He thought it was his own fault, because of the consequences of failing to protect Western Europe and allowing Shura to invade the land, his mental state declined extremely quickly. After several battles, his mental state was also extremely exhausted, and even Start self-doubt and self-mockery.

It is true that today's Charlemagne does not have the courage to be a great emperor. He is still a naive idealist in his bones. He considers himself a paladin, not a king, because of lack of self-identity and lack of confidence. , even the light of Joyeuse began to dim gradually.

Roland also knew what the king was thinking about, what he was regretting, and what he was ashamed of, but even if he knew, he couldn't persuade him, nor could he give Charlemagne any help or confidence, because he himself was equally confused.

The king is confused, how can the following knights not be confused?

The heroic spirits here want to know how the battles in Berlin and Paris are going. They are angry because of their incompetence, but they can't blame anyone. They can only silently lower their heads and chew the bitterness brought about by their weakness.


While the Heroic Spirits bowed their heads, the other side was not far away.

Outside the city of Paris, Bai Jue sat on Shura's corpse and sighed. He was covered in blood, like a butcher, and he couldn't be chic anymore.

Not far away, Dion was still walking around, checking to see if there was any sneak attack party on the ground who had been killed, and was ready to make up the knife at any time.

Mozart, on the other hand, was full of the expression of the rest of his life after a catastrophe, and tremblingly took out a cigarette and lit it, adding a wisp of white smoke to the bloody battlefield.

Martha stepped on Shura's head, and carefully wiped the blood on the holy staff with a quick handkerchief. She looked very much like an underworld big sister who was wiping a knife after beheading someone, and muttered something in her mouth: "Lord, forgive me. Hitting it on the head with a holy stick is not what I thought. Please don't blame me. Well, it can't be wiped clean...Do you really need to use holy water to disinfect it?"

"Miss Saint, please bring two beams of holy light to help me clean up my clothes." Bai Jue shouted.

"Really, the miracle of the holy light is not used in this way. If you want to wash off the blood stains, you should honestly soak in the holy water." Although Martha said so, she still shot a holy light, and the light swept him away. Clean up your clothes.

"Thank you." Bai Jue glanced at the wilderness, and the cold night wind was blowing. He held his cheeks and said, "This battle is finally over, but it's so hard to beat more than a thousand Shuras."

"I feel like I'm dreaming." Dieng said in disbelief, "I actually managed to keep it. That's a thousand Shuras."

"Of course, I'm here..." Martha coughed lightly and then changed her words: "Well, this must be the Lord's favor."

"Anyway, it's a good thing to win." Bai Jue looked at the city of Paris: "At least Paris is defending, but it's a pity..."

"It's a pity?" Mozart shook his hand: "You wouldn't say that there will be another wave after one wave? Then I will choose to die."

"You need to know the value of life." Bai Jue shook his head and said, "I'm not talking about Paris, but Berlin...Since Paris is attacked, Berlin is very likely to be attacked too, but it's a pity that Berlin is too far away."

"Indeed, there is a possibility." Dieng nodded lightly: "There are not many defenders left in Berlin... The number of heroic spirits in Germany has been insufficient in recent years. After losing the Marshal, it has already fallen apart. precursor."

"So, Berlin fell again..." Bai Jue withdrew his gaze: "It can only be said that it is still bad luck."

Who told me that I am not familiar with Germany and I don’t like it... There are not many good things about Germans, there are always some monsters and ghosts in history... And my girlfriend is in France, and my girlfriend is in France, and my girlfriend is in France... …Say the important words three times.

"These things, there will be battle reports later." Dieng stabbed the last Shura, and after confirming that it was dead, she put the sword back into the sheath and gave in sideways: "Now, please return to Paris, the defense The fortifications will be repaired overnight by the logistics engineer unit, and the operation of the enchantment will be restored within half a day. I am tired from the battle today, so go to rest early, Mrs. Saintess...Your Excellency."

When Bai Jue saw Dion's earnest hospitality, he couldn't help but joked ten years later, "Sleep with you?"

When Dion heard the words, his ears turned red immediately: "That, that... tonight I'm afraid..."

"Just kidding." Bai Jue said, "Don't be too nervous, I'm not the kind of person who has no morals. You see, Miss Martha is going to give me an iron fist warning."

"I'm a saint! Don't say such things in front of me, okay? It's very hurtful!" Maerda sighed, who made the saint not marry?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Crowded, cold, noisy, complicated...is this really Paris?" Bai Jue stood at the top of the hotel overlooking the city, the cold morning wind blew his clothes, his eyes under the mask were very peaceful : "It's no wonder that [-] million people are congested in a city. It's just that the order has not collapsed so far, and I'm afraid it won't last for too long. People will starve to death and freeze to death every day."

"But if you don't stay in Paris, the result will be the same if you go out." Dieng's voice came from behind, her face was a little stiff, but she still smiled at Bai Jue: "Good morning, Your Excellency..."

"Early rest is not harmful to the body. Even a heroic spirit has a limit to the spirit." Bai Jue turned around and said, "The internal situation in Paris is so bad that it can't be solved by internal affairs alone. We have to deal with the enemy and take care of the people. You can't take it."

"I'm just doing some insignificant work. No one can do His Majesty's work." Dieng smiled bitterly: "Actually, I went to destroy a cult group last night. The other party seemed to be a believer of a cult, advocating that the end is coming soon." beliefs, tried to package themselves as gods, and even launched a riot in an area, words that no one would believe in peacetime, but turned thousands of people into pawns."

"Is it clean?" Bai Jue asked.

Dieng shook his head: "Only the leader and some uncontrollable thugs were killed, and everyone else was detained in a fixed place."

"A ignorant person is always ignorant. Killing them saves food instead. This group of people just eat too much." Bai Jue's voice was a little cold: "When the people are incited to riot during the war, all participants should be punished... If you are kind, simply It's good to be exiled."

"Your Excellency, it's very realistic." Dion smiled bitterly: "Maybe we really should do this, but it's not up to me to decide."

"There are no other heroic spirits in this city of Paris." Bai Jue asked, "Where did they all go?"

"...Go to Shura Dao." Dion hesitated, but she still said it out. She thought Bai Jue was trustworthy. Although the origin was unknown, but she helped her defend the city of Paris, of course it was a friendly army.

"Beheading tactics?" Bai Jue sighed: "No, this is just a simple iron-headed boy. I'm afraid he has smashed his head. Why are you so anxious? When I arrive, the battle may be over long ago."

He had more or less guessed this possibility.

If Charlemagne didn't want to sit still, he would naturally have no choice but to fight head-on, using the mobility of the heroic spirits to form an invincible army to forcefully attack Shura Dao, and end the war before the flames of war completely burned the country.

The idea is beautiful, but in terms of the result, it is still too beautiful.

Dion remained silent, staring at Bai Jue's back, wondering what he was thinking, there was silence between the two of them, and she suddenly remembered that the time they had known each other was very short, they didn't know each other, and they didn't even know each other. Knowing the name of the other party, this young man is full of mysteries that cannot be seen clearly.

Dion plucked up his courage and really wanted to ask: "Your Excellency..."

"The typhoon is very windy, and there are still many kryptonite madmen waiting in line to jump, so don't stand here and talk." Bai Jue turned around and patted Dieng's shoulder lightly: "My business is yours." Don't ask, I won't tell you if you ask, and now there is no need to worry about who I am, the important thing is others."

Dion was interrupted, Xi opened his mouth, closed his lips, hummed lightly, and followed Bai Jue.


In the hotel lobby, the surrounding crowd had already been evacuated. In the crowded Paris, perhaps only here is a little clean.

In the hall, Mirtha and Mozart were having a dry and cold breakfast.

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