"Then you go to Egypt..."

"Wherever there are six fragments, I will go there." Bai Jue said lightly: "That's all."

"!!" Charlemagne couldn't speak for a while, he took a deep breath, and suddenly understood: "No wonder, no wonder the Lion King is willing to send troops... So it turns out that your goal is not in Britain or Europe... but Is it the whole world?"

"What, Britain?" Martha hurried over, wiping the blood on her hands, "You still went to Britain?"

"He came from Britain." Lancelot also stabbed the knight's sword into the ground, sat down nearby, and twisted his sore wrists: "British Hungry Ghost Road was settled by him and the king, and Britain owes him An incalculable amount of favor..." After he finished speaking, he paused, then changed his words: "Now it's two strokes..."

The continent of Western Europe is too close to Britain. If Western Europe falls, the Asura Dao will inevitably launch an attack on the British Isle. When they cross the sea, they will directly aim at the backyard of London... At that time, there will be Hungry Ghost Dao in front, and Shura Dao in the back. What do you think? It's all a dead end.

"My God..." Martha tilted her head: "Are you a monster?"

"You don't have the right to blame me for killing two heroic puppets with thousands of Shuras with your fists?" Bai Jue didn't take credit for it: "I'm not a monster, I'm just willing to take two extra steps...Sometimes people can't save themselves, There is always someone else to pull, I just take on a simple role and do a little bit of work."

"Even if you are so humble..." Charlemagne sighed, "You have saved many, many people..."

"And we will continue to save more people." Martha clasped her hands tightly, lowered her eyes, and said reminiscently, "It's very similar to that adult..."

"If you say more, I'm going to have two blooms." Bai Jue said to Lancelot: "Go back and report to the Lion King, and help me find information about Egypt and Asia by the way, and contact me at any time... the other two , get up, rest enough, we should go to Berlin, there are three thousand Shuras there."


pretend to have pictures

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Time is flowing, as if the only constant thing in the world is the constant passing of time.

The war three days ago has ceased, and even the actual events that happened have become memories.

"Dion, dear Dion? Dear Dion? Why don't you answer me, hey hey~" A pair of golden ponytails dangled in front of his eyes. Dion looked into the distance and subconsciously ignored the person beside him. friends.

"Weird, you're looking so preoccupied, are you thinking of a man?" Bradamante put his hands behind his head and looked at Roland: "Uncle Roland, what do you think? Dion looks so strange, these days he often They're all in a daze."

"She is probably worried about someone's safety." Roland walked on the wilderness of the battlefield, and said calmly: "Although it is just some unnecessary worries, with His Majesty on another battlefield, there is nothing to worry about. It's just a beast without will, let alone..." He paused for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, it's nothing... go back to Paris."

"Eh? Talking halfway, it's so boring." Bradman said, "What the hell happened? On the battlefield ahead, why didn't you tell me such a big thing? Don't tell me, Dion Not to mention, Roland, tell me quickly!"

"...Don't say it." Roland shook his head. He promised Bai Jue that he would not publicize this matter. Of course, the knight must do what he says.

At this time, Dion also came back to her senses. In front of her eyes, she had already seen a stretch of buildings, with a little gentleness and joy in her eyes: "Paris is here... we are home."

Although the land we walk on is the territory of France, the ground is devastated and there is no life and no human habitation.

She only felt that her efforts were not in vain when she looked at the still standing city in the distance.

The brutes of Spain have been set aside.

Originally it was not such a powerful Six Paths, it was just one of the fragments, but the Heroic Spirits in Spain were too weak, and they were in the age of inadequacy. The brainwashing education of the new generation of heroic spirits directly led to the slow growth of these new generation of heroic spirits.

The mere Tier [-] and Tier [-] Heroic Spirits are useless in the face of the beast way.

He was clearly a heroic spirit with great potential, but he was treated like a stallion. He lived a life of drunkenness and dreams, and finally died in this huge disaster with nothing. He failed to protect his country and failed to protect himself Do something, very sad.

But history is like this, winners and losers, either exist or be destroyed.

Fortunately, a considerable part of the nationals of Spain and Portugal have transferred to the borders of Africa. As long as the animal roads are cleaned up, they can also come back to rebuild their homes... It’s just that they have lost so many people, and it will take many years to restore the pre-war level Time has passed, but... as long as the country and people are still there, the country will not be destroyed.

This war completely exhausted the national power of Western European countries. After that, the center of Western Europe will establish a new order centered on France.

The European Union will also be dominated by Britain and France. There is only one Berlin left in Germany. The country is almost destroyed, and it is not a climate at all. Italy is not bad, but the right to speak is in the hands of the Vatican, so there is nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this... Dieng suddenly laughed at himself. What was he thinking? These are meaningless. Instead of thinking about the prosperity of France ten or twenty years later, it is better to think about how to end this ridiculous world war. If the war never ceases and peace never comes, even if France gains the whole world, it will be nothing but a piece of scorched earth.

The soldiers stopped at the barracks outside Paris. A temporary military base was built here, which can accommodate up to [-] people, but there are only less than [-] remaining soldiers left.

Roland, Dion, and Bradamante went to the center of Paris to report the results of the battle.

It is said to be a report, but it is actually just a simple report. After the written things are sorted out, they will be compiled into precious wartime materials and preserved for future generations to admire. Dion is the only one, because almost no one will read these reports after they are written. All you need to do is wait for Charlemagne to come back and say 'done' to be considered as the end of the report.

There is no need for the emperor not to be in a hurry and the eunuchs to be in a hurry.

Bradamante has gone home for a restful sleep.

Roland went to a very deserted underground bar.

Dion wrote the three-point report by himself like a good baby.

Because she used to work in espionage and intelligence, she knew the paperwork very well, and it took three hours to complete the three-point report. The report was printed out, sorted and packaged, and then submitted to the clerk. After these documents are sealed by the military department, they will be sealed in the military base, and they will be brought out after more than ten or twenty years.

She stretched.

After two consecutive days of fighting on the Spanish border, she was also a little tired, but she still didn't feel much sleepiness. Instead, she was thinking about the distant Berlin and Switzerland.

The Asuras in Berlin have been suppressed. Although most of the city has been destroyed, they are still holding on to their lifeline.

The Vatican also launched a counter-offensive, sending troops to Switzerland. The latest battle that happened after that has not yet been reported, and she thinks it should be soon... After all, this war started a day and a half ago, and the two sides were simultaneously attacking. Switzerland The animal way of China is a complete animal way, while Spain is only a fragment, and the resistance encountered is not at the same level.

"It's coming... coming soon..."

Dion spoke silently in his heart.

Looking at the dawn that is about to break in the sky.

Suddenly there was a rush of telegrams in her ears, and she immediately turned her head and picked up the communicator to answer the first notification from the military department.

"Good news from the front line! Repeat, good news from the front line!"

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