Amidst the buzzing sound, Bai Jue coughed out a mouthful of old blood, and he fell down involuntarily. He fell, feeling gradually far away, as if his soul had escaped from his body and was pressed down by a huge force.

Like a bird with broken wings... On the top of the Himalayas, in this dangerous place where thousands of people are gone, falling from a height of thousands of meters towards the earth, this fall seems to be endless... It also brought Bai Jue After an extremely tormenting experience, his huge soul power failed to exert its effect, and even his soul was almost knocked out of his body. If it wasn't for the huge soul power, this palm would have split his body and soul in half.

But even without the separation of body and soul, Bai Jue fell into a coma and breathless state, and fell towards the mountain without feeling or resisting, falling continuously, being oppressed by the golden palm, pulled by gravity , has been falling into the depths of the earth.

It wasn't until he fell all the way to the depths of the ground that Bai Jue barely regained a little consciousness, but when he tried to rush back, the golden palm actually held his body firmly, like an investigator caught by a giant Like, unable to move.

In a trance, the figure that stopped has sunk into the deepest part of the earth.

The golden palm turned into a golden lotus and trapped him in it. At the same time, Bai Jue felt an unspeakable pressure.

This is under the Himalayas, and the formation of this mountain range is due to the extrusion of continental plates.

The two continents are squeezing each other, so Mount Everest will grow by one centimeter every year. The force of this squeeze is no small matter. Even if the force that Bai Jue bears is only a few hundred millionths of the force, it is enough to crush human beings. Gluten's Crust Movement!

Of course, Bai Jue cannot be suppressed to this extent... The important thing is, Jinlian.

While the palm of Buddha Ying's golden body pushed him into the ground, it also pulled the force of the earth's veins. The heavy squeezing force transferred part of the force of the earth's crust, and poured all its strength into Bai Jue's body. The force prevented him from fleeing.

Under normal circumstances, Bai Jue would have died a long time ago. His physical body is far from being able to resist such a huge force. The source of support is still the soul force. The idealistic spiritual force system is difficult to calculate with simple force values.

If you have to say it, Bai Jue can complete the "Taishan Mountain to surpass the North Sea", and the God's Seat can also do the great work of moving mountains and filling the sea. It can be done in many cases, but it is not necessary...

It’s just that now it’s more uncomfortable than Wuzhi Mountain. Bai Jue can move mountains, but he can’t resist the earth’s crustal movement. Assuming that the two plates are the hands of the earth, Bai Jue is like a grain of dust in the palms of two hands...Barely supporting himself Not being crushed into real dust would consume almost all of its strength, and on this basis, it would not even have the strength to move.

So...he couldn't move.

For the next three days, Bai Jue was always under Mount Everest.

After a long time, he also felt that he couldn't continue, so he dig a tunnel!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The land of the extreme east, the island of Kyushu.

An island nation belonging to the East Asian generation, which should have been lucky enough to avoid war, ended up falling into the flames of war.

In the beginning, there were no cracks of the Six Paths in the territory of Kyushu Island. For the first week, the interior of Kyushu Island was very stable. It was already three days later when the war started. Goryeo was also powerless to resist the animal way within the border, even though it was only one of the three lower ways, but the animal way was a complete gap in the animal way, and it completely swallowed up the country in less than a week.

At this time, a large number of civilians boarded ships and planes and hurriedly fled in all directions. Over a million of them fled to the nearby Kyushu Island. Pulled the flames of war to Kyushu Island.

If it is the Shura Field, the Hungry Ghost Realm, or the Hell Realm, none of them have the ability to cross the sea, but most of them in the Animal Realm are monsters, and there are not a few monsters with water attributes and flying abilities, so the monsters in the Animal Realm are divided into two groups. One batch, one batch attacked the northeast of the Shenzhou Empire, and one batch crossed the sea to invade and occupy Kyushu Island.

Warcraft are irrational, the same as hungry ghosts, but they have a little more instinct as monsters. Their instinct is to kill and then devour. Even the same kind will be hostile due to different species, but the large number of alien beasts is very important to human beings. Still a terrible disaster.

At least for the residents of Kyushu Island, the land of Kyushu Island was originally very tight, and the large population made every inch of land very expensive, and it was very congested. Now it is because of the war and the refugees from outside that the internal order of Kyushu Island immediately became chaotic. group.

If it were not for their rich experience in earthquakes, a large number of residents would not even be able to enter the air-raid shelters.

Even so, in the tug-of-war that lasted more than ten days, more and more territories were lost...Because there are too few heroic spirits in Kyushu Island, there are only three who can be used as combat power.

I still remember that I mentioned at the beginning that the island of Kyushu was not formed naturally. It itself is the corpse of a huge natural disaster monster. It needs to hold a ceremony every [-] years to make it fall asleep, which is expensive.

Although Bai Jue solved this problem with his own hands ten years later, letting Bubble eat up the soul of the natural disaster monster, but now it is ten years ago, and it is still on the verge of awakening.

A huge number of animal beasts poured into Kyushu Island, opening a dungeon of the Battle of the Six Dao Demons. No matter who kills who, which side wins a staged victory, it will inevitably lead to a large number of withered lives. This lingering breath of life It will be absorbed by the earth, gathered into the power of the dragon veins, and become the food of the natural disaster beast, further stimulating it and speeding up its recovery.

Therefore, Himiko couldn't step into the battlefield at all, and she had to stay in the Asama Shrine on Mount Fuji to pray and make sacrifices day and night, and held various rituals to suppress the awakening of the natural disaster monster.

But as long as the war continues, her suppression will become more and more difficult, and sooner or later she will be unable to hold on. At that time, the natural disaster monsters will wake up, and the [-] million residents on the entire Kyushu Island will fall into the sea like fish food sprinkled with water. Water belongs to the fresh rations of monsters.

With the loss of Himiko, the pressure of the battle on the front line is on the shoulders of Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen. Uesugi Kenshin is known as the God of War in the history of the Warring States Period. With the cooperation of Takeda Shingen, the two sides restrained the main force of the animal way, and always kept the war away from the first generation of Mount Fuji, preventing the animal way from attacking Asama Shrine head-on.

However, there are flaws in the defense after all. Even if the heroic spirit does not make mistakes, the physical and mental strength of the soldiers is still limited. During the fierce battle that lasted for more than ten days, many soldiers were exhausted and could not continue the high-intensity battle. The battle has become more and more urgent, and even the defense has become more and more difficult... The main reason is that the time has been delayed for too long.

The Heroic Spirits lacked a way to win.

Because the beast way is not on Kyushu Island at all, the battle line is too long.

Demonic beasts can cross the sea, but it is too difficult to transport soldiers to Korea. It is almost impossible to transport the soldiers to Koryo. The same is a dead end.

Not even a solution can be proposed, and the territory can only be eroded continuously.

During this long and short time of suffering, everyone's hearts gradually sank, and civil strife eventually developed.

The islanders have a tradition called 'down to beat up'. For example, during a war, the frontline officers felt that the battle was unfavorable and decided to retreat. If the subordinates disagreed, they would directly shoot and kill the officer, snatch the command, and then continue to implement their own arbitrary decisions. It's very similar to "the general's orders are not accepted", but there is an essential difference.

Even the Second World War in a certain parallel world, the cabinet lost its control over the military because of the tradition of lowering the upper limit, which in turn was contained by the military, and only then did the war break out.

Animal way is not such a terrible enemy, on the contrary, civil strife is.

Himiko's continuous offerings and prayers, no one can see the efforts to suppress the natural disaster monsters, only a very small number of insiders, among them only the maiden of Asama Shrine and a few heroic spirits know the reason. The secrets passed down from generation to generation cannot be known to the people.

So too many people don't know why, but they keep questioning why Himiko, as the empress of the royal family, refuses to go to the front line, and always maintains a passive defense by default, but as a heroic spirit, she has to watch the country fall... In the beginning, it was still possible to rely on war However, once the time delays for too long and the war is urgent, doubts will become louder and louder.

And Himiko didn't even have the time to respond to this question.

And when she was willing to explain, no one would listen.

She was imprisoned inside the Asama Shrine, completely cut off from the outside world, and the military has begun to dispatch kamikaze troops, preparing to find a safe waterway from the Pacific Ocean, launching a wave of epic operations comparable to the attack on Pearl Harbor Death, directly attack Goryeo's animal way.

Because they learned the news in advance and evacuated the warships in advance, the navy of Kyushu Island still retains sufficient combat power. It accounts for one-fifth of the total number of monsters, and once the soldiers land on land, they will face five times as many enemies, so it is really five times as happy as five equal parts.

Human beings in history always repeat the same mistakes. Looking back at history, even in serious wars that kill people, you will find many unbelievably stupid choices, and this time is no exception.

The military is very likely to think that this war is an opportunity for them to expand their territory... Their ambitions have always been there, just like India, they always like to covet those territories that do not belong to them and will not belong to them, as long as they can win The way of animals may be able to immigrate and rule Goryeo as a matter of course, because the country of Goryeo has long been lost... As long as the people assimilate through four or five generations, they can get a large piece of new land without any effort.

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