"Didn't notice anything?" Bai Jue didn't like hearing his bluff.

"You don't have enough time." Snake's voice suddenly became very cheerful: "Do you think you have enough time? It's not... You don't have enough time. You were suppressed by heaven and humanity under the Himalayas, It took seventy hours to dig through the leylines, and you wasted three days, and in those three days, the situation in Tsarist Russia will get worse."

"...Tsarist Russia, there are heroes from the Vatican rushing to help."

"Yes, but just one or two can't change the situation of the battle." Snake said with a smile: "Originally you should go directly to the Tsarist Empire, but you just can't help it, can't you? You can't help but want to go back to China even though you arrived in India The idea of ​​the empire taking a second look, after all, the Chinese Empire is different to you...more important than Tsarist Russia, France, or even Britain."

Bai Jue pursed his lips, he couldn't deny it and didn't want to deny it.

The Shenzhou Empire is not his hometown, but it has all the traces of his hometown, and there are many friends of his. Of course, he cares more about the people he cares about.

"So, this is the mistake you made. Your greatest weakness is nothing more than being emotional." Snake joked playfully: "But it's not beyond my expectation... It was originally a multiple-choice question, and you are perfect. Don’t you wonder why Tianrendao prepared the gossip array in advance as if it knew you would come in advance, why it didn’t kill you, but put you under Mount Everest. "

Bai Jue suddenly realized: "You want to say... this is all your trap?"

"You're not stupid, but it's a pity that you realized it too late, and I insisted on giving you a hint." Snake spread his hands and said, "It's really helpless, don't you realize that the situation of the Asian generation is far worse than that of Europe ? Have you considered why?"

Bai Jue's heart sank. He didn't notice this question until the other party asked it...

Yeah...? Why the hell?

The situation of the Asian generation is much worse than that of Europe, not just the situation, not just the problem of whether they can win or not... No matter how strong the opponents of Britain and France are, as long as they are united, they can always deal with it.

On the other hand, looking at the neighboring countries in Asia, it’s okay to have strong opponents, and unexpected situations often occur.

Whether it was the six heroic spirits of India who went to Dazang and were killed by the gods and humans, or the kamikaze attack by the Kyushu navy, they all greatly consumed the power that could have been used to resist the six realms...leading to the immediate subjugation of India, and also to today's Kyushu Island is caught in a dilemma.

The sudden sudden death caused by internal problems is very abnormal... India is the same, and Kyushu Island is also the same, and the actions of Tianrendao are clearly aimed at him, as if he has pre-read his course of action, causing everything to go wrong.

Bai Jue didn't think about it too much at the beginning. He once thought it was a normal historical process, and he didn't care about it. The history ten years ago was already difficult to look up, and he himself was not willing to ask other heroes These, and in the battle of demon investigation, he knew that the Chinese Empire was almost destroyed, and subconsciously thought that the copy of the Chinese Empire should be more difficult to conquer than other regions.

This is a very simple but fatal mistake, which directly caused Bai Jue to not know what the war ten years ago should have looked like. Everything went according to his idea, so if there was any deviation, he himself unclear.

Assuming that these things that should have happened... If they didn't exist...

The timeline is completely wrong!

Bai Jue felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, his chest suddenly felt tight, his head suddenly emptied, and even the killing intent was temporarily forgotten, a premonition called 'rollover' rang out in the depths of his consciousness.

"You arranged it... right?" Bai Ge lowered his eyes, his expression was neither sad nor happy, but he entered the water coldly: "The situation in Asia was disturbed by you...you didn't attack Europe. You know the timeline ten years later, but you set a different trap at the singularity point ten years ago, leading me to another fork in the road."

"bingo~" Snake laughed heartily: "That's right, no, it's too right! It only took a few dozen seconds to figure out the cause and effect relationship. You really have a lot of brains, but it's a pity that you don't usually I like to use it too much, a real reckless man."

"Don't? Change the subject!" Bai Jue said coldly, "Is it you!"

"Of course it's me." The snake didn't wait for his voice to fall and started to answer, its voice was more presumptuous and more joyful: "I lured the heroic spirits of India to seize the Tibet Autonomous Region of the Shenzhou Empire, which made you lose a lot of help; It was I who exposed your information to heaven and humanity, and let you fall into their trap at the first time; it was also I who told them the way to suppress you, which wasted three days of your time, and made the war between Tsarist Russia precarious and helpless; I was also the one who lured the Kyushu Island navy to attack Koryo and lost four-fifths of it."

It sighed happily: "I thought you would try your best to get out of trouble, and then continue to Tsarist Russia, or simply go to the Chinese Empire, but I didn't expect you to dig a hole directly to Tsushima Island. Due to her fighting instinct, she also saved the second daughter of Sasaki, who was supposed to die from ten deaths, should I say this is her fate, or something else... Hahahahahahahahaha..."

This laughter made Bai Jue very unhappy, and his expression became colder: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's natural to laugh when you're in a good mood." The hat let out a barbell-like laugh: "You dug a hole all the way to Kyushu Island. Although you were a step ahead, you still fell into my trap after all. Now you can leave if you want No, I didn't intend to show up, but since you came here by such a coincidence, I will meet you and show off the situation I set up for you. This is my hard work, you have to be good Experience it."

Bai Jue gritted his teeth: "Your mother..."

"Hahahaha, that's right, that's the expression. This is the expression I want to see, the expression that you want to kill me but can't do." Snake laughed wildly. Above the white line: "If it wasn't for seeing your unwilling expression with my own eyes, I would be reluctant to show up! I have to be complacent and see more of your unwilling expression."

The anger on Bai Jue's expression gradually receded, and he tried to calm down: "You seem to hate me very much."

"Of course I hate you." Snake laughed a few times in a low voice: "I won't tell you the reason yet, I want to know... Then continue playing with me... Sooner or later one of us will be out."

"Okay, you like playing so much, I'll play with you." Bai Jue raised his eyes: "What is it this time?"

"It's still the same game." Snake said in a low voice, "I want you to choose one, Kyushu Island or Tsarist Russia."

"All of me..."

"You can't do it. You should still remember the natural disaster beast on Kyushu Island. It is about to wake up, stimulated by the spirit of the huge dead animal beast, and this island is not far from being overthrown... As for Tsarist Russia, it supports It won't be long, if you are late, I don't need to say anything, you know it... After all, you have wasted a few days, which is enough to decide the life and death of some people."

Snake smiled lowly: "I also took Sasaki away. Can you save her once or twice, and the third time? If you want to come, come to Mount Fuji. If it's too late, I will throw her down to feed the monsters." Yes, haha... This is something Himiko can't wish for, if there are heroic spirits as human sacrifices, Kyushu Island can be preserved for thousands of years... You don't need to expect other heroic spirits to help you, they are too busy to take care of themselves now."

"Come on, choose..." It seemed to be smiling ironically all the time.

"Choosing one or the other again?" Bai Jue whispered, this time... his heart gradually sank to the bottom.


pretend to have pictures

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mount Fuji Asama Shrine Torii.

"You are here again, Admiral Tokugawa, you are really unwilling to give up as always, should it be said that everyone in the military department is the same?" Uesugi Kenshin said indifferently: "Himiko has no time to see you, I have already emphasized It’s been many times, no matter how many times you come, the result is the same, it’s good for us to be a little more open, I can talk less, and you can also walk a little less on the mountain road.”

"Mountain climbing is just a simple physical exercise for us." Admiral Tokugawa did not wear a saber this time: "Is Admiral Uesugi still not going back? The frontline battles will not allow you to spend your days here leisurely, praying to God and worshiping Buddha , the soldiers are sleeping in the trenches with their clothes on, if this continues, it will have an impact on your reputation, and it will also affect the prestige of the government and the army..."

"You should know that I am a Buddhist." Uesugi Kenshin smiled softly: "For me, praying to God and worshiping Buddha is not only a formal measure, but also a way to appease the hearts of the soldiers and the people."

"Then why did you come to Asama Shrine?" Tokugawa asked. The shrine on Mount Fuji is an ancient Shinto religion, which is a thousand miles away from Buddhism... Kyushu Island has a long history of religious complexities, and even Buddhism has its own obvious differences. The difference between Tantric Buddhism, not to mention Shintoism, Puritanism and other sects from other countries, and the issue of sects has extended to a large number of hostile fights in history.

Amakusa Shiro, the unlucky culprit in this generation, is a believer in Christianity.

"Although I believe in Buddhism, I don't discriminate against other beliefs." Uesugi Kenshin said with a gentle face, but his words were thorny: "Unlike you, you don't use the name of eradicating dissidents just because you don't like them." Sweep them all away... A word from the Shenzhou Empire is "seeking common ground while reserving differences."

"There is another saying in the Shenzhou Empire that the minds of people who are not our own must be different." Tokugawa snorted coldly: "There is no need to argue about contradictory conclusions. Different principles adapt to different times. Today's era does not need those old ones. reason!"

"You don't want to discuss the truth with me, and you don't come to visit the shrine, then...please go back." Uesugi Kenshin lowered his hands: "This is the pure land where the gods live, and those who have to respect the gods are allowed to step in."

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