That's secret gossip.

Chapter five hundred and twenty seventh seven days

"Even the formation method... Is the way of heaven and humanity more intelligent than the way of Shura? Should I shout '8 possibility' to express my disdain?" Bai Jue turned around, waving his flame robe, raging fire .

The fire of nirvana intertwined with the pervasive cold frost and snow, turning into a magnificent landscape of white and red.

This gossip formation blends into the general trend of nature and maximizes the power of ice and snow. There is only one effect, and that is freezing. Wisps of frost cover the body surface. Although it will be dispelled by the fire of Nirvana immediately, but After all, it is one that ebbs and flows.

It is difficult for Bai Jue to use his own power to fight against the cold air in the Himalayas that has been under pressure for thousands of miles. This natural force comes from the earth, the earth, and nature... although it is only a single-type force , but because of its singleness, it is terrifyingly strong.

Just like the wind and snow in nature, the temperature keeps dropping and the cold air keeps penetrating in. Although it won't freeze people to death immediately, it will reduce body temperature all the time and imprison life here. Bai Jue can feel that as long as he stops Even if the fire of Nirvana has only one breath, it will be locked by countless frosty iron chains, trapped at the top of the Himalayas, and there is absolutely no way to escape.

This kind of formation was definitely not arranged lightly, it was obviously set up deliberately, and Bai Jue's walking route was even predicted in advance, just waiting for him to crash in by himself, it could be said to be catching a turtle in a urn, waiting for work at ease.

"However, since it is a formation, it is not impossible to break it, as long as one corner is smashed..."

Bai Jue is still calm in his heart. The formation is effective, and the way of heaven and man must be nearby. No matter what, he has to test their strength and use the formation to deal with himself. In a sense, he is not confident enough in his own strength. If there is someone who will kill him Enlightenment, what is waiting for him here should not be the eight trigrams formation, but the three hundred knives and axes, or the three hundred arhats and king kong.

Bai Jue was about to draw his sword, that is, at the moment when he planned to draw his sword.

Suddenly, there was a sound like an evening drum and morning bell reverberating. When the bell rang, the clouds above the Himalayas were opened, like two curtains, and the clouds disappeared in an instant.

A golden lotus blooms, accompanied by countless Sanskrit recitations, the golden lotus flower stalk falls, a huge figure stands upright, the golden light of glass color is bright, the Buddha sits in the middle of the sky, holding the flower with his fingers and smiling.

There are cloud mountains appearing all around, and layers of figures appear one after another in the mountains, heavenly soldiers and generals.

This is... the way of heaven and humanity.

"Am I so welcome?" Bai Jue pulled out a forced smile: "Such a big crowd welcomes me, my surname is not Sun."

In fact, Bai Jue was thinking in his heart whether he had made a mistake and ran to the theater next door that was making a big fuss.

The celestial, human, Taoist, and Buddha shadows in the sky put their palms together and began to recite, and the golden statue slowly spoke: "I see the world as a house of fire, and all living beings are suffering and cannot be liberated. , get at ease, and get immeasurable good results.”

Its huge golden head slowly drooped, its eyelids slightly raised, staring at Bai Jue and said: "Your Excellency, I have a destiny with my heaven..."

Come on, so it turns out that such a big force is here to lure me into the gang?

"...Do you want me to pay attention to you, or to read your name and treat you like a licking dog?" Bai Jue folded his hands on his chest, the phantom of the phoenix flickered behind him, his smile was hidden under the mask, but his eyes were full of It's contempt: "I'm sorry, I'm not a guard, nor an NC fan, I'm afraid you've found the wrong person."

"You are willing to save the world, and heaven and man are willing to help..."

Foyingyu spoke with great sincerity, which sounded deceptive.

"Oh? You mean, are you willing to help me rule out the other six paths?"

"Of course."

"Then what then?" Bai Jue asked back: "What do you want? It's impossible to spend your energy in vain, don't you want nothing?"

"Heaven and man are flourishing." The golden body clasped its palms together and said, "You return to my sect and become a general of the gods. This world will be transformed into a Buddha kingdom in my palm. All living beings will be freed from pain and suffering. Hundreds of millions of mortal wombs will reap good fruits and be at ease. Unlimited freedom..."

"Oh hoo?" Before the irony in Bai Jue's eyes became more intense: "You want me to be your dog's leg, to help eliminate the restless elements in this world, and at the same time hand over this world to make you the only one in the world! Dominator..."

He sighed: "You do a good job of daydreaming... If you are willing to roll off the golden lotus, let's sit in another seat, I can consider it, otherwise..."

He said coldly: "I dare to ask, what kind of biscuit are you?"

This day's humane plan is really perfect. Of course, this group of intelligent creatures wants to monopolize this world, but their own actions have angered enough aborigines, so they fell in love with themselves and asked themselves to be their savior. As a spokesperson, while belonging to the sect, and at the same time doing things for them, it also establishes a class system dominated by heaven and humanity, and dominates the world.

From Bai Jue's point of view, this guy's viciousness is no different from the QB who tricked the girls into signing the contract. They are all fooling and fooling. The old man is very bad!

Bai Jue naturally couldn't agree.

The Six Paths are the enemy after all.

"All beings are obsessed, why don't you put down the butcher's knife and come under my door." Buddha Ying's voice was like Huang Zhong Dalu, full of sighs.

"No, no, from your point of view, the world is like a house on fire. To save people, you should put out the fire. But to me, in this world, demons and ghosts are rampant and raging everywhere. Wait for me to go up and kill them all with my sword. Liberation..." Bai Jue pretended to recite the Buddha's name: "Namo Amitabha... I'm sorry, you should be on your way."

All that should be said has been said, there is nothing to say next, see the real chapter under my hand.

The expression of the golden Buddha shadow changed slightly, and finally froze on a piece of indifference, it said coldly: "I am obsessed with my obsession."

It raises its hand slightly, ready to start another persuasion (physical).

What is the reason... The reason is the fist. Whoever has the big fist has the reason. You are weak, so you have no reason, so you can only listen to my reason.

It has been the same since ancient times.

Bai Jue is ready for this battle.

It's just that he was wrong again, the opponent didn't intend to fight him head-on at all.

I saw the golden figure of the Buddha raised his palm, spread his five fingers, and a golden lotus bloomed. The Buddha held the flower freely and joyfully. There were countless rays of light blooming from the golden palm of the virtual, and finally it continued to expand... Slowly but rapidly, Straight and unavoidable, he slapped Bai Jue on the head.

This move is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, Bai Jue stepped into the void, the sword energy and the strength of the holy soul erupted loudly, resisting this palm, but he forgot that he was still in the blockade of the formation, and the fire of Nirvana was dispelled by this palm At the same time, the all-pervasive cold air blocked Bai Jue, and countless frost chains firmly blocked his body, turning him into a prison of pure ice.

One finger is one mountain, and the five mountains are pressed together.

Bai Jue's scalp suddenly went numb, as if he had been hit by an aviation rocket...

There was obviously no sound, but there was a loud noise above his head. It should not be the sound of the skull breaking, but the sound of countless sword qi being shattered.


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