"Sure enough, during the battle last night, Your Excellency did not show his full strength." Dieng's face showed a trace of bitterness: "Then if you think so...you can do it even without our help. "

"Yes." Bai Jue nodded affirmatively and said, "You're right. In fact, I don't care about Paris, Berlin, people's lives and heroic spirits, and just copy the other party's hometown. Although the process may be more difficult, But relying on Mad Dog's reckless style of play, the chance of winning is about [-]%."

"Wow, don't you brag and don't draft drafts?" How could Mozart believe that there is still a [-]% chance of winning against Shura Dao alone. Why don't you say that you can solve the six reincarnations alone? He complained: " Xiao Huozhi, do you want to say that you are the reincarnation of the savior?"

"I am not the reincarnation of the savior." Bai Jue said modestly, "I am the savior."

"This is the first time I've seen someone with a thicker skin than me." Mozart cupped his hands: "Hold your hands together, old man."

Martha believed it somewhat, because she had seen a phantom species that was bigger than Tarasque, and the level of that white tiger was undoubtedly higher than that of the dragon species. To be able to control such a powerful spirit body, Bai Jue's own strength must be On top of it, what she saw was just the tip of the iceberg. The most important thing is... The Maiden of the Iron Fist is essentially a boxer who likes to challenge the strong. After seeing Bai Jue, Martha has always had an impulse in her heart : I want to have a serious fight with him.

Dion did not doubt that there was him, and she could see it more clearly, because Bai Jue's attitude was so relaxed from the beginning to the end, and his tone was humorous, as if there were thousands of troops and horses: "Just, why? If you don't need us, you don't need us at all. You don't need to save us... including now, you don't have to worry about it."

There was curiosity and temptation in her eyes, and she asked cautiously, like a cat that dared not approach strangers.

She can't make a big bet with Bai Jue with [-] million people in Paris, so whether he is trustworthy or not... Even though Dion knows that if Bai Jue leaves, the city of Paris cannot be defended, but she still wants to Make your own choices.

This question stumped Bai Jue.

He can't sing "Ten Years" to imply the pure friendship between you and me ten years later, right?

Since it cannot be implied or expressed, how should I answer?

Bai Jue thought about it seriously, and said, "There are two reasons."

"I would like to hear more about it." Dion nodded earnestly, like a top student waiting to be called in class.

"The first reason is intuition..."

"Intuition?" Dion didn't understand.

"To put it simply, you need help, so I'm here." Bai Jue said calmly: "I'm not a saint, and I'm busy, but I still have to save as much as I can. What's more, I don't hate France, and I don't hate France. Heroic spirit of France."

Dion was stunned, she didn't expect the reason to be so simple and straightforward.

Martha also nodded lightly: "It is true that there is no reason to help others. Kindness and kindness come from the true self. Your Excellency also has the appearance of a saint. Don't you consider joining our church? The salary is very high."

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that the treatment you give is not as good as other countries." Bai Jue said the truth: "But I can't do what you do, I am more freer, at least let me seal my own sword, I am sure I can't stand it, Your Majesty Iron Fist."

Martha stroked the holy staff and said with a smile, "Besides, I'm going to get mad?"

"The first reason is not bad for pretending to be aggressive and increasing favorability." Mozart rested his chin on the table: "What about the second reason?"

"The second reason." Bai Jue looked at the other three and said with a mischievous smile, "I can't say it yet."

"Hmm..." Dion puffed his cheeks unhappily, his eyes full of resentment.

"The second reason is related to some things. I can't say too much, and it's actually not complicated, because I can't let it go." Bai Jue got up and said, "I'll tell you all after this big battle is over." .”

He set up a flag quietly and skillfully, at the same time he got up and walked by the heroic spirit, and said calmly: "I know, you care about your country and your people very much, but you only care, don't you?" The fundamental thing to maintain peace is force, when the weights of the scales are no longer equal and the war begins, anyone who lives is fighting for his life, and if he wants something, he must fight with his life.”

"I don't understand the matter of marching and fighting. The strength of Shura Dao has surpassed ordinary concepts. Charlemagne is also aware of this and chose to take the risky move. Otherwise, he would not let go of Paris and choose to attack Shura Dao... Your Majesty actually sees it more thoroughly than you, and his choice was clearly placed in front of your eyes from the very beginning."

"But, Your Majesty, Hasn't Your Majesty already..." Dion hesitated. Charlemagne has not returned so far, which has proved that his battle plan has failed. Is there any value in continuing to implement such a failed plan?

"The authorities are obsessed." Bai Jue said: "I think his plan is very clever. The reason for the failure is not him, but the opponent is stronger. Choose the most decisive fish to die and the net to break, that's all the simple truth."

"You're fooling us into dying." Mozart muttered, "It's too much."

"Then if you stay in Paris, won't you die?" Bai Jue asked back, "Would you rather be a coward who survived for a few more days, or a fighter, even if it's only for five seconds?"

"I choose cowardly..."

"Damn it." Bai Jue kicked up: "The big whale is not as shameful as you!"

"Don't use violence indiscriminately." Martha said compassionately: "Ten punches and eight punches are enough."

The scene was a bit chaotic, but Dion's thinking was very calm. She knew that Martha was persuaded from the very beginning, and she must agree with Bai Jue's point of view. Since the beginning, she had never opposed Bai Jue. It's a reckless man, so there must be sympathy.

And Mozart is not considered a combat power at all, so don't worry about his opinion, just drag it on the battlefield and use it as a speaker.

From the beginning, only Dion himself was struggling with doubts.

"What about the plan?" She took a deep breath: "The battle plan..."

"Of course there are." Bai Jue let go of Mozart's nostrils, wiped his clothes, and took out a military communicator made in Britain. A three-dimensional map was projected on the screen, and he said: " The British war has ceased, and the satellite system monitoring system has been restored. I contacted the British side last night, and it is completely possible to achieve long-range artillery strikes from the sea. Although the French navy is useless, Britain is willing to send part of the army to help. "

"Currently, the Asura's troops are divided into two groups, one part is attacking Paris, the other part is attacking Berlin. Both Berlin and France are a long distance from the Netherlands. This means that the Asura Road in the Netherlands does not have many guards, which is suitable for sneak attacks."

"Because the Asuras haven't completely occupied the land and haven't developed a navy node yet, use the navy to carry out long-range bombing on the land, pretend to be a beach landing battle, and attract the attention of the Asuras, so we will take the opportunity to go here."

Bai Jue pointed to a city on the map: "Brussels is the capital of Belgium, the seat of the administrative body of the European Union, the headquarters of NATO, known as the capital of Europe, and it also has an excellent quality, that is, The battlefield...Eighteen kilometers south of Brussels, there is a small town at the end of the Sovani Forest, this town is called Waterloo."

The world-famous battle, the Battle of Waterloo broke out here. This is an ancient battlefield, which has a natural advantage in confrontation.

"Why Brussels? Why Waterloo?" asked Dieng.

"Because the satellite video once captured the light of the holy sword in Brussels, although it was only for a moment, I guess Charlemagne should be near Brussels, but he couldn't leave, he was probably trapped, otherwise Belgium would be so close to France He should not return to Paris, and it is impossible to go to Germany instead, assuming he is in the Belgian capital, then Shura's attention must be diverted, so that we have a chance to meet him."

Bai Jue continued: "I killed a Shura general before, and its head was brought back. This is a signal and a warning. The attention of the Shura will be more focused on embanking Paris. If I were them, I would definitely Attack Berlin with all your strength, and take a defensive stance against Paris. It is possible to attack by force, but it is not necessary. I suggest directly crossing the frontal defense line of the Asuras."

"How to cross?" Mozart wiped his nose with a tissue: "God?"

"You're right." Bai Jue nodded: "It's fine to fly there, but once we cross the defense line of the Asuras, it will be difficult to turn back to help Paris, so this battle is fought with time differences and attacks...everything must be done The deployment is completed before the other party reacts."

"Then if according to what you said, the most powerful person who trapped His Majesty Charles stayed in Brussels, if we took the initiative to attack, we would definitely collide with it." Dieng frowned: "Is there any chance of winning?"

"Of course, just kill it." Bai Jue smiled lightly: "It's better to say, this is exactly what I want. It would be great if it stayed in Brussels. We can catch it by surprise. When it is killed During the delay, Lancelot, chief of the Knights of the Round Table, will directly attack the Asura Way, and the plan will go through."

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