The sound of the phoenix's cry came from above the sky, and the sky was scorched by fire. The phoenix turned into a red fire meteor and fell. The sudden attack was too fast, leaving only a few seconds for the heroic skeleton puppet on the ground to react.

The skeletal puppets of the heroic spirits stood in different positions, forming a hexagonal shape on the map, so Bai Jue aimed at one of the corners, which was also the heroic spirit with the weakest breath.

As the phoenix launched a deadly kamikaze attack, this awesome attack burned his own health, and directly burned this heroic spirit to ashes.

However, before the phoenix landed, several people had already jumped and landed in different positions.

And Bai Jue directly found the strongest bone puppet of the heroic spirit. The man was wearing a pitch-black German military uniform with a stern face. Although he was beheaded once, his head was installed back. All of them turned an extremely ominous red.

Bai Jue's figure fell from the sky, and he slashed down with a sword in the air, attracting the attention of the heroic spirit, but his target was not the heroic spirit's puppet, but the building under his feet. The eighteen-story building was crushed in one breath It was cut in two, like a cake that was split from the center, and collapsed to both sides. When countless rubble and rubble fell, the bodies of both sides flew into the air, Bai Jue was on top, and the heroic puppet was below.

The heroic puppet has consciousness, but no soul. Its consciousness is the consciousness infused by King Asura. It is used as a puppet and a weapon to stimulate [-]% of its combat potential. Except that it cannot release the treasure, it is almost fully Beyond the original Heroic Spirit.

But puppets are puppets after all, even if they have fighting instincts, they are not enough to compete with real heroic spirits.

For the heroic puppet, it's just a meeting, and this is just a meeting, Bai Jue has already counted everything.

The moment the floor collapsed, the puppet's counterattack began. It raised its arms and condensed dozens of invisible vacuum blades out of thin air. The lethality was enough to penetrate the shell of the armored vehicle, and the vacuum air blades rushed towards the face.

At the same time, the power of the heroic spirit condensed, and the uniform on his body released a flowing radiance. Driven by his fighting instinct, he adopted a strategy of simultaneously executing defense and offense. , Even if it is a head-on nuclear bomb, it can withstand it.

All these actions are delaying the time for him to land. As long as he lands, he can launch a counterattack after only a few seconds.

It's a pity that Bai Jue didn't give him these few seconds.

He chose a quick decision, and released the strongest move without any hesitation.

Sword light—the frenzied sword energy converged on Bai Jue's sword, thousands of sword energy flowed out from the limbs and bones, like a gushing spring, and finally attached to the sword, Forged into an invincible sword light, the sword light is magnificent, forty meters long.

Red Thunder - The red thunder flashed in his eyes, the tyrannical fury was uncontrollable, even the air itself became a pedal, his speed was so fast that the flow of time seemed to be slowed down, he stared at all of the heroic puppet The facial expressions and movements are just a contemptuous smile and a faint contempt.


The confrontation ended in an instant, and it passed by in a flash.

Da... Bai Jue landed lightly on the ground, recovered his figure from the cold red and white light, and stood with a sword in one hand.

At this time, the first piece of rubble in the collapsed building has not yet landed.

In the air, the skeletal puppet of the heroic spirit has been dismembered, and all vitality was cut off with a single sword, and the red thunder destroyed his body.

The human body dissipated like pure white ash after burning.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In just a moment, Bai Jue did not underestimate the enemy, and killed the strongest heroic puppet with thunder.

He used all the methods he could use. From the beginning to the end of the battle, there was really only a moment.

Two puppets were destroyed, there were still four puppets, and King Ashura... There was no time to immerse in the results of the battle.This is just the beginning.

Bai Jue raised his sword and went straight to the center, where there were Charlemagne and other heroic spirits.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty Charles!" In the ruined city, Dion shouted Charlemagne's name.

Charlemagne was sitting in the sun in a daze. After hearing this call, he reacted. He stared at Dion who suddenly appeared, and whispered: "You, why are you here... What's wrong with Paris?"

"Paris is fine! We are holding it!" Dion stared at Charlemagne's decadent appearance. His eyes were bloodshot, his chin was stubbled, and his hair was messy. He looked in a very bad state of mind. She hurriedly passed the good news He told Charlemagne: "Your Majesty, Paris is still there, and reinforcements are coming. Both Britain and the Vatican are helping us. Now is the opportunity to win Shura Dao in one fell swoop?"

"Is Paris still there?" There was a little light in Charlemagne's eyes, and he nodded: "Let's... retreat while we still have our combat power."

—Let's retreat.

These three words froze Dion's expression, and she hurriedly confirmed: "Your Majesty? Retreat? This... this opportunity is the only one!"

Charlemagne shook his head, and Dion could only look at Paladin Roland on the other side: "Your Excellency Roland, please trust me!"

Roland also bowed his head and remained silent. He was a paladin and a courtier, and his advice was useless to Charlemagne, and he knew it very well.

"Keep the fighting power of the heroic spirit and the capital of the first battle. If we are desperate now, everything will really be over when we are all dead." Charlemagne held Joyeuse, who was no longer shining, and said: "I said, withdraw……"

"Shanima—!" A figure galloped forward, at a speed of eighty miles per second, kicked Charlemagne's side face with a shoe of forty yards, and a shoe print was printed on his side face, After flying a distance of tens of meters, he bumped his head into the ruins, and the dust was flying.

Roland stared wide-eyed at the sudden appearance of Bai Jue, and Dion also opened his mouth wide, staring in astonishment at the thug who kicked his emperor away, she couldn't even speak fluently: "Ge Ge Ge... Your Excellency How can you be so rude, that's, that's..."

"Foolish loyalty." Bai Jue knocked Dion on the head: "The one in front of you is not Charlemagne, but a poor guy who is autistic and exploded because of a loss. Look at his eyes. Do you have any fighting spirit?"

Dion opened his mouth and couldn't refute for a while.

Charlemagne stood up from the ruins, and Bai Jue kicked him hard, but he didn't hurt him. He touched his painful jaw, and his numb spirit was a little angry: "Who are you, I won't ask, Just staying here is waiting to die!"

"Waiting for death? Do you think retreating is not death? Even if you follow your advice and retreat, you will never have another chance to hide your strength and bide your time. You should be aware of this. King Asura will never let us go, the result will be the same." Bai Jue stabbed Feixue sword into the ground, and walked forward with fists clenched: "If you don't dare to hit, just stand here obediently, and don't hinder us from 'sending to death'."


"Then consider me stupid." Bai Jue held Charlemagne's collar, his golden pupils stared coldly at his blood-red eyes, his gaze intertwined, and his voice was heavy: "Listen to me, God Zhizuo, the one in Britain had the same pessimistic thoughts as you not long ago, but now she has come to her senses. In my opinion, her pessimism is understandable, but it is unforgivable for you to explode to the point of being autistic, a heroic spirit who has lost his fighting spirit You are not even as good as a dog, let alone you are the Seat of God, why? You have the confidence to fight against people, but you don’t have the confidence to fight against the sky?"

Charlemagne gritted his teeth and growled: "What do you know? If I was the only one, how could I spare my life! I just don't want to see my subordinates die needlessly! They are my subordinates and my friends! They Trust me, entrust your life to me, and I promised to bring them back! But where are they now! In the hands of the enemy, even if they die, their bodies will become their weapons!"

He gasped angrily, roaring like a raging lion.

"Dead, it's not a one-and-done death."

"If we all die here, what will happen?"

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