"What a shame!" the big whale roared angrily, "how am I ashamed!"


"In the book, embarrassment in the book is not embarrassment!" Big Whale hesitated and said: "The matter of the characters in the novel, can it be considered embarrassment!"

"Okay, okay, I understand..." Zheng Qingnian waved his hand: "I understand too well, anyway, I quit the group, so shame on it, I don't want to get involved in this matter."

"Don't, this is a good opportunity for me to counterattack surnamed Bai, look at my attribute value, look at my equipment, look at my treasure Phantasm, if you are so strong, I am invincible after being strengthened like this! Big Whale waved his fist excitedly: "Let's do it quickly, and while he can't stop, give him a trick to get rid of the bottom line and let him know that Big Whale also has a chance to stand up!"

"Isn't a salted fish still a salted fish?" Zheng thought for a while, "Whoever likes to fight this funny war... I have an idea."

"Oh? What do you think?"

"Bold ideas."

Someone Zheng raised his hand and said calmly, "Lancer, kill yourself."


The big whale stared wide-eyed.

However, he didn't have the magic power, and was controlled by the Command Spell and forcibly committed suicide.

"You, you, you are too..."

"Lancer tradition is like this."

Someone Zheng spread his hands: "I'll go and tell the others to do the same."

Then he logged into QQ.


The teasing war begins.

Tease the end of the war.

The extra chapter is over.


ps1: This brain hole came up when I was chatting in the group. Today is New Year's Eve, so I just wrote it out. I don't know if the characters are right or not. After all, everyone's privacy is private, so I won't write the real name.

Everyone else came on their own terms.

If I find it interesting, I may even try to write a call to war by the author of a different book next time, it's very interesting to think about it.


Update postponed for one day

It’s not a pigeon anymore, but I wrote hi temporarily...

Suddenly, a brain hole burst out, that, I couldn't stop... I started writing, new book or something... I even put the outline of this brain hole directly into the third volume...

Although I haven't tried youth love or something, it's really interesting to write about it.

So today's update of the savior will be postponed until tomorrow,

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Europa Juggernaut.

This is the name Dion carried in his previous life.

Although she is an excellent spy, intelligence agent, and knight, but before these identities, she was a very prestigious sword master.

Even in his old age, wearing a skirt, he could easily perform seven stabs in a row, defeating the equally famous swordsman almost instantly.

Her sword dance is naturally gorgeous. After being reincarnated as a heroic spirit, the level of swordsmanship has not regressed in the slightest, but has stepped into a higher realm.

As Ling Xueya, Dongli's number one happy offender, taunted me for being a sword madman, said - when your goal is to be unparalleled and powerful, you don't realize this, the end of a swordsmanship is not The peak is an endless ocean, with no end in sight.

Swordsmanship, only when it reaches the pinnacle can it go further.

Even Bai Jue and even Zhao Zheng'er never said that his swordsmanship was perfect. Even if his swordsmanship reached the peak, he stepped into the realm of sword master and sword fairy. After all, it is only the limit defined by human beings, and no one knows. Is there anything more awesome...

The same is true for the cultivation level of fantasy. In fact, there are always more powerful characters. Even if you are an invincible master in this universe, maybe a big boss in the space outside the box outside the universe will rub you every minute.

Dieng has worked a lot on swordsmanship, with outstanding talent and heroic blood. Even though her posture is not at the peak, she still has stepped into the stage of fourth-order heroic spirit. This is the result of her hard work and improvement.

But in the final analysis, it is still an individual, and the power of an individual is limited after all.

A brave man needs to bring his teammates to fight against the devil. It is a man's romance to fight alone. It can only be heard as a joke. After all, you can fight in groups... Who would choose to fight alone?The seventh-generation head of Muye Village next door has proved through countless experiences that many people are powerful. If one cannot be defeated, they will be divided into groups. If there are too many ants to kill elephants, the strongest ninjutsu in the world is actually shadow clone.

Combining the above remarks, look at the Asuras in turn.

Even though Dion has been moving all the time and has never been able to let the Asuras complete the encirclement, she is still the first person after all, and she wants to protect the city wall from being broken, so she cannot use the 'enemy' because her movement range is limited. Chase me and run, the enemy is exhausted and I fight' and other characteristic tactics of Shehuiism.

In fact, if it wasn't for Mozart, he would have flicked the nerves in the brain of a huge octopus monster into a wild dance of wild bees. The octopus danced wildly with more than a dozen tentacles, convulsing like a goat, and the Kesu set after set The other huge monsters that Lu personally punched with Xingyi's scalp went numb and died on the spot, almost stirring up the whole battlefield into a miasma. I'm afraid Dion fell into the encirclement and suppression formation of Shura early in the morning.

However, the time delay is limited after all.

When Dion killed the [-]th Asura, the city wall was finally unbreakable. After the sound of "I'm done", the cracks spread to all corners, and the city wall collapsed and then shattered.

When the city wall was shattered, the enchantment lost a support point. With the city wall as the center, all the enchantment within tens of kilometers disappeared. The fortifications and even the enchantment itself were not broken, but a gap was opened. Can barely maintain the enchantment from breaking.

The Asuras broke through the city wall and opened the passage leading to the interior of Paris.

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