"The suppression on the Swiss battlefield is complete! The suppression on the Swiss battlefield is complete! None of the [-] million beasts escaped, and the entire line is suppressed!"

"Yes, we have won! In three days, the beasts on the Swiss battlefield were completely suppressed! The frontline sergeants are waiting to triumph! There is no doubt that this is a brilliant victory! Cheers, fellow countrymen!"

In the communication room of the military base, a female officer's voice was fanatical and full of strong nasal voice. Her trembling voice was full of ecstasy and ecstasy. Even her words were blurred, and she did not play it according to the strict military requirements. .

But at this time, no one will blame her.

Which soldier, which soldier, even the heroic spirit, has indescribable sorrow and excitement in his heart, and he has been unable to speak for a long time. Under the repeated crying, his inner numbness is a little After being destroyed, what came out immediately... was an indescribable feeling.

The battle is over, the war is won.

Finally won, facing such a terrible enemy, but we still held on, we still survived!

Roland, who was sitting in the old bar drinking by himself, listened to the voice from the walkie-talkie, silently clenched his fists, breathed out a deep breath of alcohol, and threw away all the uneasiness of the past three days. His expression was also relieved.

At this time, the bartender handed over a glass of wine, and the middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life opened the top-quality wine of [-]. He smelled the overflowing aroma of the wine, and laughed heartily: "This glass is my treat, to France. "

Roland also raised his glass: "To France, to...your nameless lord..."

Soon, this good news spread in the form of news broadcasts. The uncontrollable voices of TV station employees could be heard in the streets and alleys of Paris. The manuscript slipped in the middle, and even finally put down all the lengthy speeches, stood up directly, and shouted: "We have won, God bless France! Long live His Majesty Charles! Long live the people of France!"

The sound waves spread in the streets and alleys of the city of Paris, and the people were extremely excited and happy.

They can finally end this day of panic.

Some people hugged and cried, some squatted in the corner and cried loudly. People who were taken away by the beasts of Shurachang, their homes, their relatives and their dignity, still saw the victory with their own eyes, and they were able to enjoy the ecstasy and ecstasy of this moment.

A minute ago, countless people in Paris walked with their heads bowed. They all thought that this victory would be far away, and they might not see the dawn of victory until they died, but the victory came so quickly, they all shouted "France!" Long live, long live Charlemagne, long live the heroic spirit...

Dion stood by the window, hearing deafening shouts, and someone even set off fireworks celebrating victory in the distance.

But the sense of exaltation in her heart was lost little by little, and the joy in her heart solidified little by little, and finally turned into a hard piece of ice stuck in her throat. She couldn't send it out, but a piercing coldness flowed through her blood, which eventually made her lower her figure slowly and lean against the window.

What kind of emotion is that?

Probably... ashamed...

Because she knew clearly that it was not heroic spirits who saved Western Europe. Even His Majesty Charles once lost hope of winning, and once abandoned himself, and she stood in the city of Paris with the reserve and despair of destroying the city. Before, wait for the end to come.

At that time, it was clear that no one gave them hope... Those who gave hope to the heroic spirits will never be chanted.

This people who sang victory will never know... and never will know... who saved France, who saved the nations of Western Europe, who ended the war.

He fought bloody battles in Switzerland, and the white mask isolated all the glory under that thin layer of camouflage, neither wanting the glory that belonged to him, nor accepting the crown that belonged to him.

Dion leaned against the window, even the victory celebration echoing in the street became so harsh.

She lowered her eyes silently, and amidst the laughter of countless people, she swallowed the wordless bitterness and shame alone.

"This...is not fair..."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the night of the end of the war, Charlemagne held a triumphal banquet in the Palace of Versailles, one of the five largest palaces in the world.

The six pieces of debris in the three locations in the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland have all been cleaned up, and the enemy threatening Western Europe has been eliminated.

Although the loss of this war was huge, Charlemagne still decided to hold this banquet to reward the heroes of the war, and since the war was over, a large amount of supplies were searched from the recovered areas, which greatly slowed down Paris. Due to the population burden in the city, anyone can get a bottle of wine tonight, eat all they can and drink to their heart's content.

This is Charlemagne's heroism and a way of expressing his joy.

For this victory dinner, all nobles, soldiers, politicians, celebrities, and all those who have worked hard for the war are eligible to enter the banquet. On the contrary, if they failed to achieve the slightest achievement during the war, even a small amount of war donations People who have never paid anything, even nobles, are not allowed to enter... The guests at this banquet were almost all soldiers who had returned victorious from the battlefield.

The banquet began to enter the venue at three o'clock in the afternoon, and many people arrived early.

And Bai Jue didn't intend to go there so early to join in the fun. He was busy contacting the British side, trying to ask about the situation in Egypt in advance, but because the African generation was affected by the special electromagnetic waves generated by the fusion of different world continents, the satellites of the African generation The maps were very blurry, which gave Bai Jue a headache. He decided to go to the Vatican himself to see if he could get some relevant information from the Vatican.

"I understand the general situation. Please take a look at the recent situation of the Shenzhou Empire and Tsarist Russia... It is best to tell me the situation of the small countries near Asia. If there are six fragments, I will deal with them as quickly as possible."

"Understood, the scheduling of my military satellite is not easy, I will try to use the military satellites of other EU countries." The Lion King nodded lightly: "Thank you, the cleaning of the battlefields in Western Europe must be more laborious."

"Including Britain, it takes about nine days, and counting Egypt's twelve days, it can barely catch up." Bai Jue said, "I'm just a hard worker, and sooner or later I will suddenly die in crazy overtime."

"If you need help, ask at any time." The Lion King rarely showed a little smile: "That kid Gao Wen has been training hard recently, and it seems that she can't wait to break through the fourth level. She also wants to be one of your helpers, and Elizabeth has also begun to grow. Get up and start handling government affairs, I believe you will be proficient soon... But don't attack this child, she is still young."

"It's okay to be young..." Bai Jue thought that I didn't have any thoughts about her, but I was afraid that she would have thoughts about me ten years later. He looked at the playful Lion King, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable: "Then first Speaking of which... you should rest more..."

"Well, you too." The communication hung up.

In the fitting room, Mozart was smug in the mirror, looking at his tuxedo with satisfaction, and said, "As expected of me, this appearance will surely trick a lot of rich and powerful daughters into giving me rocket plane TVs."

"I was a dog on the battlefield, but now I'm distracted." Bai Jue looked at him with his legs crossed: "You are such a scum."

"I went to the battlefield anyway, and I played a role, didn't I?" Mozart turned around, posing in Ye Shenyue's signature pose, and asked, "Isn't it? Now enjoying the glory after victory, of course it is My privilege!"

"This is the case if we win... I'm afraid that if we lost, you would pick up Joyeuse and break it in half, shouting at King Asura—then, There is only one answer, and that is to swear loyalty to you—it can be called a turn of the offensive." Bai Jue clapped his hands expressionlessly: "I'm [-]% sure that you will do this."

"I was seen through by you." Mozart was not embarrassed at all: "But it's not important! The important thing is... why are you still wearing this dress? You don't plan to take off your mask at the banquet? The makeup artists have all been chased away."

"Can I take off the mask, do I still need to wear it?" Bai Jue said lightly: "What is Kamen Rider? What is Masked Superman? I like your expression. You don't know my true face. What, you still want to be jealous of my expression."

"Who is jealous?" Mozart rolled his eyes: "You must be uglier than me."

"Provocative tactics are useless." Bai Jue said lightly, "One more thing, I'll kick you into the ground right now, and make you eat spaghetti with your nostrils."

"Ah, boss, how handsome you are! Comparing me to you is just..."

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