"Our body will become a tool to slaughter the people... People who believe in heroic spirits will be slaughtered by heroic spirits!" The angry roar of God Seat finally turned into a dejected murmur: "Do you understand how I feel when I cut off the head of my comrade-in-arms? "

"……Can you understand?"

He smiled bitterly, because no one would understand this feeling. The feeling of personally beheading the paladin who followed him was more painful than betrayal.

Roland held the sword tightly, and he also beheaded his friend with his own hands, but he was a paladin, not a monarch, and he was entrusted with trust, but he did not have to bear the responsibility of a king, and Charlemagne could not escape the trial of self-responsibility.

Dion understood, and she also shuddered: "How could this be... Heroic Spirit was..."

"Don't be afraid." Bai Jue let go of his hand, turned to Dion and asked, "Be scared, don't be overwhelmed by fear, then everything is really over... Dion, did you set foot on the battlefield to die?"

"No, no, of course not." Dion put his right hand on his chest: "I am for my motherland, for the people, and for loyalty."

"Yes, death is not the goal." Bai Jue said lightly: "As long as you don't die, as long as no one dies in battle, King Asura can't control the heroic spirit."

"It's not that simple..." Charlemagne gritted his teeth: "Someone will die in the war."

"Yeah, it's very difficult. Everyone will die. Once they die in battle, they will become puppets, but people must have a desire to survive." Bai Jue said calmly: "Fear of the enemy, fear of death, and fear of being used after death , the result is the same, it is all fear... and everyone will have fear, the important thing is not fear, but the courage needed to overcome fear."

"This reason is very simple, everyone understands... you are all warriors who can stand as a thousand, and you are all heroes chosen by the principles of civilization. You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid of failure, because this battle that cannot be defeated .”

"So, if you really feel uneasy, just look at me." Bai Jue stared at Charlemagne, stared at Roland, stared at Dion, stared at the heroic spirits approaching, with the words of the final weight of his life, every word a meal.

He is declaring.

"I will live! And to the end! To the moment when the war ends!"

"If you are afraid, afraid that your corpse will become the puppet of King Asura, and become a weapon to slaughter the people and destroy the country, then... I will kill you one by one!"

"I swear to the principles of civilization! I swear to every hero present here!"

"Your corpse will not be reduced to a tool of destruction, because before that, I will wipe it clean!"

"I will shoulder all the responsibilities! No matter how heavy the responsibility is! Even if I personally kill my comrades-in-arms! I will not hesitate or regret it!"

"Because, this is my responsibility."

"I am the one who accomplishes all good deeds and evil deeds in the world! All faults, all sins, and all good intentions are entrusted to me!"

Bai Jue's voice resounded over the city, and the heroic spirits could hear it.

He could hear his oath, his sonorous and forceful words, and his resounding promise.

The uneasy mood seemed to be calmed down, and those dark fears were smoothed out with this vow, the chaotic breathing was no longer rapid, and something seemed to be burning in the deepest part of the soul.

Something replaced the fear, and the palms no longer trembled.

Charlemagne raised his lowered head slowly, stared at Bai Jue, and asked in a low voice: "If I die, will you collect my body?"

"Don't worry, I will give you a good time when the time comes." Bai Jue smiled and stretched out his hand: "Are you still afraid now?"

"...Ha...haha...hahahahaha——!" Charlemagne let out a hoarse and low-pitched laugh, which gradually expanded, and finally became a hearty laugh. He raised his head, covered his face, and closed his mouth tightly. There were tears dripping from the eyes, and the hoarse laughter sounded like weeping mourning, as if paying homage to the weakness of oneself, and saying goodbye to the dead friends.

He murmured in a low voice: "I'm really, really, really... weak. If I hadn't made mistakes for myself, I wouldn't even have dared to step on the battlefield... No wonder even Joyeuse didn't want to agree with me, because I I have long since lost the courage to fight, but if it is now, if it is now... I am very happy to use this place as my cemetery! I will sleep here forever!"

Charlemagne opened his eyes, the power of the Seat of God shook the sky, he slowly held Joyeuse, the holy sword seemed to be unsealed, the dim brilliance was extremely dazzling at this moment, and the light adorned his appearance , that vicissitudes of life and tired sloppy appearance changed in an instant, as if after taking a bath, putting on a beard and sleeping beautifully, Charlemagne looked energetic and vigorous.

Charlemagne was originally one of the most beautiful men in the world, and when he was in high spirits, he was the dream lover of countless girls in Western Europe.

Now that this rumor has indeed been confirmed, Bai Jue has to admit... only a tiny bit worse than me.

"I want to thank you, and I also want to apologize to you." Charlemagne held the holy sword, and just standing there had the temperament of a holy knight emperor who made people want to worship him. He saluted Bai Jue: "Thank you very much "I also bowed my head to Roland and Dieng: "I'm very sorry! Roland, I'm so sorry for letting you see my immature side these days! Dieng, I am so weak and incompetent in front of you who came to rescue you I really wish I could kill myself now."

"Your Majesty..." Dieng said on one knee, "I am the Dragon Knight of France, please give me your Majesty's order."

"Paladin Roland, please give your Majesty the order." Roland raised his sword and saluted.

The other heroic spirits who came over also bowed their bodies and saluted, their souls were burning with joy like a flame, which was the desire for revenge.

Charlemagne pierced the holy sword into the ground, and the bodies of the heroic spirits lit up with the blessing of the holy sword.

"I, Charlemagne, as the emperor of France, ordered to break through Shura Road with the Allied Forces and regain my territory in Western Europe! I offer blood and condolences to our deceased comrades-in-arms and the people! This battle must be won——! Vive la france! "

"Vive la france! Vive la france! Vive la france!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Great War Kai.

When Charlemagne returned to the battlefield, the scale of this war was completely tilted.

Bai Jue didn't need to go to know that they had won the battle, and the remaining four heroic puppets couldn't stop the heroic spirits, even if he didn't make a move.

But this kind of big scene that may not be encountered several times in a lifetime, it is impossible for Bai Jue to not make a move. His goal is obvious and direct, and it is King Asura lurking in this city.

It is cunning and clever.

Different from the animal path and the hungry ghost path, the Shura path has an overwhelming advantage from the very beginning.

King Ashura's plan was indeed successful. Originally, as long as France and Germany were eroded, and the whole of Western Europe was under control, the most difficult heroic spirit could be solved, but it never expected that there would be a heavenly soldier.

Once the cage of the battlefield is broken, its plans will be completely declared bankrupt.

Therefore, when the scale of the battlefield began to tilt, King Asura had the meaning of retreating.

It is true that in this chaotic battlefield, the heroic spirits are busy dealing with the skeleton puppets, and indeed they have no spare time to pay attention to King Asura. This cunning King Asura has not even shown himself from the beginning, and he has been hiding all the time. The huge body is hidden in places that cannot be seen by sight, but it is everywhere...

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