Mirtha couldn't help showing a look of astonishment, she didn't expect that besides herself, there are people in the world who can summon phantom species. Tarasque also looked at the white tiger, and suddenly felt a little inexplicably inferior... Damn, this phantom species is long So handsome!

"It's okay, Tarasque." Martha comforted: "Although you are a bit ugly, but..."

Tarasque raised his head hastily, his eyes filled with the hope of being comforted.

"But you're getting fat." Mirtha stroked the armored dragon's head, making Tarasque shut himself up on the spot with laughter.

Bai Jue pointed forward, and said, "Baihu, release one hundred thousand volts."


Shen Lei landed on the ground, and the roar resounded for hundreds of miles.

"This battle should be over..." Bai Jue took a step forward: "The five hundred Shuras, one night is enough to clean them up, Dion, Martha, get ready to fight... Mozart, don't worry about it." Lazy, get up and play the battle song."

There is no suspense in this battle, all it takes is a little time.

In the sky, the goshawk hangs the head of General Shura across the sky, and flies to the north, where there is the center of the death of the two countries, and there is the gate of Shura.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Dark night, desolate like water.

A young and tall man sat quietly on top of the dilapidated city tower. He was wearing a cloak stained with blood, his armor was covered with traces of swords, and he held a very bright sword in his hand. This sword is famous, and it is a very famous holy sword.

Its holder is only one in the world, just like the holy gun is to the Lion King, this holy sword is also a symbol of his status.

The Holy Sword Joyeuse, the Seat of God Charlemagne.

Who would have thought that the emperor of France and even the whole of Western Europe would have such a young appearance. He had clearly lived for several centuries but his face was youthful, and he did not look old, but now his eyes were only tired and even confused, and he held a wine bottle in his hand. Kettle, being silent is not making a sound.

A middle-aged old knight walked slowly, years had left traces on his face, but still could not take away his world-shattering title and the strength of character that belonged to the paladin Paladin.

"Roland?" The young emperor didn't turn his head back: "Come, have a drink with me..."

"Your Majesty, drinking alcohol is not suitable on the battlefield." Paladin Roland reminded.

"What battlefield... There are only ruins left here. From the moment Brussels was breached, the Belgian king was martyred, and the whole country was finished long ago. Their bodies are still buried under the rubble." Charlie looked at the broken wall. Sky: "So, there is nothing left here, not even a battlefield, no citizens to protect, no king to protect them."

"Your Majesty, you are drunk." Roland's voice was still calm. He held Charlemagne's arms and looked down at the wine glass. There was no scent of wine in the cool glass. It was clearly not wine, but cold water.

"I'm not drunk." Charlemagne whispered: "I'm just confused... As expected, I'm not qualified to be a king... Compared with managing the country and fighting wars, what I want to do is to immerse myself in adventure middle."

Roland shook his head: "Your Majesty is a qualified king..."

"My life is a daydream intertwined with fantasy and reality, so I want to build an equal country, even if people have different beliefs, people can still talk to each other, don't fight each other with swords, don't hurt each other for interests, and pursue peace. The principle is based on the happiness of all peoples, but... I know I can't do it!" Charlemagne held the cup tightly, cracks appeared on the water cup, and water fell from the cup: "So, I was like, at least I have to protect Well this land, this territory, whatever ... let the peace continue."

"Your Majesty is not wrong. It is because of your belief that we ended the first Heroic Spirit War." Roland said sonorously.

"Then tell me why we're stuck here now?" Charlemagne asked.

Roland was silent.

It was impossible to lose this battle.

The Seat of God governs the heroic spirits of Western Europe, and ten knights of heroic spirits went to the battlefield together, like a sharp spear piercing directly into the heart of Shura Dao.

It is located in the Dutch capital, and as long as the rift in Shura Dao is taken down, the war itself will end.

That battle came to an end as early as two days ago, and it was our own side that was defeated.

Of the ten heroic spirits, now only six are left, and four heroic spirits are lost.

No one expected that the loss would be so heavy.

No one would have imagined that King Asura could use the corpses of the dead heroes and manipulate them as if they were puppet weapons.

It was clearly the corpse of a heroic spirit, the skeleton of a hero, but it was controlled by King Asura, and it became a weapon in its hands. It launched a fierce offensive against the party it was originally guarding... The number of bone puppets controlled by King Asura was even smaller. Not many, only seven, and several of them were not peak heroic spirits. The greatest threat was the corpse of Marshal of Germany.

If you have the Seat of God and the peak heroic spirits of the Ten Riders on your side, if it is a head-on confrontation, you will not lose.

It was just being ambushed and calculated.

It was obviously a secret march, but the destination was calculated by the opponent, and a tragic ambush was fought. The final result was that the four knights were killed, and the skeleton puppets in the hands of King Ashura not only did not decrease, but also increased. .

Charlemagne and the other six Heroic Spirits were forced to withdraw from the Netherlands and into Brussels, the capital of Belgium, intending to return directly to Paris.

But when they arrived in Brussels, they were ambushed again. King Ashura came with six skeleton puppets of heroic spirits. The fierce battle lasted for a day and a night. The heroic spirits were exhausted and destroyed two skeleton puppets of heroic spirits, cutting off one arm of King Asura. , although no one was injured, but the three heroic spirits were severely injured by the treasure, and they were powerless to fight again.

Originally, this time was the best hunting opportunity, but King Asura did not choose this time to fight them to the death. Instead, he trapped them in Brussels, and instead mobilized all the Asura legions to march into the German capital Berlin and the French capital. Paris.

At this time, the worst situation happened. For Charlemagne and others, they were completely caught in a dilemma.

There is no chance of success in launching an attack, and the way back is also blocked.

Forcibly breaking through with wounded soldiers, I am afraid that there will be another loss of three heroic spirits. This loss is simply unbearable in Western Europe today. If they die in battle, they will instead become the tireless and fearless puppets of heroic spirits in the hands of King Asura. .

They have become beasts in a cage.

Some people may wonder why Charlemagne, as the seat of God, could not kill King Asura.

The reason is simple, because he is too young.

It has only been one or two hundred years since she was promoted to the Seat of God. Unlike the Lion King, the Lion King has gradually completed her deification since thousands of years ago. Her power accumulation is far better than that of Charlemagne, and although Charlemagne has the title of Seat of God, However, the deification has not been completely completed. His power comes more from the sword in his hand, the holy sword Joyeuse, but Charlemagne's holy sword does not have the characteristics of purification. Skeletal golems don't work.

And Charlemagne himself is unwilling to desecrate the corpses of the heroic spirits, let alone these heroic spirits... are all his soldiers.

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