"This is what makes you different from me. For the sake of Kyushu Island, I will not hesitate to die...but for yourself, you will spare everything in Kyushu Island." Himiko smiled sarcastically, "And you don't understand at all, my life It should have been dedicated to it... Now that things have happened, why are you afraid and afraid, and why do you need to use righteousness to make excuses for your own life? If I promise you, I will also become a cowardly and shameful careerist! "

She looked at Tokugawa's distorted expression due to anger, and said lightly: "Unfortunately, your incitement is useless to me."

If she dies for the country, the position of the supreme leader will be vacant, and the country's internal affairs will be chaotic. Uesugi Kenshin Takeda Shingen will never support his plan, and his idea will be in vain...

In his plan, Himiko is necessary!

He originally thought that this woman was very easy to be incited, but he didn't expect that what kind of tenacious will she relied on for so many years of hard work, with such a strong will, how could she watch Tokugawa bury her with his own hands? Nationals of my favorite country.

Even so, she did not oppose Tokugawa, but chose to accept any possible future calmly, because he is also a member of the country. Maybe his idea is correct, but the means are a little more extreme and despicable.

"You need to reconsider seriously!"

"I've thought about it very clearly." Himihu said lightly: "And the last thing I will do for this country is to entrust the future to other people, at least the Heroic Spirit in your hand will become An important force that is indispensable in the future of Kyushu Island! Give her back to me... Admiral Tokugawa! I don't mind taking you as a hostage in exchange!"

"You!" Tokugawa's expression was already distorted with anger. This kind of development was something he never thought of. Perhaps when his judgment on Himiko appeared to be biased from the very beginning, this kind of result was destined to happen. The way is different. Not to conspire with each other.

He said angrily and in a low voice: "Since Your Highness is so determined, then I can only resort to the last resort! Snake..."

"Here, here." A man wearing a round felt hat emerged from the shadows: "What are your orders?"

"Destroy this place!" Tokugawa said coldly, "I want you to not even hold sacrifices!"

He really started going crazy.

However, this is the final madness...

The snake just smiled lowly: "Sorry, this is not within the scope of our transaction."

"You... I can give you whatever price you want!"

"You can't give me the price I want." Snake opened his eyes, his vertical pupils were full of coldness and joking: "Sit down, poor man, you did bring me a lot of happiness, but you You really lost, so your part is over, and from now on, it's my game with him."

"Who are you? Who is he?" Himiko stood up and asked.

"It's not important, the important thing is..." The snake raised its hand and slowly stroked her cheek, the cold shadow bound her body, it smiled and said: "You are already a pawn in my hand, if you die Here, let me see what he can do to save Kyushu Island."


ps1: It is impossible to open a reward for offering a reward. The Buddhist life never asks for tickets~


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Uesugi Kenshin stood in front of the torii, and she was worried about what would happen in the main hall, but the barrier in the Asama Shrine would naturally isolate perception, and she could not break into it at will to disturb the conversation between the two.

Himihu is a heroic spirit, and she is too weak to be killed by a mortal. She is not worried about Himihu's safety, but only worried that she will choose a path that even she herself thinks is wrong to protect the country.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew across the mountain road.

The wind seemed to be mixed with blades, and when it brushed against the cheeks, there were blunt pains on the skin.

She even had the phantom pain that her skin was cut by the blade, and subconsciously raised her hand to touch her cheek. There was no bleeding or scars, but the residual pain made her slightly startled, what kind of killing intent was that.

She lowered her eyes, and at the end of her eyes, there were figures from far to near.

Swinging straight up the rugged mountain road, the speed is extremely fast, and he didn't run, but he crossed dozens of stone steps with every step. , where the fallen leaves were scattered were divided by the sword energy, the fallen leaves fell to the ground, but even the solid stone steps were cut by the sword energy attached to the fallen leaves, like tofu being cut open.

He stepped forward, as if he was carrying endless swords, like a walking storm of sword energy.

Wearing a mask, those golden pupils stared straight ahead, and there was no reflection of any figure in these eyes.

When Uesugi Kenshin noticed it, Azuki Dou Nagamitsu had already unsheathed, and she pulled out the weapon completely subconsciously, urging her to do so instinctively, just because the comer was powerful enough to threaten her life, this is a crossing How many times the battlefield has never had an experience.

She is not a life-hungry person. In her previous life, she dared to drink in front of the army, and her expression did not change in the face of countless arrows falling. It made her feel instinctive fear, and even drew her sword subconsciously. It was enough to prove that she thought she could not win this battle. people.

"Stop the visitor." But she still stopped the visitor, and drew her sword in front of him: "This place is the Shrine of Asama! I won't allow you to continue messing around! If you have anything to do, you can... "

But that person ignored him and ignored him, like a krypton gold sow with ten orders and zero treasures, her eyes were dull, her will was savage, and her rationality was evaporating. No matter how others blocked her, she couldn't stop him Click to buy the fingers of Saint Quartz...

If it was Bai Jue on weekdays, he would definitely reason with her, have a friendly conversation with her in a funny way, and then the two sides expressed their greetings in a friendly manner, and finally had a discussion with her, so the three thousand words in this chapter The words just passed away.

But today's Bai Jue doesn't have Kenshin Uesugi in his eyes, or even anything else... In his opinion, nothing is more important than killing a snake.

Reasonable, you don't have to say it.

You don't need to talk nonsense.

Old people can turn a blind eye.

"Get out of the way." Only the word Qing Leng came from under the flawless mask. This was the first warning, and it was also the last. Time was running out and there was no room for waste. His heart was as cold as his voice.

"Don't let me go." Uesugi Kenshin will also not obediently step aside, allowing such a murderous person to break into the shrine seems to have something wrong with her brain, of course a loyal hero will not back down, this is the principle.

So conflict is inevitable, so the battle begins when the dialogue ends.

Uesugi Kenshin is the god of war. Her battles are like her military strategy command. She is good at layout and planning, which is always pleasing to the eye. The formation of manipulating the storm, blades meet, it should be she who has the upper hand.

Therefore, she was ready for hand-to-hand combat immediately, but before her tactics were perfected, Bai Jue had already taken the first step.

In the first step, the sword forest is like rain, and the sword energy bursts out. Within a few meters, thousands of sword energy roar, each sword energy has the ability to penetrate metal and stone. ... Uesugi Kenshin's pupils contracted, and she swung her sword to raise the barrier of the storm, but the sword energy was enough to penetrate even the storm, and she had nowhere to hide in the rain of swords, so she was forced to take a step back.

Bai Jue took the opportunity to take a further step, and he crossed dozens of steps in one step. At this time, the distance between the two was already very close.

In the second step, he raised his palm and blocked the road with frost. He didn't even draw out his sword. As he approached, the drifting frost expelled the heat within a few meters, forming a frozen field.

Uesugi Kenshin felt the sudden drop in temperature, and the spirit of the heroic spirit in the body was activated immediately. The sealed power flowed through the body along with the blood, dispelling the cold. At the same time, she chose to release the treasure, the storm car sealed on the small bean long light sword The Hanging Formation is about to be released, the treasure that resembles the outline of the moon and the sky rolling over the earth is a combination of offense and defense, more than ten times easier to use than the Wind King Barrier.

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