"It's almost time, let's go." Bai Jue glanced at the time: "It's past seven o'clock, and it's just right to go to the banquet now. I can also say hello to Charlemagne, and then leave quickly..."

"You don't consider bringing a female companion?" Mozart glanced at Baijue.

"In this day and age, my girlfriend and I haven't grown up yet." Bai Jue thought what a crime, Mary was only two years old at this time.

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving first." Mozart didn't know where to find his female companion, a blond girl with striking eyes, who walked towards the central venue of the banquet holding his arm.

The Palace of Versailles is very large. This time the banquet took up multiple rooms, and it was even too big for people to get lost.

Bai Jue walked a few steps in the banquet. Most people didn't know him, but when they saw him wearing a mask and a white coat, they felt that he was a strange person, and he didn't take the initiative to talk to him. He was also happy to wander around casually.

The dazzling array of food is a bit extravagant, but in the eyes of the super chef Bai Jue, these dishes are processed in a hurry, and the taste is not particularly good, but the wine is not bad, but unfortunately he has to hurry later, so he can only taste it. A sip of champagne.

He walked towards the interior along the palace, and heard the noise of women on the way.

"Don't push me." Dion said helplessly, "I don't wear skirts."

"It's so spicy, how can you not wear skirts on such an important occasion? There are many beautiful skirts in the changing room." Bradaman held Dion's hand and said with a smile: "Go, go, Now I can invite a few handsome men to dance."

Dion felt very helpless, she didn't want to change into a long skirt, because of some subtle psychological thoughts, she didn't want to wear a skirt.

This corner happened to bump into Bai Jue.

"Your Excellency..." Dion was slightly surprised.

"I haven't seen you for a few days." Bai Jue greeted, "You look pretty good."

"It's okay..." Dion lowered his head and smiled, and quickly withdrew his hand: "I didn't expect you to participate in the dinner party."

"I'm just going through the motions." Bai Jue replied.

On the other side, Bradamante's eyes widened. She stared at Dion with the eyes of discovering the New World, with a full face of "You have also betrayed the revolution", "It turns out that this masked man Is my little brother your destiny?" "You speak so carefully and gently that even my best friend has never heard of it." "It's really ungrateful, you are indeed my good sister, and there is a bit of this girl's true biography."

"Oh, oh, I suddenly remembered something." Bradamante started to assist Dion with his eyes, signaling her to cheer up, and then he lifted his skirt and ran away: "I won't bother you two, this one Your Excellency, Dion will leave it to you."

She also gave Bai Jue a thumbs up, as if implying something.

Should I say that she is a French girl?

"What a passionate girl, but she is a peak heroic spirit at a young age. The process of cultivating heroic spirits in France really has a mature system." Bai Jue glanced at Dion's clothes and said with a smile: "What she said is actually quite right, You can change a dress, find a dance partner, and enjoy the rare dinner, it would be a pity not to enjoy it, after all, there are not many chances to enjoy the victory, but fortunately Charlemagne is an enlightened emperor."

"I... don't feel that way."

Dion glanced blankly. She noticed the surprised or prying eyes of other guests in the hall, and felt even more uncomfortable.

They probably realized that the conversation between the two was not unfamiliar, and their attitude was too gentle, so they had thoughts like 'could he be an acquaintance of Knight Dion' or 'was he the blood of the heroic spirit'... These aristocratic opportunists!

It is clear that all the guests present should know the name of Your Excellency, and it is clear that he is the real protagonist of this banquet, so why does he act as if he was paid attention to because of the glory of the heroic spirit?

Dieng pursed his lips, and reluctantly explained: "My country's land has fallen, and I'm really not in the mood to celebrate. Your Excellency... Let's talk in another place?"

As she spoke, she led Bai Jue to another hall.

The hall here is a dance floor. Many couples of men and women hugged and sang and danced. The air was filled with romance and joy. The songs celebrating victory made people feel uplifted and happy.

"Are you inviting me to dance?" Bai Jue asked strangely.

"Ah, no, it's not..." Dion hastily denied.

Bai Jue stretched out his hand, gently placed it on the top of the girl's head, and touched her long golden hair, which felt like silk. His tone was gentle: "Just kidding... I don't know how to dance, and I don't have a partner."

Dion was startled by the sudden intimacy. She has never been touched by anyone. She is as proud as she is. Even her parents would not touch her hair to express their love, but this time her self-esteem unexpectedly did not flare up. , Feeling the itching from the top of her head, she raised her hands at a loss, but she still put them down. She didn't know how to react, her heart beat faster, she was a little happy, a little shy, her cheeks were flushed, and she silently endured the joy of killing her head Feel.

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency...it's a little itchy."

"Well, I know." Bai Jue touched it for a while: "But your ponytail is really beautiful, it's a pity not to touch it a few more times, after all... it will be difficult to have another chance in the future."

"Your Excellency, are you leaving?" Dion raised his head, keenly aware of his metaphor.

"Well, I originally didn't plan to go back to Paris and return to the Vatican with Martha, but when Charlemagne said that he would pull me back for a banquet, I could only reluctantly agree to his nonsense, but I couldn't stay too long. After a long time, the information has been obtained, and after finding Charlemagne, it is time to leave."

"In addition to Western Europe, there are also Asian and African generations... I plan to go to Egypt first, then transfer from Egypt to India, from near India to the Chinese Empire, and then go straight to Tsarist Russia..."

Bai Jue narrated his itinerary plan, his words were very gentle, as if he was just talking about the travel plan, but it made Dieng, who was listening quietly, feel a sense of urgency that his throat was being strangled. With the heavy responsibility of carrying the safety of the whole world on her shoulders, she felt a kind of fear and urgency that could not breathe, and every quarter of an hour was a countdown to life and death.

"So, let's enjoy the moment of victory for now." Bai Jue withdrew his palm and said softly, "Excuse me, I should go."

Dieng's nose was sore, and he felt sore that he was about to cry. He silently listened to the sound of Bai Jue's footsteps moving away.

The girl mustered up her courage, turned around and chased after her, and shouted to the more stalwart background: "Your Excellency."

Bai Jue stopped.

"Next time, can I ask you to dance?" she called out with all her courage, "After total victory!"

Hearing this, Bai Jue smiled quietly under the mask, leaned slightly, pressed his right hand to his left chest, and said like a gentleman: "Then, please remember to change into a long skirt next time, beautiful lady, I will invite you dance together..."

See you in ten years.

Dear Dion.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The banquet continues.

Bai Jue finally found Charlemagne on the roof of the Palace of Versailles.

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