When Bai Jue and Martha came to the battle line, they happened to meet Cleopatra VII who was facing a difficult battle, so they helped him out.

With the recommendation of Cleopatra, Bai Jue naturally met La Er, but La Er was very dissatisfied with Bai Jue because he was wearing a mask, and it was disrespectful to wear a mask when meeting the pharaoh. Ordering Bai Jue to take off his mask was naturally impossible.

It was because of such a small conflict that Bai Jue was expelled from the gate by La Er, and he couldn't laugh or cry. He guessed that if La Er was not too weak, he might have to fight him face to face.

Bai Jue is naturally annoyed by wasting time on such a trivial matter, but he can't really drag Ramses II out to beat him up, although he doesn't think he will lose, and he really wants to be 'hah' to this one. Haha" The arrogant man of "Everyone Krypton, Everyone Krypton" was beaten up, but after all, he was here to help, but the mask couldn't be taken off, so he turned around and went to the front line.

The offensive of the hell realm is not endless. Although the rakshasa ghosts are difficult to deal with, they will be weakened during the day.

After Bai Jue broke through seven or eight waves of Hell Dao legions all the way, he reached the gate of the opposite door, kicked open the gate of Hell Dao, and three Rakshasa kings were sitting on the ground beating the sparrow soul...

This is just a description, but the general meaning is that. After kicking open the door, the three bosses on the opposite side looked over, and Bai felt that Mengxin was trembling, and then this Mengxin raised his middle finger at the three bosses, With a cold snort—everyone here is rubbish.

The taunt is successful and the effect is outstanding.

The result is that Bai Jue hacked a Rakshasa queen to death, and he was also injured a little bit. At the same time, he was imprisoned. He insisted on fighting. Leaving the Sun Serpent to confuse the battlefield, half-forced to drag him back.

After several turnarounds, Ramses II didn't know what was going on, and suddenly his attitude changed. He didn't say anything in words, but his expression was much gentler, and his attitude even showed a little more respect.

Bai Jue secretly pulled Maerda and asked her if this Laer took the medicine and felt that she had become cute.

Martha also answered secretly—how did my old lady know?

Bai Jue didn't ask about the reason for this matter, and he could probably guess who helped intervene, but it's good news that he is willing to cooperate.

How nice it is for everyone to ride horses as companions in the world of mortals... There is no need to be alone in a single row.

After letting go of the estrangement, everything was easy to talk about, and they made a decision on the spot after chatting for a few words, and went to the fucking hell tomorrow.

After that, things are simple.

Although Hell Dao spawned a lot of new units, such as high-level units such as Flying Yasha, no matter how strong the units are, they can't compare with hero-level units, let alone Bai Jue, who has fully activated the six-spirited version. Heroes can be selected if they are not banned, let alone a mere super soldier, even if they are both hero units, the result is still one punch and one adc.

Don't talk about cheating... I don't think it's really cheating!

The only problem lies with the remaining two Rakshasa kings.

The scariness of the Rakshasa Kings lies in their number... Usually there are multiple Rakshasa Kings at the same time. Once one is missing, the strength of the remaining Rakshasa Kings will become stronger. A peak heroic spirit that surpasses the ordinary.

So Miss Maerda put forward a very constructive suggestion - wouldn't it be no problem if they were killed at the same time?

Bai Jue said to this - you are really a talent.

After luring the two Rakshasa kings to a fixed location, Martha Iron Fist blasted them until they could not move, and was hit by Ramesses II's treasure head-on, and the huge thunder was released, instantly killing the two Rakshasa kings. The king melts.

The plan went smoothly from setting to execution, and there were no unexpected changes.

When the realms of hell were breached, the greatest threat to Egypt disappeared.

What remains to be faced is the small fragments scattered in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and East Asia. Ramses and Martha took the initiative to take over this matter, because Bai Jue still has to go east, and he saw the Empire of China At the time of the battle report, he decided not to rush to the north. If he went to Tsarist Russia first, it is very likely that the Chinese Empire would be unable to support it first.

Although he is the savior, he is doomed to be different. Perhaps unconsciously, Bai Jue has been reluctant to part with the familiar Shenzhou Empire. I hope that the situation in ten years will not change in the slightest.

Although Laer really wanted to keep him, he couldn't say anything in the end, he just sighed and let Bai Jue leave.

After that, although Bai Jue was in a hurry, he also killed all the way. It took him more than a day to cross the Middle East, cross Pakistan, and arrived at the border of India. During this day, he was either killing monsters or on the way to kill monsters .

When he arrived at the border of India, India could almost declare subjugation.

After all, in a country where there is not even a heroic spirit left, Awakening may resist the offensive of Hell Dao... Even though Hell Dao has been copied from his hometown by Bai Jue, the army of Hell Dao in India still has a terrifying number of millions. It would take too long for a million ants to be trampled to death, and it is obviously more difficult to wipe out this generation of hell army.

After thinking for a while, Bai Jue gave up his plan to pursue the Hell Dao army. Anyway, there are several countries after India, and these countries have heroic spirits. Defense and self-protection shouldn't be a problem, and it's not necessarily weaker than Spain. Anyway, it's also a close neighbor of the Chinese Empire, so it shouldn't be too weak.

After that, Bai Jue decided to cross the Himalayas.

It is called "Hometown of Snow" in Tibetan. It is located in the south of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is the highest mountain range in the world. Many people think it is a mountain, but it is not. For Mount Everest, this mountain range is the natural border between the Chinese Empire, India, and Pakistan... The heroic spirits of the Chinese Empire once drew down the border with their own hands. Since then, no foreign heroic spirits have been allowed to enter.

And in this mountain range, at least no fewer than ten heroic spirits were buried.

Great powers compete for territory is no longer a one-time or two-time thing. Historically, India has long coveted the Great Tibet of the Shenzhou Empire. It once instigated neighboring countries to launch attacks together and tried to carve up the territory. The result is obvious. All invaders are buried in the In this icy snow mountain, even the bones cannot be taken away.

Today, India is repeating the same mistakes again, and it is also because of its own greed that it has caused six heroic spirits to die in the Himalayas.

Bai Jue felt the coldness after stepping into the snow-capped mountains. He seldom felt the cold. Since his soul power was strong enough, he would no longer be disturbed by the outside temperature, even if it was tens of degrees below zero. Words are just a cool breeze.

He walked through the clouds, but soon noticed... a layer of hoarfrost condensed on his body, and the temperature on his body surface was dropping.

This is not a natural snowstorm.

The wind, snow, and frost produced by nature will not have such a strong force, and cannot break through the barrier of one's own soul power.

This is an attack...

But he didn't feel any hostility or killing intent, and he didn't even have any breath, but instead...


Bai Jue stopped, and his soul force was absorbed suddenly, like a water dragon absorbing water, the huge soul power rushed up to the sky, and at the same time it stirred up the clouds, disturbing the natural trend... Buckle, the rolled wind and snow fluttered all over the sky, like white flowers, the sky-filled university was wantonly kneaded in a pair of invisible palms.

Standing in the void, Bai Jue looked around and saw strange energy fluctuations coming from the tops of eight mountains.

He vaguely saw the holy white robe and the power of Pei Mo Nengyu.

In silence, the soul power was contained.

With Baijue as the center, eight rays of brilliance lit up on the ring-shaped dense mountain range, as if someone was waving silently in the clouds. In an instant, there was a falling roar in the sky. Years of snow, the snow collapsed and turned into a white torrent slanting down amidst the sound waves.

And in the torrents of countless snow, the flowing cold air and the strands of vitality leaking from under the mountain peaks all turned into strong chains, tightly blocking every inch of Bai Jue's air movement... The air channels of heaven and earth were all cut off , divided into eight places, standing on a big circle with him as the center.

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