thought that his head had fallen and blood had been sprayed. He stood there for a while, only to realize that his head was still there.

It wasn't his head that fell, but the heads of the approaching enemies. In an instant, the heads of the five Shuras all fell, and the incisions were smooth and even.

"I don't care..." Mozart looked at the person who came, and squeezed out two words: "Beer."

"Shenzhou Dabai said it well." The man smiled: "Who are you?"

"Mozart... where are you from?"

"I just came from Britain."

"British...British came to rescue the soldiers?" Mozart had a very strange expression. The British came to rescue the French?You can do it Rajill, even a European would not believe this.

"No, I'm not British." He made a gesture of not caring about the details, and said immediately: "This is a bit complicated...Leave it aside, the defense line here has been breached, it seems that I am still restrained It's been too long, I almost became a pigeon... Speaking of which, you are not French, why are you staying here? Shooting short videos?"

"I'm a strong man who was pulled over, and it's none of my business, so I'm going to slip away." Mozart clapped his hands: "There is still a heroic spirit in the encirclement ahead."


"Dragon the Dragoon."

Mozart was about to run away, but someone pinched the back of his neck.

"Slip? It doesn't exist." Obviously the other party was wearing a mask, but Mozart seemed to see a smile that made him feel cold: "My maid didn't bring it here, and it happened that no one played the bgm for me, so don't go, stay Come down and play me some cheers."

"You are insulting my dignity as a musician!" Mozart was angry.

"Oh? Then you..." The other party smiled playfully.

"One at most!" Mozart argued.

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