But I really am not lying to you!

Bai Jue thought about it, and suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and said, "Well, I have a new one, which you haven't heard before. It's a bold, mature and reliable suggestion. You should think about it."

The girl tilted her head: "What are you going to say?"

"You worship me as your teacher, and I will teach you swordsmanship." Bai Juemei thought happily, if I were your master, would you still dare to stab me in spite of the world?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mount Fuji, the sacred mountain of Kyushu Island, is one of the national symbols of Kyushu Island. It enjoys worldwide acclaim and has appeared in traditional Waka songs since ancient times. Its existence itself is a spiritual symbol.

It's just that it is also a dangerous existence at the same time, because Mount Fuji is a volcano, so there is a possibility of eruption.

Every time it is on the verge of eruption, to ordinary people, it is probably just a strange sight, but to people in high positions, it means a disaster, because the activation of the volcano means that the earth under their feet is about to wake up.

In front of the torii gate of Asama Shrine.

There are three middle-aged men in military uniforms standing, holding sabers, with stern faces. The style of their clothes and the coat of arms on their shoulders all show their status as high-ranking military officials... because in the history of this world, World War II did not develop Therefore, there is no self-defense force setup. Kyushu island army is divided into two types: army and navy, with six ranks and sixteen ranks.

The three men were Admiral, Vice Admiral, and Vice Admiral.

The general is the highest rank in the military, and it is also the substantive military command. The leading general wears the Marshal Medal, which proves that he has the honorary title of Marshal and is eligible to serve as a military advisor in the Marshal's Mansion and inspect the Second Army.

Now he appears in front of the gate of Asama Shrine, does not enter, does not salute, and is even equipped with a saber... Just one more step forward means that he is contemptuous of the royal family of Kyushu Island, but he does not make any further movements but just stands there, frowning Frowning, he looked at the locked wooden door of the shrine's main hall with dark eyes.

"Admiral Tokugawa, you have been waiting all morning, please go back." A black-haired maiden walked to the door, wearing a white blouse and a red scarlet hakama, with sleeves fluttering gently in the wind, she stood on a high place , Said lightly to the middle-aged man: "His Highness Himiko doesn't want to see you, and the God Lord doesn't want you to step into the shrine with filth, please go back."

"Watch your tone!" The vice admiral at the side scolded harshly, "How dare you be so rude..."

"I am a priestess who serves Amaterasu Omikami! I don't need to salute anyone, and I don't need to show respect to anyone." The head priestess said calmly: "I need to say something, and I will report to His Highness Himiko."

Her indifferent attitude made the two lieutenant generals furious: "Do you understand how serious the situation is now! How dare you say such things? His Highness Himiko has been hiding here for more than ten days! Yes! Military and government affairs are ignored! What is she doing now when the whole country needs her most! Why doesn't she want to stand up!"

"His Highness is offering prayers to the gods." The head priestess kept her expression unchanged.

"You are worshiping the gods and worshiping to the point that your brain is flooded!"

"It's not your turn to say these words. Aren't you the ones who blocked the Asama Shrine and didn't allow me to leave?" The head priestess said indifferently, "Now you're still pretending to be kind?"


"Enough." Admiral Tokugawa, who had never spoken, opened his eyes: "You all be quiet."

The two lieutenant generals immediately shut their mouths. In Kyushu Island, where the hierarchy is strict, lower officials dare not be presumptuous easily.

"I just want to talk to His Highness Himiko." Admiral Tokugawa said lightly: "It shouldn't be difficult, I don't ask her to come forward, at least...explain what I said clearly, just explain clearly, the military I also have a way to explain over there. The public only needs her to come forward to appease the situation, and at least the situation can be stabilized. But if she does nothing, it will only disappoint the public. Once the riots start, she should be very clear about the consequences. .”

The head priestess still folded her hands on her lower abdomen, her posture was polite, but her words were only indifference and disgust: "I have already said, Your Highness is very busy... There are more important things to do now, please don't disturb her."

Admiral Tokugawa clenched his fingers slightly, and frowned: "No oil or salt..."

At this time, one hand was slowly pressed on the top of the saber, a faint chilling aura drifted away, and a black-haired beauty in a long dress emerged, with a smile on her lips, her gentle facial features were as soft as entering water, and her words made people feel like a spring breeze : "Why is Admiral Tokugawa so angry? This is a shrine, and there are no swords and swords. If there is anything, let me talk to you."

The sudden appearance of Uesugi Kenshin relieved the tense atmosphere.

Originally, Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen also had military backgrounds. Their qualifications may not be as good as Tokugawa's, but their prestige is definitely far better than his. It's just that they are not from the navy, but from the army.

There has been a long-standing estrangement between the army and the navy. They both dislike each other, but they have nothing to do with each other.

"Admiral Uesugi..." Tokugawa whispered, "You want to let her go?"

"I am a person who is loyal to the imperial family, so naturally I will not doubt His Highness." Kenshin Uesugi smiled and said: "What is the reason, even if she doesn't say it, I can probably guess a general idea... If you want to hear it, I can tell you you."

"What is more important than survival war?" Tokugawa said coldly, "I need her to give me an explanation."

"Then let her have a good talk with you when I have a chance." Uesugi Kenshin said lightly: "At least not today."

"As a general of the army, you are no longer on the front line. Why did you return here without authorization? Isn't it also to meet Himiko and ask you clearly?" Tokugawa asked again: "Don't you also know that she is messing around? "

"What Himiko did is not the reason for you to mess around." Uesugi Kenshin was still smiling, but his smile gradually became colder: "Whether you blocked the Asama Shrine or sent the navy to attack Goryeo without authorization, it seriously interfered with Shingen and I's strategy. Arrangement... thanks to your foolishness of sending soldiers to die, the pressure on the front lines is temporarily relieved, though only for a few days."

"At a time like this, you should think about counterattacking! How dare you come back!"

"And then the opponent counterattacked and handed over the entire Kyushu Island?" Uesugi Kenshin was also a little angry, but she still suppressed the waves of emotion: "Admiral Tokugawa, I don't want to argue with you in this place, Because it is unnecessary, please leave, I just came to visit the shrine today."

Tokugawa held the saber, his snake-like gaze swept across Kenshin Uesugi's no longer smiling face, and finally took a deep look at Shahonden, with a little bit of regret and untraceable fear in his eyes, He snorted coldly: "I will come again someday!"

After the three military generals left, the noon sun became a little dazzling.

The head priestess smiled wryly: "It's really a difficult group of people."

"The rightists are always like this..." Uesugi Kenshin sighed quietly: "A militaristic supremacy who believes in force."

"They come here almost every day, and I dare not say how many times I can stop them." The witch looked down and said tiredly: "Just now I was wondering if I would be beheaded by him...Thanks for coming."

"If I don't come back, he might really be able to set fire to the Asama Shrine... then the entire Kyushu Island will be completely destroyed." Uesugi Kenshin frowned: "Maybe I should call a military meeting to discuss this matter." Make it clear... But they may not believe it, who can believe that the land under their feet has existed for such a long time, and it is actually a nest of natural disasters."

It's not something she can decide on her own, so she shook her head and asked, "Is Himiko still going on?"

"Well, Your Highness has been praying without sleep for seven days, and she is very haggard..." The head priestess pinched the corner of her clothes: "Even if all of us priestesses pray together, we cannot bear such a huge vow, nor can we appease its anger. There are already many children who have passed out in the consecration, and we have tried everything we can to delay its awakening, but as long as the sacrifice is not carried out..."

"It will wake up sooner or later..." Uesugi Kenshin was bitter in his heart, but he still pretended to be confident and comforted him on the surface: "Don't worry, the biggest enemy is actually the animal way, as long as the animal way is wiped out..."

But, how can it be so easy?It's just that the defense is doing its best... let alone defeating it.

She opened her mouth, but she couldn't say the words 'I'll crush it', because it was too heavy, and she even felt that she couldn't do it at all.

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