Their wishful thinking was very loud, but they forgot to see that there was a forest of swords and swords under their feet, and if they took a wrong step, they would be doomed.

On this point, Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen know much better than the military.

But they were powerless to stop them, and they couldn't come back to help. It took too much effort to resist the animal way, and their lungs were about to explode, so they could only watch helplessly as this group of idiots sang high-spirited marching songs and made great deaths.

The army red deer and the navy are similar... Thinking about how bad Yamato was back then, there is no salvation if you play like this with a good hand.

Two days after the navy departed.

An icy wind blows on a stretch of eastern sandy beach.

A young girl was walking numbly on the beach, her footsteps were very slow, and she walked aimlessly in one direction.

The girl's lips were chapped, her complexion was pale, her body lost a lot of water, and her wet and then dried clothes were stained with large reddish-brown blood stains. She held a broken blade in her hand, and on the other side of the beach, lay many monsters. Not far away are the wreckage of the stranded warship, and there are many mutilated corpses of soldiers piled up on the beach.

She just crossed the beach and continued to move forward. On the path she walked, the fatal wounds of the aquatic monster were all wounds caused by the sword, which matched the broken sword in her hand.

She moved her withered body, walked forward, along the coast, her gaze was firmly locked on the north, every step was paused, every step seemed heavy, and every step seemed to fall down.

It is only one step away from exhaustion.

But she continued to move forward, and she didn't know if it was some kind of will or some kind of obsession.

And when her feet were submerged in the sea water again, the biting coldness and dangerous killing intent hit at the same time, and a huge snake-shaped monster leaped out from under the sea surface. She swallowed it head on.

The numbness in the girl's eyes remained the same, but she clenched the broken sword again... Maybe she will die here.

But suddenly, the sea cracked, literally cracked.

A thousand-meter-long crack suddenly appeared on the seashore. The crack in the depths of the earth sent strong and heavy fluctuations. The crack originating from the ocean caused a large amount of seawater to pour into the crack. At the same time as it was poured into the thousands of meters long trench, a gap appeared in the sea level, and this gap led straight to the other end of the sea level.

The surface of the sea is like bread cut by a butter knife, and a huge gap emerges in the middle, just like the miracle of Moses dividing the sea in myths and legends.

This unbelievable scene was presented in front of the girl's eyes.

The snake-shaped monster seemed to have strangled its tail. The snake's kiss was only three meters away from her, but it couldn't get in. When its figure was suddenly elongated, it screamed in pain, and it was soon pulled into the trench. the deepest part.

Afterwards, there was only the roar of sea water, and no other sound could be heard, and even the bloody traces faintly fading away among the white foam of the waves, leaving no trace left.

Under the dark crack, in the center of this mythical and legendary scene, a figure slowly walked out as if strolling in a garden. Among the deep blue sea waves, the white clothes of the man with his back facing the ocean were not stained at all. The sea water, dressed in white, looks very dazzling in the waves, and it is clear that a drop of blood will not burn, but it seems to be entwined with the resentment of countless evil spirits and ghosts before their death.

Standing in the sky full of sea waves, it is as fragile as a flat boat, which seems to be swallowed at any time, but it is as strong as a pillar of the sky, like a rocky mountain.

There was a long breathing sound from under the flawless mask, and his chest rose and fell, as if a prehistoric beast was breathing.

In the end, those golden pupils slowly fixed on the face of the purple-haired girl in front of him. Bai Jue's sight paused for a little while on that slightly familiar face, but the numbness in his eyes made him wonder.

He was slightly taken aback, and thought: "This is the coast... Did I dig through Asia?"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sky is dark and the crescent moon is like a hook.

The girl woke up from her slumber.

Wisps of heat imprinted on her side face, she turned sideways slowly, and looked along the light source, it was a blazing fire that was close at hand... It's just that this blazing fire is a bit special, it's not the branches that burn, but... ...a sword?

A sword stuck in the ground still burning with flames?

"you're awake?"

A strange voice sounded, and she quickly noticed a figure sitting on the other side of the fire. It was a young man in white, wearing a mask without facial features, and his golden pupils shone brightly under the reflection of the fire.

His voice was steady and powerful: "You slept for 4 hours, 39 minutes and 7 seconds, during which you talked [-] times in your sleep... It's not a long sleep, I think you can rest for a while, don't worry, the world will not focus now For you..." Even though he was wearing a mask, he could feel the strong smile under the mask, and finally he could say a thousand words into one sentence: "This girl, spread the fire?"

Inexplicable, spread the fire?What fire? ... A little irritability emerged in the girl's heart. She slowly sat up and touched her side subconsciously, but found nothing. There was only a ball of sand on the empty side.

"If you are looking for your sword, I just burned it as firewood. It was already broken and useless." The man picked up the sword he didn't know where he picked it up and threw it into the fire. Let the flame burn more vigorously: "It's better to use it to light a fire to use a little residual heat."

Can a sword make fire?The girl felt that the man's words were inexplicable, but looking at the burning sword on the ground, she had to swallow the questioning voice back to her stomach. This kind of burning that did not conform to the laws of physics made the girl feel a little at a loss for a while. , unconsciously began to recall what happened before he passed out.

Just a few memories made her dizzy and tingling, and a strong nausea came from her abdomen. She hurriedly covered her mouth and nose, but she could only let out a strong dry cough, and soon let go of her hands, because These hands are full of the smell of blood.

At this time, the young man handed over a cup of hot water: "Come, drink something to warm your stomach. This is hot water, a good thing."

"..." The girl didn't say anything, and didn't take the water glass.

"Do you want black tea? But I don't add sleeping pills." The other party thought for a while: "Then, do you want apple-flavored coffee?"

What a drink!It is poisonous when you hear it, and you will become sick if you drink it!

The girl shook her head, her voice was hoarse: "Who are you..."

"Who I am, it doesn't matter." The young man spread his hands and said in a magical tone: "Meeting is fate. Every first meeting in the world is a reunion after a long absence. Simply put, meeting me , to prove that you and I are destined."

"Nonsense..." The girl endured the bitterness and sweet taste on her lips, and continued to ask, "Who are you?"

"I have no identity." Bai Jue shook his finger: "You can call me... the savior."

The girl let out a sneer: "Are you joking? The savior? You are talking in your sleep before you fall asleep... How dare you call yourself so brazenly, do you think you are Jesus or Sakyamuni?"

"Okay, I don't really like to flaunt my achievements, because it sounds like bragging. Even if I say it seriously, no one will believe it. Let me introduce myself seriously." Bai Jue coughed, Said in a serious tone: "I... like a swordsman, I... have no feelings... My body is made of swords, my blood is steel, my heart is glass, and I have fought countless battlefields. Losing, but not winning the game, the orphan became a man again, on the sword hill, chopped the fine ice, but this life has not come to an end, even the fake body is made with a sword..."

"You..." The girl thought to herself what this man was talking about.

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