
-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The battle starts and the battle falls.

When the white tiger gracefully bit the soul body of Asura King bite by bite, slowly chewing the soul body, it was like a lady cutting a bloody steak with a knife and fork in a restaurant, savoring the delicacy bit by bit.

When the white tiger swallowed its soul in pieces, Bai Jue also felt the rapid growth of his own soul power, but this kind of growth was not very pleasant, although King Asura's soul body All the grievances have been emptied, and the negative emotions have been absorbed by the soul spar, but Bai Jue is still uncomfortable, as if he is eating people.

Bai Jue glanced at Bai Hu: "Next time, don't eat dirty things, and sell you some high-end cat food."

The white tiger licked the cat's paw, gave him a blank look, and immediately turned into a white kitten and jumped onto his arms, nestled into a ball, and seemed to be dozing off after eating.

Now the huge soul power is no longer a burden. Bai Jue can easily control the change of the holy soul without using some kind of shackles to restrain himself. No one knows that this crawling cute kitten is actually a fierce tiger that devours King Shura .

Bai Jue gently stroked the little white tiger's head, turned to look at the broken battlefield and the broken city, and said, "Once King Asura dies, the war itself has no suspense. It can be said that it is over."

The puppets of the heroic spirits also showed signs of stopping their activities one after another, just like other computers would be unavailable after the server of the Internet cafe was shut down. The dead bodies that stopped responding fell to the ground, and the heroic spirits who fought fiercely also stopped their movements.

Dieng looked at the fallen heroic puppet, and slowly pulled out her sword from the opponent's chest: "It's over?"

"It should be over." Mirtha was holding a deformed heroic skeleton that had already been beaten by her in her hand. The hand was still stained with blood, and the holy robe was covered with blood. She caressed her face and showed a holy smile. : "It's really great, if it's a little later, I can only smash this puppet into pieces, even I don't want to be so profane to the dead heroic spirit... Ah, this must be the Lord's mercy."

Dieng looked at the heroic spirit with twisted limbs that had been beaten, and vaguely remembered that it seemed to be the Belgian God of War... Looking at the saint whose fists were stained with blood, he had a thought in his heart that he must not make her angry, and silently turn around...

This battle is over, and none of the heroic spirits died, and even the heroic spirits who were severely injured earlier regained the ability to walk, thanks to Martha who brushed a few holy lights up.

Nearly ten heroic spirits gathered on the edge of the city of Brussels. Charlemagne looked at the expectant eyes of his companions, and he slowly said: "Everyone, we survived... King Asura has died in battle, but we are still alive. This battle is undoubtedly our victory..."

The eyes of the Heroic Spirits revealed the joy of victory.

"But..." Charlemagne changed the subject and said solemnly: "Now is not the time to cheer, and we should not be happy about it now, because... we have lost many comrades-in-arms, and also lost a large piece of land, countless Citizens, the flames of war in Berlin are still burning, and the animal ways of Spain and Switzerland are still encroaching on our territory... Even the Shura way of the Netherlands has not been destroyed, so we can't celebrate victory yet! The war is still going on! On the territory of Western Europe There are countless threats and we cannot let our guard down!"

Hearing the words, the heroic spirits restrained their expressions of joy one after another. As Charlemagne said, it is not the time to celebrate yet, and the enemy is still there. How can they sing and dance in front of the enemy and say victory?

"Your Excellency and I will go to the Netherlands to join forces with the British reinforcements to destroy the rift in Shura Dao. Afterwards, we will go to Berlin, the capital of Germany, to provide assistance. You must find a safe way to break through and return to Paris. You must not lose anyone!" Charlemagne took the blame Wayus put the scabbard back and gave an order in a serious voice: "I swear in the name of Emperor Charlemagne that this war will definitely end, and must survive!"

He looked at Roland, his most trusted paladin: "Please, Roland."

"I respect His Majesty's order." Roland bowed slightly. He really should go back to defend Paris, not only facing the Asuras, but also the Hungry Ghost Road... Bradamante faced the beast road of Spain and Switzerland at the same time. , must have been exhausted.

"I'll just follow you." Mirtha stepped forward, she held her hands together: "This is the revelation from the Lord, it told me—to fight."

"Have you listened too much to the cruel angel's program?" Bai Jue complained: "You are not Joan of Arc, pretending to know the apocalypse, I really believe in your evil... If you want to follow, follow me, it seems that you Haven't had a good time yet."

"You can't say that, I am a saint, and I am merciful." Martha stuck out her tongue.

The phoenix spread its wings and was about to fly into the sky.

Dion pursed her lips, but she still couldn't hold back and shouted, "Your Excellency."

"Huh?" Bai Jue looked back.

Dion had a thousand words, she opened her mouth, wanted to say something, but quickly forgot, noticing the kind and playful eyes of the knights beside her, she blushed, and said in a low voice: "...Be careful all the way, I'm going to Paris again." Waiting for come back."

Bai Jue thought to himself that he planned to go straight to Switzerland after going to Berlin, so it was possible to go to Paris in such a hurry.

"Haha, don't worry." Charlemagne put his arm around Bai Jue's shoulder and agreed for him. The handsome young man agreed with a familiar smile: "I will take him back. After victory, there will be a victory." The banquet! Banquets cannot do without him as the protagonist, for the wine of victory, everyone, wait and see again!"

Bai Jue nodded helplessly: "I will go to Paris."

The phoenix spread its wings and flew towards the north.

Belgium is not far from the Netherlands, and it only takes tens of minutes to fly in a straight line.

Tens of minutes are enough for this group of people to chat.

Charlemagne is a very simple young man, he is very familiar with Bai Jue, and he admires Bai Jue very much, but he never once mentioned that he wants to see his true face under the mask, saying that it is enough for a man to talk to each other, and Inviting Bai Jue must be a guest minister in France, and he even began to imagine what kind of medals would be better to give in the future, preferably the ones that are particularly awesome.

But Bai Jue rolled his eyes and told him to wait until he won the fight.

Mirtha played with the white tiger. As a woman, she has no resistance to cat-like creatures, but her joy is a bit tasteless to Tarasque, the armored dragon.

When he arrived in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, Lancelot was fighting bloody battles.

Shura Dao is still stubbornly resisting.

This rift seems to have thoughts, constantly releasing malice, but... the Asura Dao is no better than the Hungry Ghost Dao. It cannot continuously summon troops. The number of Asuras is limited. When King Asura dies, this rift will be lost. After losing the defenders, the number of Asuras remaining in Amsterdam is actually less than [-]. There may have been more than [-] defenders.

But half of them died in the gunfire and the sword of Lancelot.

After that, there was a unilateral massacre without any surprises... Seat of God + Savior + Knight of the Lake + Iron Fist Saintess, enough to push any country's super luxurious lineup, and the remaining Shura will be punched three times by Marta It was beaten into meatloaf, and Bai Jue was groping for fish. Charlemagne disposed of the fragments of Shura Dao and ended the biggest enemy in the Western European battlefield with his own hands, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

The cleaning of the battlefield lasted for an hour, and the resistance of the Shura crowd was still fierce.

When the sky gradually darkened, the last Shura was also fed to the dog by Bai Jue... Compared with Bai Hu's luxury cat food, the quality of Fenrir's dog food was indeed much worse, but even so, it still enjoyed eating it .

"The battlefield in Western Europe can be said to be almost settled." Charlemagne sat down in front of Bai Jue, and said with a tired face: "The Shura Dao is broken, and most of the remaining Shuras are concentrated in the German territory. As long as Berlin does not fall, it will be fine." Slowly clean up, there are plenty of ways to deal with the animal road in the future... The animal road in Switzerland is the theme, while the Spanish one is just a fragment. Together with the apostles of the Vatican, the animal road can be sealed off, and the animal road in Spain is handed over to Roland and Brada Mante should be fine, if it's still not enough, send Astolfo over."

"Well." Bai Jue nodded: "Then do as you said... But I don't do chores. After solving the dilemma in Berlin, I will immediately gather troops to deal with the animal roads in Switzerland. I will go to the Vatican... ..."

"Going to the Vatican?" Charlemagne asked strangely, "Are you interested in the church?

"No, it's just an excuse... I want to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt, and it's faster to go from Italy." Bai Jue leaned back: "I don't know what's going on in Egypt, so it's more troublesome... If you contact Come on, tell me."

"I'll try my best..." Charlemagne laughed dryly: "I didn't expect you to be an Egyptian... This is troublesome, Ramses' corner is not easy to dig."

"I'm not Egyptian." Bai Jue said.

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