For a while, the two on the way to the shrine were a little silent.

"Let me go and see her." Uesugi Kenshin broke the silence, she finally smiled gently, and said silently: "The saddest one is obviously herself."


On the way down the mountain, Admiral Tokugawa asked the two lieutenant generals to wait on their feet, and he planned to take a walk around here.

On the long mountain road, Admiral Tokugawa walked silently, and in the elongated shadow behind him, another figure quietly emerged. He was dressed like a painter, wearing a round felt hat and a black coat. , wearing a red bow tie, with the corners of his mouth raised, and a strange light shining in his pupils.

"It's really an unexpected development." He read in a surprised tone: "I didn't expect Uesugi Kenshin to come."

"I still don't like the way you speak..." Admiral Tokugawa took a deep breath: "I really didn't expect her to come, but she won't stay for long..."

"It is clear that the army was sent to Goryeo, delaying the attack of the animal road, but she did not go to regain the lost ground, but ran here instead, it is really puzzling." He continued to smile strangely: "But it is also very interesting..."

"Snake." Tokugawa stopped and said, "I have done as you said."

"Yes, I can see clearly."

"Then you promised..."

"Please rest assured, there will be no change to my promise. This is a deal between you and me, and the deal is absolutely fair." The man named Snake lowered the brim of his hat: "You obey my request and send the navy to raid Korea and force the palace. Himiko stepped forward and disrupted her... and I will make your dream come true, Kyushu Island will become the world's leading power, this is part of the deal, it will be as you imagined, it will become a power that will rule Asia with military power for a generation , as brilliant as the empire on which the sun never set!"

The snake smiled: "As long as my plan comes true, all your dreams will come true."

... This is true, but it's a pity that your dream of militarism is just a bubble after all. Even if it is brilliant, it will only last for a moment, and it will eventually burst... No matter what era it is in, it is the same.

Admiral Tokugawa didn't say much, just nodded dully: "Get what you need to pay... The war must continue. If the war disappears, how can a person like me survive... I will come again tomorrow."

The snake didn't speak, just smiled ironically, and sneaked into the shadows.


ps1: Actually, Moon Soul is going to be released tomorrow, and I’m very confused about whether to use it or not. The strength and operation mode of Moon Soul are said to be very bad, and 3.0 is coming soon. According to the past laws, either new characters will be released in 3.0 or 3.1. In all likelihood it's Hill, I'm going to wait and see, or I'll make it a little bit easier and get the Queen to 2S.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My teacher said that swordsmanship is the art of killing, a martial art that exists for killing... A certain Feng Yuxiu, who did not want to be named, also said that kung fu is a killing skill, and swordsmanship that does not aim at killing has no value. Although I don't agree with this statement, the biggest role of swordsmanship in my hands is still killing, and there is nothing wrong with it in the end, it's just that I don't like people who kill indiscriminately."

Bai Jue said lightly: "So, if you follow me to learn the sword, you must first remember one thing... Do not kill at will, life is precious... (Sprinkling salt) is a miracle that only happens once, and it is the same for any creature... …(smelling the scent), don’t talk about people, even if it’s flowers, grass, rabbits and pheasants, it’s very... (continue to sprinkle salt)... very important to maintain a compassionate heart.”

While roasting the rabbits and pheasants that were caught in the mountains and then peeled and dismembered, Bai Jue taught the second daughter of Sasaki, who had just become his disciple, earnestly, with a serious tone, and the aroma of the barbecue had completely betrayed his true mental activities.

"How long will it take to eat?" The girl didn't listen to Bai Jue's rationale at all, and asked, "I'm hungry."

"Hey, you child doesn't understand the value of life." Bai Jue handed over the roasted meat: "Here, eat..."

Sasaki took it and took out a knife, cut off a piece of grilled meat, blew it to cool, and stuffed it into her mouth. The salty and moderate taste hit her taste buds, and made her serious and indifferent expression show a little satisfaction... Eat delicious The food, anyone will give birth to a sense of satisfaction.

Looking at this scene, Bai Jue's heart suddenly became calm. It's good to go out for a barbecue once in a while. He's not thirsty or hungry, but the second daughter feels tired and hungry. The two walked for more than half a day. He was not in a hurry, but just crossed the mountains and forests. On the way, he picked up one or two rabbits that had been killed on the stakes for dinner.

Tsk... I don't know if it's the rabbit that cameo from the Sand Sculpture Group.

His job is both a savior and a cook. Cooking is a personal preference. Watching others eat happily is also a kind of satisfaction to his heart... It's just for friends who don't have snacks at hand in the middle of the night Not friendly enough.

Bai Jue wanted to write what he saw about the sixth singularity as a trip to find food, but he didn't even have the chance to turn on the gas stove along the way. It's still very easy to show off his skills and feed a mere juvenile sword master this time , This reminded him of the war in this era, and he didn't know how many people didn't have enough food and clothing, and even the sand sculpture group he was familiar with didn't know how they were doing.

He turned his head and looked to the southwest, where the Shenzhou Empire was located.

"Heaven and humanity..." Bai Jue murmured silently in his heart: "It won't be long before I get rid of other troubles, and I'll kill you all."

The killing intent was genuine, and when he thought of that move, Tathagata God's Palm, he became very angry.

At this time, a pair of eyes looked over, and the second daughter was staring at him. There was no other color in the indigo pupils.

"I am full?"

"Yes." She put her hands in the stream to wash off the oil, then held the sword and said, "Continue."

"You are really passionate about swordsmanship." Bai Jue smiled: "It's different from me at the beginning. I was pierced by the master all day long, and now I still have some psychological shadows in retrospect... Tonight I will teach you a simple move. Getting Started."

Bai Jue pointed to the distant mountain peak with one hand, and shouted: "Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

The sword qi swept across, and in an instant, thousands of sword qi flew together, and the mountain was flattened by more than ten meters. The roaring momentum made the second daughter's eyes widen, her little heart was shocked, and there were probably countless words in her heart. Love you (Cao Nima) and I miss you (MMP) are intertwined... Is this move just a starting move?You liar!I can't speak Chinese and I won't be cheated by a bad old man like you!

"Come and try it, it's quite simple." Bai Jue said.

"Are you kidding me?" Sasaki's second daughter's expression gradually turned cold: "You are really unreliable at all... I'd better practice swords by myself."

"I'm a reliable adult man, how can I fool you, this trick is very simple, as long as you put on a pose and shout, the force is in place, and the sword energy will naturally be in place, it's always done like this in movies !"

The second daughter never paid any attention to Bai Jue, only thinking that what he was talking about was nonsense.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jue could only squat down silently and continue grilling the fish.

Of course he did it on purpose, but not to amuse her. His swordsmanship was acquired through forced indoctrination. He lacked the slow tempering of each move and style, and had a huge sword energy support, even if he could draw an A casually. The sword energy is thirty meters long and wide. It can be said that he doesn't know how to teach girls the basics of swordsmanship, because he doesn't have the basics at all.

The polishing of the basics requires her own efforts, and the continuous improvement of swordsmanship cannot bring about a strong increase. The main thing is to break the rank. Her heroic spirit needs to be bathed in blood, which means that the enemy... kills and then becomes stronger .

For the Noma swordsman of Kyushu Island, survival is killing. In the era when most samurai swordsmen walk with swords and swords, once a confrontation is at stake, it is a matter of reputation, and it is life and death with the sword. Names are all bloody names obtained in actual combat.

Bai Jue said it was her teacher, but he would not teach her too much swordsmanship, because Sasaki's second daughter's swordsmanship had already been formed, he would only choose opponents for her, choose the right opponents, and use the fastest path to improve her strength. order.

In fact, her growth rate is also amazing, even a bit too fast, so in order for her to adapt to the rapidly increasing power, she has to constantly find opponents to test the sword, flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, running on the ground, and beasts. There are many powerful monsters in the game, if you see the ones that are pleasing to the eye, let the white tiger catch two and bring them back.

In the past half a day, she has killed more than a dozen monsters, and has been promoted to the first level of Heroic Spirit, but it is not enough. Afterwards, she will probably have to kill dozens more monsters to get to the second level. The subsequent promotion of the third and fourth levels depends on the individual. Willpower is gone, which is a threshold for most spirits.

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