"Well, this shit is arranged?" Mozart's eyes widened: "It was clearly arranged... Are you really a reckless man?"

"I'm a reckless man, but no one said that a reckless man can't have a brain." Bai Jue cupped his hands: "Don't say much, Egypt is awesome."


Chapter five hundred and seventeen begins to counterattack

"The spring breeze of reform is blowing all over the place, huh huh huh~" Bai Jue hummed a melodious and brisk little song: "The people of Shenzhou are so upbeat, so upbeat, so upbeat~ This world is so crazy, mice are all cats as bridesmaids... are you here? ?”

He stopped humming, looked back and said, "Soldiers are so fast, there are only three hours left before the scheduled time."

"Sorry, it took me a while..." Dion glanced at Mozart: "This guy wants to get away."

"Help, kill me! I'm a musician, why do you want me to go to the battlefield! I'm so weak! If a little monster rubs against it, my blood will return to zero!" Mozart shouted: "Too Too much! I haven't lived enough in my life!"

"Stop talking nonsense, a big man is going to die or live, just go to the battlefield, straighten your back!" Mierda glared at him: "The Lord said, I want you to fight, fight like a man!"

"And then died on the spot?" Mozart whimpered, "You guys are too much! I clearly have no fighting power!"

"Gag his mouth." Bai Jue said.

"No cloth." Martha looked around, but couldn't find anything suitable.

"You can put fat times in his mouth." Bai Jue suddenly said a very gentlemanly dialogue.

Mozart suddenly became short of breath.

"He's excited, hey, he is indeed a perverted musician..." Bai Jue smiled: "If fat times are not enough, stockings are also fine, the original ones."

"Where did the saint get the stockings!" Martha waved her fist and said angrily, "Warning once, next time I won't harass you, just Muay Thai."

"Hahaha... just say a few jokes to ease the atmosphere." Bai Jue looked at Dion: "Don't be too nervous, the battle plan has been drawn up, whether you succeed or not in this battle, if you lose, everyone will go to hell together. Be happy~"

"Your Excellency!" Dion yelled, and then she whispered, "Don't make such a joke...we will definitely succeed."

"No, we must make it work."

Bai Jue's voice fell, the phantom of the phoenix took shape under his feet, the bodies of the three heroic spirits floated in the air, Dion and Martha sat on their backs, and Mozart was caught in the claws of the phoenix, and it soared into the sky, breaking through the clouds , and flew towards the north.

In the clouds, in the wind, the two heroic spirits overlook the earth. The scenery above the clouds is unforgettable.

Heroic spirits are human beings after all. Human feet are bound to the ground, but if they can fly freely in the sky, then perhaps they can experience the ultimate freedom. Dion stretched out his hand to caress the clouds, obviously going to the battlefield, but she still Therefore, she was delighted by such a novel experience, perhaps she didn't even realize it, as long as she stayed behind him, she felt a silent sense of security.

This peace of mind is my hometown.


On the sea surface of the Strait of Dover, a line of warships sailed silently.

On the top of the flagship deck, a knight in white armor looked at the sky.

Lancelot's eyesight is enough to see the western European continent clearly.

Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is adjacent to the Strait of Dover, and is exposed to the artillery fire of the fleet. So far, Shura Dao has not demonstrated the ability to fight on the sea, and long-range bombardment can also be tested.

An officer walked behind Lancelot: "Your Excellency the Knights of the Round Table... We have arrived at the battle site and can start shelling anytime."

"Order all ships to start long-range artillery strikes in five minutes, targeting Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. The shelling will last for three hours without stopping for a second." Lancelot said: "In the name of my king, we want to win this battle. victory--!"

"Yes, for the empire!" The officer's arm: "Five minutes later, start shelling!"

Lancelot looked at the continent of Western Europe and murmured in a low voice: "The king has high hopes for you. I was the one who should have gone to France, but now I believe in your power. Don't let my king down."

On the calm coastline, the sound of roaring artillery fire resounded.

The British Fleet begins long-range artillery bombardment of Amsterdam.

In the modern military, the fleet's attack on the land is weakened, because it will be rubbed against the sea by the azimuth air force, and Amsterdam, which is still destroyed, still loses the protection of the modern military, and is completely exposed to the muzzle of the naval guns. Down.


"I heard shelling."

With the voice of the sky, Bai Jue closed his eyes and rested his mind. He said: "The attack of the British fleet has begun. This time the bombardment will last for three hours. The fleet will wander around the strait, but will not land... Let's see how the Shuras respond. This wave of home raids, if they choose to act, we can move, and to deal with them is the time difference."

"Speaking of which...it's really awe-inspiring."

Bai Jue said with emotion in words that only he himself could hear: "The horrifying breath, that's probably the breath of King Asura, and this breath also dominates other puppets... obviously lost their souls, but their bodies are still fighting , This kind of technique is really creepy, and I also understand why Charlemagne and others are no longer opponents."

He was observing the battle situation in Brussels from the top of the clouds, and he had already noticed something strange.

The situation of Charlemagne and others is not optimistic, it can even be said to be bad.

There are only a few heroic spirits who can fight, and the other heroic spirits are either severely injured or in a coma.

Faced with King Asura's oppression, they had no choice but to stay in the ruined city of Brussels. They didn't have the ability to perceive the soul, and they didn't know where King Asura was. Even if they wanted to break through, it would be extremely difficult. stuck here so...

"It's really ugly." Bai Jue said: "It's meaningless for the majestic God's Seat to stand here... Without the consciousness of a strong man, and without the bravery to kill a fish, can the majestic Emperor Charlemagne even be unable to hold a sword? Really... can not watch anymore."

He turned his head and said to several people, "I'm going down."

"Eh?" Dion didn't understand what happened, didn't he say he wanted to wait a while to see the movements of the Asuras?Now that there is no battle report from the front line, it seems inappropriate to launch an attack directly, right?

"Everyone, are you ready?" Bai Jue lowered his figure, and the phoenix also began to hover in the air, making a dive posture.

"Of course." Martha held the holy staff, her fair complexion flushed a little with excitement, "I can't wait to beat them to death... Well, I mean I can't wait to get them free."

"Then get ready." Bai Jue said coldly: "Phoenix, launch an awesome attack! Phoenix wings fly to the sky—!"

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