This made Li Shiming even more convinced that Tianrendao must have some kind of powerful observation ability, and the grasp of possession is as clear as observing fingerprints, and even the accuracy far exceeds satellite-level real-time observation.

She was determined to kill, and led all the remaining soldiers to forcefully break through the three lines of defense.

This battle lasted for seven days.

There is no need to say much about the tragic nature of the war. Even if it is described in words, it is just like reading the list of the dead. Since it is not at the funeral but in the middle of the battlefield, the so-called remembrance is just superfluous emotion.

When the number of casualties exceeds a certain number, it is really just a number. You can't see any real feeling from this number, and you can't experience any tragedy and pain. It's like reading a history book. In the end, all the people who passed away will become the number that was written down or vaguely counted incompletely in the written records...

Life is not precious at all, at least not now.

The seven-day fight exhausted all their strength and successfully broke through the three lines of defense. They even defeated the fragments of Hell Dao head-on, regained one-fifth of the lost land, and pushed the front line to Chengdu.

As the emperor of Shenzhou, Emperor Tang went on a personal expedition. He beheaded the king of Rakshasas and killed several flying yakshas. Thousands of miles away, an arrow pierced through the clouds and killed Shura Yu in the Yangtze River Basin.

But even though the results of the battle were brilliant, beheading hundreds of thousands of troops of the Six Paths, that was the end of it.

If you continue to march, you will be defeated.

The loss was too heavy, to the extent that it was not worth it... a total of five heroic spirits and [-] elite troops were lost.

Li Shiming herself was aware of this, but she couldn't accept it in her heart, and couldn't swallow the bad breath. She lowered her head and asked after a long time: "I suddenly don't understand something."

"What?" Li Xiuning asked.

"Heaven and Human Dao has the clairvoyance of the sky. If it is true as we have guessed, they have the observation ability comparable to the level of the observatory. They can grasp all the movements of the land of China... and see through all our plans. , Then now, why don't they move at all."

Li Shiming raised her eyes to the far southwest, staring at the natural moat of the Himalayas, she muttered to herself: "If Tianrendao really saw through all our plans, why didn't we choose to launch an offensive? Attack, attack when we are exhausted, attack at this time, can catch us all... Are they deliberately not attacking, or are they not strong enough?"

"Respect yourself?" After Li Xiuning finished speaking, she also felt ridiculous: "No, it shouldn't be possible... Who can guess what those monsters are thinking, but as long as they are still entrenched there, we will have no peace."

"I always feel that... there is something there." Li Shiming said.

"No matter what, we can't get any closer, maybe they want to keep us here and continue to play the killing game, maybe they are too conceited and don't bother to do anything to us, or some other reason, but that doesn't matter. Important." Li Xiuning said in a low voice, "Don't watch it anymore..."

Looking at it again, I'm afraid that even I can't help it and go crazy...

Li Shiming was silent for a long time, she finally nodded with difficulty and bitterness: "Okay, let's go back..."

She slowly stood up and turned around, and at the moment when she turned around... There was a strange vibration under the ground. The vibration was slight but lasted for a long time. When it came, the two people's feet bumped.

Although this bump was not enough to make them fall, it made them feel strange.

Earthquakes can be predicted... At least under the influence of the Tingtian and Divising Observatory, the vibrations caused by every crustal movement can be measured and calculated and all disasters can be accurately predicted, and the dragon veins of the earth are also in the Tianzi Under the control of the sword, it has been peaceful for thousands of years, and there will be no huge natural disasters at all. Even if it is a typhoon and tsunami, there are ways to disperse it.

And this earthquake was mild and came very fast. If it was an earthquake that would happen at the battle site, the Ersheng of Jixia Academy would definitely inform in advance... But this earthquake came too fast and too weird, it didn't seem like it at all. naturally occurring.

But they have no time to take care of these things.

Because white shadows seemed to light up on the clouds in the sky, and strange vocal music could be faintly heard.

That was the movement when the Tao of Heaven and Humanity appeared... No matter whether the other party came to pursue them or not, they had to leave.

The heroic spirits withdrew from Chengdu, which had long been turned into a battlefield, and their figures turned into blurred light and shadows and disappeared.

And they don't know that the target of the Tao of Heaven and Humanity is not them.

They also didn't know that the reason why Tianrendao didn't pursue and didn't pay attention to the already exhausted heroic spirits was because Tianrendao was facing a more threatening enemy.

Far away on the border of Tibet.

Far below the snow-swaying Himalayas.

Between two continents...

In the depths of the earth that is too dark and deep, there is no light and no life in the restricted area.

A pair of golden pupils slowly opened, as if angry with flames.

He sat between the continental plates, and slowly exerted force with his hands, spreading countless cracks from the depths of the earth.

"...Damn it, why... I was punched to the bottom of the mountain... My butt hurts..."

ps1: It doesn't matter if you don't understand, because this paragraph is a flashback, and the time is already seven days later, so I have to write slowly about what happened in these seven days.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What happened in the past seven days.

It's not complicated at all.

What the Pope handed over to him was the relevant information about heaven and humanity, and it contained detailed information about the war situation in Asia. Although it is not clear how the Vatican obtained this information, the current situation in Da Asia cannot be observed by satellites. , Bai Jue had to gamble on the authenticity of this information.

Even if he knew the brutality of the war of demon survey ten years ago in the past history, but in reality, it was even worse than he had guessed at the beginning.

After Bai Jue and Martha left the Vatican, there was almost no time to rest, and they went directly across the Mediterranean Sea to Egypt.

The ruler of Egypt is Ramses II, a man who claims to be the Sun King. He is an arrogant monarch. Pharaoh is equivalent to a god in the kingdom of Egypt. In addition to liking 'hahaha', he is defiant but also has a long-term vision. Although he is arrogant, his strength is not weak.

Moreover, it is better to call it a hero than a king. Ramses's dominance as a pharaoh is very thorough. Under his full control, the situation in Egypt can be said to be relatively optimistic, just like FGO No. [-] Just like C Shan, the sage king in the Seven Singularity Warcraft front, he has indeed controlled the situation of the war and has begun to counterattack the hell.

Ramses summoned the sphinx of the sphinx as the main force, and one of his treasures is the starry sky sphinx named the hot sand sphinx (the one summoned by the EX attack), It is a royal guardian beast inherited from ancient times in Egyptian mythology.A legendary monster that was also sung in ancient Greece and Babylonia, the incarnation of Horus, the god of the sky, appeared on the ground with violent flames and wind, aliased as the father of terror, it is beyond monsters, phantom beasts, and equal to dragons of beasts.

Lal launched his own glorious composite temple above Egypt, dominating more than half of Egypt above the sky, relying on the independent action ability of the starry sky sphinx, he perfectly controlled the battle line, but this was really exhausting for him For this reason, he was also forced to stagnate inside the Great Temple, and could only occasionally release the long-range main gun as a deterrent.

In terms of Noble Phantasms, La Er's Noble Phantasm is probably the strongest among all Heroic Spirit Noble Phantasms. This is also the reason why he put down his wild words and dared to challenge the seat of God. Its existence itself is the principle of civilization for Pharaoh, the ruler. Definitely, after all, it is one of the four ancient civilizations, and of course respect should be given.

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