"As expected, you are the younger brother of the group, and you are here to give away the head." Bai Jue patted his head: "It's really a hopeless IQ. What do people in the military think, sending you to die? It must be Sparrow Soul playing too much Do you think you can beat the opponent's Guoshi Wushuang with one move? This? It's not fighting beast chess!"

The girl remained silent, she said: "If you can't win, you will die sooner or later, why not simply..."

"Death is a simple matter, but human instinct is to live. There is nothing shameful about it... Rather, it is strange to go to death frankly. When I tore Solomon with my hands back then, I didn't have any special reason , I just want to live." Bai Jue slowly lowered his voice: "It's a pity that you are too weak now, so that talking about the word 'revenge' is a joke, do you think your enemy is only the beast of Goryeo? It was just a beautiful mistake."

The girl raised her pupils, she didn't quite understand.

"The animal realm is just one of the six realms. In places you cannot see, there are hell realms, hungry ghost realms, asura realms, and heavenly and human realms...The heavenly and human realms are formidable enemies that I can't even say victory (even being defeated) The whole world is swaying in the flames of war, and if you want revenge, just a beast is not enough... You are too weak to even see the true face of your enemy No." Bai Jue said calmly, "The revenge you expect is much more difficult than you imagined."

The girl was stunned, and a little confusion appeared on her expression.

She really didn't know, she didn't know that it was only one of the six realms, and she didn't know that the whole world was in flames of war. She didn't care about those things, she just stared in front of her eyes, but she couldn't even stop what was happening in front of her eyes.

But now, she imagined the flames of war spreading to the whole world. In an instant, the difficulty seemed to choke her throat, and the unspeakable pressure seemed to overwhelm her. Two words that cannot be said lightly.

She didn't even have the qualifications to initiate revenge against Liu Dao, how ridiculous it is for a gnat to shake a tree.

At this moment, a sword pierced into her slowly falling line of sight, pierced into the sand, and the scorching flames circled the blade, driving away the desolate night, causing her pupils to reflect A little light.

"Yes, this is almost impossible revenge for you."

"You don't have enough time, your will is not enough, and your strength is even more unattainable."

"But... I will give you a chance." Bai Jue said lightly, "I will complete the current revenge on your behalf, and promise you a victory or defeat."

The girl looked up, she didn't understand what it meant.

"It's very simple." Bai Jue said, "I'll set you a small staged goal that can be achieved, such as earning... um, for example, defeating me."

"I don't understand." She shook her head: "My enemy is not you."

"But you want revenge, don't you?" Bai Jue said with messy logic: "Then you must be stronger than the target of your revenge, and your target is Liudao...and if I defeat Liudao, you defeat me, you You are stronger than Liu Dao... But you are too weak now, so all you need is time, and with enough time, your revenge can be completed after all, all you need is the opportunity to verify this."

This logic is really messy, even a little forced.

Bai Jue is greater than Liu Dao, so if she is greater than Bai Jue, she is greater than Liu Dao. Defeating Bai Jue is equivalent to defeating Liu Dao?

How can this be the same... One is an enemy, and the other is a benefactor who saved her. How can the hatred in my heart be wiped out in this way?

The girl pursed her lips and said nothing, she knew that this was just a simple comfort.

"If you can't accept it, become stronger from now on, become stronger and defeat me...Prove your strength, and I can take you to the battlefield." Bai Jue knew that she would not accept it completely, so he said: "But if you Your strength does not meet the requirements, and you are not even qualified to step on the battlefield... Girl, even if I, a three-color crook, would like to abduct you, but you are not fully broken, where is the output?"

"I killed a lot of monsters!" the girl retorted.

"Your current strength is not even a first-order heroic spirit." Bai Jue said lightly: "Weak forehand, poor backhand, procrastinated rhythm, slow attack, lack of energy, paranoid will, nothing decent."

"Hmm..." She bit her lip, and raised her eyes unwillingly, the pupils of her eyes were no longer just scarlet, but had a stubborn vivid color flowing, which made those pupils even more beautiful: "I will become stronger... very soon quick."

Bai Jue thought about it, no matter how strong you are, you are still no match for me, even if I let you go.

But this is what I say from the bottom of my heart, and when I say it, I become an honest person.

"I'm looking forward to it." Bai Jue stretched out his hand and gently touched her long purple hair: "If you want to become stronger, I'll teach you..."

The girl shook off Bai Jue's hand, and she said unhappily, "Don't treat me like a child, I'm already sixteen years old."

Regardless of her struggle, Bai Jue continued to rub her already messy hair, and said with a smile, "It turned out to be a sixteen-year-old little Gaigai, but children should still be patted on the head. What's your name?"

The girl raised her head, her indigo pupils reflected the bright moonlight, and she said, "Sasaki... the second daughter of Sasaki."

Bai Jue's fingers were stiff, as if the hand rubbing the dog's head was motionless, the expression under the mask seemed to be stiff, and the right eyelid was already twitching crazily at an extremely fast speed, as if the muscles of the face were cramped.

Bai Jue's mind travels back to the past in an instant, back to the night when he secretly went to Mount Fuji on Kyushu Island. At the climax of that month, he had his first historic meeting with the elegant Kyushu Swordsman Xiao Gai Gai. The words she said are still vivid in my memory...

"Why do you wear a mask... Do you think I won't recognize you?"

"Then why did you come back so late? It's been... ten years."

"In other words, you didn't come here to return that sword, did you?"

"If you say you have forgotten, then I will let you remember."

"I'm a swordsman... I don't understand righteousness. If you want something, you just use your sword to get it back."

"Yeah, I know, but at this moment, what else can I express besides anger and hatred!"

"Because...you owe me!"

Those powerful words echoed in Bai Jue's super strong memory, and they are still very powerful, because the impression is so deep that they can't be forgotten at all. The nonsensical dialogue back then was all thanks to the powerful movie star level Acting skills and the psychological quality of an old dog can barely cope with it. Now that I think about it...

Emmmmmmmmmmmm——!Fuck it (Chinese, Japanese, German, French, American, English)——!

Sasaki's second daughter?Kyushu Juggernaut?This? Is it a person?There is no resemblance at all!I just think it looks a little familiar, now you tell me that she is the Kyushu Sword Master ten years ago?She wasn't even a Heroic Spirit ten years ago?This is different from what I imagined. Ten years later, the reason why she chased me and hacked on Kyushu Island was because of this incident?

This heavenly cycle is too much!

Bai Jue's expression suddenly became serious. He thought about it carefully. It's not too late to remedy it, so he looked at Sasaki seriously, and said, "What you just said...can you pretend that you didn't hear it? I think we still There's something else to talk about..."

The girl's expression showed obvious disdain and indifference, she said coldly: "No, I have completely remembered it now, sooner or later I will defeat you and let you admit that I am strong enough to take revenge."

"Come on, girl, life is short, enjoy yourself in time, don't waste your time on meaningless things like this, there's no need to be serious with me, really... I'm a boring person, I'm actually Very sincere, you are so strong, what if after a period of time your skill 310 is fully broken, and you just hit me to death with a single punch? I am very panicked." Bai Jue continued to persuade seriously : "Give up, really... I'm in a panic now."

"Are you... fooling me?" The second daughter of Sasaki stared at Bai Jue very dissatisfied, and her anger became more intense: "I know you are strong! Don't emphasize it any more!"

"Brother Sasaki, you misunderstood." Bai Jue was about to be made to cry by himself, and he said very sincerely: "I am serious, look at my sincere eyes, there is no humor at all! My heart and my actions As clear as a mirror, what you do is from the heart! Girl, think about letting me go, and take you to Koryo to kill the beast now! Let's pull the hook, shall we?"

"Do you think..." Sasaki's second daughter's expression became even colder: "Do I look so stupid? The righteous words I just said, but now they pretend to be sincere and start to fool and question me... How can I be so easy to deceive?" ?"

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