She doesn't like this type of generals, they are eager for quick success and bold actions, and they are actually a group of crazy people addicted to the battlefield under the banner of patriotism.

"Really?" Admiral Tokugawa said indifferently, "I know why you keep preventing me from going in, and I also know what Himiko is doing now."

"You know?" Uesugi Kenshin frowned, how could he know.

"Is it a natural disaster monster?" Tokugawa stepped hard on the stone steps under his feet: "The ground under his feet is not a fragment of a naturally formed continental plate at all, but the sleeping corpse of a huge monster... When I first heard the news , I don't believe it either, but... this seems to be the exact fact. If it weren't for this reason, I really can't think of why Himiko has refused to come out. Think about it carefully. In the past thousands of years, the royal family Her princess has been a priestess of Asama Shrine for generations, and there are signs of all of this.”

"You know..." Uesugi's sister's smile gradually faded, and finally turned into an indifferent stare. There were waves of anger in the tranquility, and she asked, "Since you know, why are you forcing me in front of the Asama Shrine?" She appeared? You know it's distracting her, and you know... what you're doing will sink to the bottom of the ocean."

"Yes, that's right." Admiral Tokugawa sneered, "So what?"

Seeing the indifferent smile on the face of the middle-aged man, Uesugi Kenshin's breath was stagnant, and the power of the heroic spirit fluctuated. She slowly pressed the weapon at her waist. It was her favorite sword. Unsheathed, she stared coldly at Tokugawa's neck, as if her knife would fall the next moment.

The dragon of Echigo asked slowly: "Do you want to ruin the whole country?"

Uesugi Kenshin lives up to her name. As a heroic spirit, she is the perfect symbol of Yamato Nadeko in the eyes of humans all over the world. She has an excellent appearance and temperament, and her international image is almost perfect. The impression of her in the world is her gentle personality and her literary achievements. extraordinary achievement, not combat prowess.

But this is also a misunderstanding.

She is the reincarnation of a military general in the Warring States Period. Even if she does not retain the memory of her previous life, she is still a military general. Although she has not experienced the first Heroic Spirit War as a peak heroic spirit, she has participated in many rift crusades. His military exploits are not in vain.

Facing the ultimate killing intent of a peak heroic spirit, how can a mortal resist it?

But Tokugawa's expression remained unchanged, but his face was a little pale. He even opened his mouth and smiled, staring at Kenshin Uesugi sarcastically: "Buried? Hahahahaha! Are you kidding me? No one loves my motherland more than me." I just think differently from you, I just want to choose a better path, a path that none of you think about!"

Uesugi Kenshin frowned, she didn't draw out the knife, the knife was still in the sheath, and she didn't move her hand.

"Your way?"

"That's right!" Tokugawa said in a high-pitched and fiery voice, "For thousands of years, has this land under our feet brought us anything? Killing, war...Because of the division of the land itself, it is difficult to unify the family and the country, and the earthquake Natural disasters such as hurricanes, storms, and famines have never been spared, even in a modern society, we cannot conquer this land, it seems to have a will, and has been driving us, a group of parasites, away from it!"

"You should understand this kind of feeling, as if you are living under a fence, that kind of panic that can't be avoided all day long, for fear that after the original owner of this land opens his eyes and wakes up, we fragile people will lose everything we have, Wealth, fame, status, relatives, friends, hometown and even the country have all disappeared, what a cruel nightmare!"

Tokugawa stared at Uesugi, and asked question after sentence: "Don't you feel this way? Admiral Uesugi...don't you, don't you feel scared? Don't you feel envious? Envy the people on the other side of the ocean Kingdom! I envy the Chinese Empire and the solid land that the countries of the Asian continent possess! That is a kind of peace of mind that we don’t have, as if our feet are connected to the earth, and our blood is connected to the peace of mind.”

The middle-aged man said hoarsely: "I have had this feeling... Every time I leave, I will have this feeling, so that I toss and turn on the bed and can't sleep, and I can only feel my own incompetence and the pain in my heart... …Why should others have it, but we cannot! Why should my country struggle to survive on this dangerous land?"

He swallowed a mouthful of spit: "I'm not reconciled."

Uesugi Kenshin was awed by his questioning, and her complexion changed several times. She couldn't refute Tokugawa's words, because the facts are as he said, for the people of Kyushu Island, the world is not fair, and the land they live basically The coffin board of the monster, it will wake up eventually, once it wakes up, it will lift the coffin board, and the country living on the coffin board will be destroyed in an instant, and all they can do is to keep delaying this time.

Sister Uesugi whispered: "So?"

"So I figured it out. Since I don't have it and others have it, I can only grab it." Tokugawa said indifferently: "It's a very simple truth, the weak prey on the strong... It is dangerous to start a war rashly, and an unjust war will inevitably fail. So I've been waiting for an opportunity, and luckily, I got it within my lifetime."

He laughed happily: "The war of demon survey is a huge disaster for others, but it is not for us... As long as we win the territory elsewhere, we can start emigrating, and Korea is the most suitable target! The country has already been destroyed, so it is very appropriate for us to take over."

"Then... what about Kyushu Island?" Uesugi asked.

"Destroyed." Tokugawa's voice did not have any warmth: "Before it ruins our country, first destroy it!"

Uesugi Kenshin grasped the hilt of the sword again.

This man... is too dangerous!

Distorted personality, extreme way of thinking, complete egoism, complete cruelty under rational thinking, not seeing human life as human life, even in his concept there is no memory of this land.

And the so-called country is just a convenient righteous name in his mouth.

As long as he is regarded as an enemy, even brothers and sisters will be eliminated by him. He has no compatriot friendship or family and country affection.

If he really followed his vision and let such a man become the head of state, control the steering wheel of the country, and act on behalf of the will of the country, Kyushu will immediately be transformed into a huge and terrifying military machine, a weapon that exists for aggression.

No matter how good the reason is, it is an act of aggression after all.

It's like a beast that tasted the taste of blood. The first time it was stained with blood, it awakened its animal nature, and then it couldn't stop, because the animal nature cannot be restrained, and greed will drive it to continuously devour other... Most of the empires of the moment perished in this way.

For Tokugawa, even if he conquered Goryeo and won a new living territory, he would never be satisfied. Where will he extend his minions next time?The war-torn Chinese Empire, or the weak Tsarist Russian Empire?No matter which one it is... It's too dangerous. This is an act of self-destruction, and he even demanded the destruction of Kyushu Island, not even keeping a retreat, forcing all the people to destroy along with this madman's dream?

This is simply too similar to the German lunatic back then.

Uesugi Kenshin gritted his teeth. She felt that this greedy man who was crazy about war could not continue talking. His words were too provocative, and the price he offered was too tempting. The beautiful vision he promised It's too sweet, enough to make countless people crazy about it, flocking to become his pawns, and bewildered their minds to become his aggression minions!

Because, this is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy, which is the most fundamental appeal of human beings... Since I don't have it, I can only snatch it. This simple and straightforward natural law even I can't refute, and it has produced an instant shake!

But...just wrong!This is also crazy behavior!Following his guidance will only make Kyushu Island self-destruct!

Uesugi Kenshin pressed the hilt of the sword, she interrupted her runaway thoughts, calmed herself, and her eyes were cold again.

If it was said that she was only intent on killing before, now she is completely intent on killing.

Such a terrible instigator cannot live, not to mention that he is already an admiral, and has already launched a war for his own ambition, causing the navy to lose most of it... This is an egoist who is selfish to the extreme, but knows how to instigate Others are working for themselves... such a dangerous person, why did I only realize it now?Can't let him go!Even if he is charged with a crime, he should be killed on the spot!

Pushing the scabbard with her fingers, Uesugi Kenshin was already ready to draw the sword. Her hand was very steady. As a heroic spirit, if she wanted to kill within this step, no one could save him!

But just before the crisp sword chant sounded.

A voice fell, stopping Kenshin Uesugi's sword that was about to be unsheathed, and also made her expression stiffen suddenly.

"Admiral Tokugawa." Himiko's voice came along with the opening of the main hall's door: "Please come in and talk."


ps1: Strong Amway Sand Sculpture's new show "Miss Hui Ye Wants Me to Confess"


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