Not far away, Dion also received the same favor, and the exhausted physical strength was recovering rapidly. Mozart's nose bridge broken by Dion also returned to normal. He was staring in astonishment at the heroic spirit who suddenly appeared. The saint holding the holy staff of the cross stood on the ground, her eyes were compassionate and pitiful, and she sighed softly: "War, killing... this must be a very sad thing, why choose to fight?"

Mozart's face had already turned livid.

It was clear that this saint was so merciful and tolerant that she was even mourning for the enemies, but he couldn't help but roll his eyes, and even moved back a few steps, as if he was more afraid of this name than Shura. saint.

Dieng looked at the saint, she opened her mouth slightly: "I remember, this is..."

"My name is Martha. I am an immature saint. I am still practicing. I obeyed the will of the Lord and went to the battlefield in Paris. Maybe it was because I wasted a day for prayer that led to such a bitter battle. Really. I'm very sorry." The saint Martha bowed slightly to Dion, apologizing, with a gentle expression on her face: "It's really amazing that you can persist for so long..."

Before the words were finished, a Shura jumped up from behind, raised a big knife and slashed at Martha's head.

"Little..." Dion hurriedly reminded.

But in a blink of an eye, Martha turned around abruptly, raised her staff lightly, and the holy staff released a dazzling flash of light, but the dots of light had chilling destructive power, piercing through the flesh above Shura's chest in an instant. parts.

"Hmph! Don't you even have a bit of etiquette when others are talking? Asuras!" The saint Martha's gaze was very cold, and in an instant, she immediately switched from a noble and elegant healing sister to a grumpy attitude. The role of the eldest sister: "Really, I don't know how long I've been thinking about this gorgeous appearance? You don't even give me a chance to speak bureaucratically, really..."

She turned around and swung down the holy staff again. Under the starlight, the formation of the Shura crowd was torn apart.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Martha turned her head and stretched out her hand to Bai Jue: "It's time to break through, it's not good to be surrounded by the opponent for a long time... Hurry up and follow!" After she finished speaking, she realized that her tone was rather rude, and then With a light cough, she said in an elegant and soft voice, "Mmm, cough, cough, please come with me."

Bai Jue realized where his sense of déjà vu came from.

Isn't this Martha?The one who likes iron fist sanctions, the one who can fight Beowulf [-]/[-] with bare hands, the master of Ola boxing, and the master of fighting in the first century AD who can even smash the shell of a dragon with one punch, although he is a saint. Female, but actually an expert in ultra-violent physical persuasion.

But now it seems to be holding the holy staff... riding steps?

Bai Jue stretched out his hand, and was pulled by her to break through the encirclement of the Asuras. In fact, he could amplify his moves at any time, but he seemed to be protected by Martha. Presumably, the armored dragon shield at the beginning was also a long-range treasure she released.

"It's good that you can persevere until now, but if you haven't broken through so far, is it because you intend to fight a war of attrition with the other party?" Mierda landed on the ground, her tone seemed a little joyful, and she smiled and said: "You want to fight? "

"Well, of course!" Dion looked at Martha strangely.

Not only was the saint not nervous at all, but she was excited and eager to try.

She couldn't help casting a questioning look at Mozart—what's going on?

Mozart began to whisper BB, although his BB sound could be heard by anyone at close range: "The Vatican is the seat of the Pope, the saints, saints, sons, apostles, heroes, and even believers live every day very rigorously... they can't relax , and the saint Martha is the one who is rumored to have subdued the dragon. Although she is a saint, her greatest hobby is boxing... Now she has finally left the Vatican, probably because she has the idea of ​​boxing the world... ..."

Martha asked with a gentle smile, "What are you talking about? I don't know how to box, not at all."

"But I clearly saw you blow up three sandbags with one punch..."

"I'll say it again, I don't know how to box. Do you understand?" Mirtha's tone immediately became harsh: "Mr. Mozart, if you say something rude again, let me show you what the Lord's mercy is! Ah... …what did I say again, Lord, forgive me.”

Mozart dared not speak with a bitter face.

Mirtha stuck out her tongue mischievously, as if she was in a good mood after leaving the Vatican, and there were still enemies in front of her who could show their fighting spirit without holding back.

"I'll unfold the treasure... Make room, everyone." Martha raised her staff and called out in a low voice, "Tarasque!"

Another huge force that is completely different from the saint's breath emerged.

In fact, Bai Jue has always felt that the huge soul power hovering around the saint does not originate from the saint, but the soul of the dragon that surrendered to her and followed her around like a guardian spirit.

And the soul of this fantasy dragon species is like Bai Jue's holy soul, which can interfere with reality and complete materialization. The huge soul is instantly materialized, and an iron-clad dragon crawling on the ground slowly emerges. Its head resembles a pitch-black lion. The fangs are exposed, the head is horny, six-legged and one tail, and the whole body is covered with armor as hard as iron, which is invulnerable to swords and guns, so it is named Iron Armored Dragon.

The name of this dragon is Tarasque, and it was an evil dragon that was subdued by the saint Martha in the first century AD. This evil dragon caused troubles everywhere because it was not cultivated enough to go to the inner world, eating people and destroying the village chief. Even the heroes were unable to attack, but was finally subdued by Mirta by the water. It abandoned its body and left it in the village by the water to vent its hatred, while its soul followed Mirta to practice.

Later, it did not go to the inner world when its cultivation was strong enough, but waited for Miranda to pass away before leaving, until the saint was reincarnated again, and its soul also returned from the inner world, and continued to follow Mirtha who was protecting her. Safety.

Is a loyal little brother.

However, the way Mirtha treated it was unusually violent.

"Dragon of Sorrow who doesn't know what love is, I summon you here."

The huge iron armored dragon roared upwards, and Mirtha leaped up on its head, raised her holy staff, made a volley baseball swing, and slammed it hard on Tarasque's iron armor.

"Turn into a shooting star—!"

【tar as que】!

The real name of the Noble Phantasm was released, and huge power and holy light erupted. Tarasque rolled forward like a fast-spinning bowling ball. It was obviously a serious Noble Phantasm, but it had an indescribably subtle sense of nonsense. It should have A more perfect way to use it.

It's a little silly, but it's powerful.

Tarasque's tumbling speed was extremely fast, and in the process of spinning, it spewed out hot dragon breath. The flames wrapped around the iron armor and turned into hot meteors flying all the way in the air. Shura couldn't avoid it, so they ate it immediately. A full size.

"Oh! Yeah! Home run~~"

After landing on the ground, the saint waved her staff excitedly, showing an extremely excited smile, probably because she wanted to do this early in the morning.

The dragon species disappeared, turned into a soul body and floated back in a dingy state, still a little dizzy, with a very bitter expression.

Tarasque's gaze and Bai Jue's gaze intersected, and Bai Jue cast a sympathetic gaze. This is simply a dragon version of Meteor. Thanks to you being a dragon, a human would have died on the spot, and Tarasque also There was a whimpering sound, and I almost cried out with a wow.

With a full blow from the saint, more than [-] Asuras were killed in an instant, and more than [-] Asuras were also seriously injured. In the face of two heroic spirits, a savior and a unit of [-] heroic spirits, there is almost no chance of winning, but they have no intention of retreating.

"Baihu, after seeing this trick just now, I suddenly had a bold idea." The corners of Bai Jue's lips rose, "Do you want to try it?"

"If you dare to slap the tiger's butt, I'll slap you into the dirt on the spot." Bai Hu snorted coldly.

"That's such a pity." Bai Jue shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and he said in a low voice, "Then I can only close the door and let the cats go, Bai Hu!"

The moment the voice fell, thunder rang through the wilderness, and a majestic white tiger fell along with the thunder.

It was bigger than the Iron Armored Dragon, and the shadow of its standing body enveloped the four of them.

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