Heroic Spirit can actually do without eating, but there will be a little hunger. The breakfast on the table can be said to be very shabby, two slices of ham, one piece of bread, two fried eggs, an ordinary Western-style breakfast, but it is such an ordinary breakfast The people can't eat it either. Almost all the people only have two meals a day. There are more than [-] million people, each with one mouth, and each person can spit out a Dongting Lake... The huge resource consumption is not a joke.

The most important thing is that the accumulated supplies have gradually become tight. If this continues, the city of Paris will run out of food in less than a month.

This is still the situation after the Heroic Spirits on the front line fought back to regain some areas and recovered the supplies, which is not optimistic by any means.

Thinking of this, Martha couldn't stop clasping her hands and praying to the Lord.

Mozart, on the other hand, ate it heartlessly and said it was really delicious.

Bai Jue couldn't get used to the breakfast in the four directions, so he handed his breakfast to the center, and whoever wanted it would take it.

As a result, Mozart directly snatched the plate away, but when Dion raised his eyebrows, he had to put the plate down again, and said with a dry smile: "I eat men, there is no way I can eat more, at least give me an extra piece of bread... Anyway I also worked out a little bit yesterday."

"You contracted more than [-]% of the jokes, I admit it." Bai Jue teased: "Maybe you should change your job and become a comedian."

"It doesn't exist..." Mozart sighed: "Now I want to go back to my hometown..."

"Say two more words, and your role will be over immediately." Bai Jue reminded.

"I'm always wondering whether Vienna can hold its own."

"With the thirteen apostles, the defensive battle is not too difficult. There are a large number of beasts, but after all, most of them are beasts without intelligence. Even if there are some fantasy species and high-level monsters, there are ways to repel them." Ma Ma Erda stopped praying and said, "That's why the Pope sent me here to hold the battle for you. It just so happened that I couldn't stay any longer, so I couldn't hold back... Well, I heard the Lord's teachings, so I came to help you Yes, after all, I am just a weak saint, fighting or something is too barbaric."

"I believe the weak saint who smashed the city wall with one punch." Mozart chewed on the ham and made an indistinct sound.

Martha took an egg from Bai Jue's plate, and chewed a sip gracefully: "It's hard to come to Paris, but I don't have the opportunity to go sightseeing at all. Speaking of which, Charlemagne is not here. Could it be that he is going to Berlin?" gone?"

"No..." Dion hesitated to say.

"Charlemagne and the main combat forces in Western Europe are probably trapped in the Netherlands or Belgium." Bai Jue said lightly: "Isolated and helpless, in a dilemma."

"This..." The knife and fork in Mozart's hand fell to the ground: "How do you know? Did you dream about him?"

"I have never heard of this matter." Maerda blinked her eyes: "Is it true?"

"It's my guess, but I'm [-]% sure. Otherwise, there's no reason why I won't return. No matter whether the beheading is successful or not, I should leave immediately. If I miss a blow, I will flee thousands of miles. This is the self-cultivation of assassins and assassins. What's more, it's a heroic spirit. If you want to run, it's theoretically impossible not to go. There may be two kinds of existence..." Bai Jue leaned back on the chair and raised a finger: "The whole army was wiped out, or... fell into a trap. "

"Your Majesty will be fine!" Dion stood up abruptly: "How is it possible for the Seat of God... What's more, that is the combat power of most of Western Europe. It is impossible for so many heroic spirits to fail!"

"Nothing is impossible." Bai Jue shook his fingers: "Facts speak louder than words. I suggest you give up such idealistic expectations and consider the situation as the most serious outcome."

"Well." Mozart also nodded: "Indeed, if this is the case, then I should hurry up and buy myself a cemetery, and lie in it now, at least I don't have to worry about being dug up, and I won't be killed by the Asuras." After that, there was not even a coffin board..."

"Lord, can I beat him? Can I beat him? Can I kill him?" Martha folded her hands and prayed to the sky. Then she had a flash of inspiration and smiled at Mozart: "The Lord told me Say - yes."

"How could the saint abuse violence against innocent people!" Mozart hid behind Bai Jue with an unfinished breakfast.

"But you're not human, you're a scum." Maerda smiled and said heart-rending words: "Your Excellency, please step aside, don't beat this guy to the ground, we can't continue our conversation... eh, cough, I mean, the Lord told me to give a word of caution to some guy who doesn't know what love is, let me convince (physically) him."

"Do you know about the Prisoner's Dilemma?" Bai Jue ignored the noise of the two heroic spirits and asked, "It's a very classic theory, a non-zero-sum game in game theory, which directly reflects that the best choice for the individual is not the best for the group. Choice, even if you have a common interest, the final result of your personal choice is to favor yourself, and now..."

"We are also in the prisoner's dilemma?" Mozart followed Bai Jue's words: "It is also a kind of game? What's your opinion?"

"It's not a high theory... I just came up with this theory suddenly, and I just wanted to pretend to be aggressive. This theory has nothing to do with our current situation. Don't take it seriously, Gua Wazi, if you take it seriously, you will lose." Mozart, who had a serious face, was struck with a headache. The musician's bewildered expression made him laugh happily: "Although it has nothing to do with the prisoner's dilemma, in the current situation, both of us are indeed prisoners, because We don't know anything about each other's situation, so we misjudge the situation."

"Charlemagne lost contact, he is a prisoner."

"We have no way of knowing his situation in Paris. We are also prisoners."

"Two huge cages trap each other. Unless a connection is established, the two cages will continue to exist. Neither side can judge the situation in the other's cage and will make a wrong estimate. Therefore, I am afraid that I will make a mistake. , so I choose to continue to maintain the cage...but this method of maintaining the cage is also wrong, because we can't afford to wait." Bai Jue snapped his fingers: "Therefore, we must break the two cages and establish a connection. Only by reaching a bridge of connection, breaking through the blockade of the other party."

"It sounds like the other party deliberately calculated the result." Mozart muttered.

Dion was silent. It was hard for her to imagine that if it was really the other party's strategy... the Asuras really possessed the wisdom not to lose to the primates, so the current situation has always been under the control of the other party?Maybe the situation is really as bad as Bai Jue speculated.

"Although the situation is very bad, it's not to the point of despair." Bai Jue glanced at Martha: "Are you right? The head of the Holy Maiden."

"Who is the eldest sister, don't use names indiscriminately!" Martha glared at him, and said compassionately: "I am a saint, please be careful with your words in the future! But I basically agree with you, human beings cannot And falling into despair, if you admit defeat from the bottom of your heart, then you have really failed, but as long as you refuse to admit defeat, there are countless possibilities, and the Lord has also warned us in this way.”

"These words... skr~" Mozart sat back on his chair at some point: "I think it's okay."

"The answer is actually surprisingly simple." Bai Jue said lightly, "Go to Belgium and see."

"Are you going to leave the city of Paris alone?" Dieng asked hurriedly, "Even if there is an enchantment, there is no way to resist the attack of the Asuras without heroic spirits."

"Of course not." Bai Jue smiled, and the smile was very pleasant: "The strategy of changing the house is deadly... What I mean is, what kind of operation do you need to push over? Reckless, it's over!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Reckless?" Dion couldn't figure out why Bai Jue came to such a conclusion, but felt that it was unprecedentedly absurd.

"Recklessness is an attitude, recklessness is a kind of romance, recklessness is a kind of life, recklessness is a state." Bai Jue said: "Many things are often not so complicated. What layout, what calculation, what plan , all of them are unnecessary...there is actually only one thing we need to do, destroy the Shura Dao, liberate the Western European front, that's all."

"That's right, it's just..." Dion said softly, "Why do you have such confidence?"

"Yes, who gave you the courage?" Mozart also asked curiously in Chinese.

"Probably Liang Jingru?" Bai Jue answered casually, then shook his head: "Courage is given by her, but self-confidence is not... Confidence cannot be given by others. You can only win it back by yourself. You have to ask me why I am so confident. , Of course, I have crossed countless battlefields and faced countless powerful enemies, and I can finally sit here and chat with you because I have almost never lost a game."

The reason why I say almost is because he almost rolled over not long ago.

"So, this time, I think I should be able to win too."

What Bai Jue said was a matter of course.

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