"That's right, I am..." Bai Jue puffed out his chest, and introduced himself proudly: "Bai Jia Erlang, who is known as the partner of justice in the world!"

"...You are crazy!" The girl finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"No, no, it's obvious that what I'm telling is the truth, why don't you believe it?" Bai Jue sighed helplessly, he is indeed the Erlang of the Bai family, he is indeed the partner of justice, he is indeed the savior, all the truth, but why? Are you brats unwilling to believe it?

He raised his legs helplessly: "It's okay even if you don't believe it, but you were indeed saved by me... I was going to dig a hole to go to Shenzhou, but I accidentally dug too well and dug directly to the bottom of the sea. I found out that I came to the seaside when I was young, so where is this place?"

The girl had already recalled the scene when the young man emerged from the bottom of the sea.

Because it is too shocking, there is no way to forget that his strength is absolutely terrifying.

She paused and replied, "This is Tsushima Island..."

"Soul of Tsushima Island?" Bai Jue touched his chin: "It's not on sale yet, right?"

"It's not a game, it's Tsushima Island." The girl said, "The middle part of the Korean Strait is the inherent territory of Kyushu Island."

Tsushima Island is about [-] kilometers away from the Koryo Peninsula. On a sunny day, you can see Busan from a high platform. It can be said that the distance is very close. It has existed as an outpost island of Kyushu Island for many years, and the rivalry between Japan and South Korea has long been History is traditional.

When Koryo's internal beasts began to invade the territory of Kyushu Island, Tsushima Island was the first to be massacred as an outpost, because it was too close...It is also very normal to start encroaching on the territory of Kyushu Island with Tsushima Island as the center.

Bai Jue stared at the sky speechlessly, thinking that he had indeed dug a hole under the ground bridge in Asia, and even made it under the bottom of the sea... This is interesting, I wonder if the sea water will flow back to the Himalayas along the road he opened Below the mountains...

"That's really a flowering on both sides of the strait."


"It's nothing, you heard it wrong, I didn't say anything about two blossoms! I didn't say that, but I said I would apologize to the people of the whole country in person!" Bai Jue corrected him and asked: "I understand Tsushima Island, but Why are you here? Well, this question is an idiot, seeing so many people died here, I can probably understand something, you really are..."

"Yeah." The girl lowered her head, she was indeed attacked.

"Sure enough, they are a group of younger brothers." Bai Jue said.

"Eh?" The girl raised her head again: "What brother?"

"I'm sorry, it's not my younger brother." Bai Jue corrected him, "It's my younger brother."

"You!" The girl suddenly stood up: "How dare you insult..."

"What's wrong with the insult?" Bai Jue said lightly, "I don't mind analyzing it for you."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and played the BGM of Detective Conan "Detective Detective コナンメインテーマ", and his persuasive power increased by [-]%. He crossed his hands and said in a deep voice: "Tsushima Island is located in the Strait. The end is undoubtedly the best route for the beasts to invade Kyushu Island, and your ships are stranded here, as if you are planning to confront the beasts head-on. If you want to be able to fight naval battles, let alone the navy of your Kyushu Island, the Beiyang Navy of the Shenzhou Empire will be beaten to the ground, and you can only be a younger brother."

"Kids know that war is about quantity. There are so many monsters in the animal world. A mouthful of Wangzai's milk per person can drown your warship. What do you use to fight them at sea? A group of brothers are wise, thinking that shouting Wanzai rushes forward and dies together to serve the country, but in the final analysis, it is just blind death, the country does not need you to die, life is meaningful."

"In terms of the final result, you didn't stop the beast army, and more than half of the navy was lost in the Korean Strait... It's just the navy. Even if you transport the army to land, you still have to face several times more beasts. , there is no chance of winning at all, and none of them will come back."

Bai Jue looked at the girl's dumbfounded expression: "I know you want to ask me why I know, it's very simple, I have a good relationship with Liu Dao, and our friendship is very close, very hot..."

The girl opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a lot of rebuttals.

Bai Jue turned off the BGM: "You are lucky to be able to stay on Tsushima Island. If you go to the land of Koryo, no one will know where you will die. This is a waste of a heroic spirit's battle." force."

"Ying... Ling?" The girl raised her head in astonishment: "I, I'm not... I'm just a warrior."

"You are, but you didn't realize it, and your heroic spirit is different from ordinary heroic spirits." Bai Jue shook his finger: "Your heroic spirit needs to be awakened by blood...Drinking blood under the knife is to drink blood." The fate of the Noma swordsman, if you don't step on the battlefield, it will be very difficult for you to wake up in this life, but on the battlefield, your growth is much faster than any heroic spirit."

The girl was at a loss again, the huge amount of information caused her little head to shut down a bit.

Bai Jue thought that she still needed some time to digest, but the next moment, the purple-haired girl raised her head, a little scarlet appeared in her eyes: "Then, if I am a heroic spirit, does it mean that I will also have the power of a heroic spirit, can I avenge them?"


"Revenge!" The girl clenched her fists: "We are warriors, companions who came out of the same dojo, we answered the call to join the army together, and we are contributing to national security, so we don't hesitate to die, even if I die, I will end that The beast said, if I were a heroic spirit..."

"Impossible." Bai Jue shook his head: "You can't do it because you are too weak, girl, you have already been on the battlefield and you are a mature expert, you have to learn to accept some unimaginable facts, such as , Santa Claus does not exist; for example, a master of theology does not need to go to cram school, he is a genius; for example, if you go to the animal way now, you will die."

Heroic spirits are really strong... But when the Battle of the Six Paths Demon Survey started, how could there be fewer dead heroic spirits?

Seemingly invincible invincibles often die without a whole body, how many people can survive in the end?

The Lion King thought about his mistakes behind closed doors, and Charlemagne closed himself on the spot. The seemingly powerful heroic spirit may be sincerely vulnerable.

Bai Jue sighed faintly, this girl doesn't understand this, her heart is filled with hatred, if she is allowed to go on like this, she will definitely die quickly.

He stared at the girl who gritted her teeth and said nothing, slowly got up, and pulled out the long sword that was burning with fire.

"Do you want to learn how to sword?"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Girl, do you want to learn sword?" Bai Jue said sincerely, "I can teach you any kind of swordsmanship here, such as learning swordsmanship in vain, self-cutting by sky fire, big street dance sword, returning to the sect with ten thousand swords..."

"After learning, can I take revenge?" Her eyes were quietly burning with obsession.

"You can't avenge yourself." Bai Jue gently wiped the ashes on the blade of the sword: "Revenge is empty and lonely, and it is a stupid and extravagant thing to live only for hatred... Take a step back Wanbu said, you got revenge, then what? Listen to me, revenge is fun for a while, just like hand punching. After the end, the endless emptiness and loneliness will only make you think of how the universe is formed. The question of emptiness."

"You're talking very boring things in very obscene terms..." The girl's expression was still indifferent.

"Ahaha, don't care about those details. Most things in the world are like this, with the same essence." Bai Jue asked: "Compared with these questions, I care more about why there are no other heroic spirits on the entire battlefield."

"No." The girl said quietly.

"Ah ♂?" Bai Jue made a philosophical doubt.

"Heroic spirits are in the mainland, and they didn't come." The girl said, "Only the navy came."

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