But before the treasure was released, one hand grabbed her knife.

Bai Jue's right hand grabbed her sword, and at that moment, blood flowed profusely.In fact, no matter how sharp the blade is, it can't pierce the skin he protects with sword energy, but the focus is not on the blade, but on the storm unleashed violently. Holding this knife is equivalent to holding the entire storm car hanging in his right hand. array!That is a storm formation that is powerful enough to penetrate the city walls and mountains.

Uesugi Kenshin stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief, just one hand completely suppressed her treasure under five fingers?

Even though Bai Jue's right hand was bleeding, his five fingers were clenched more and more tightly, but the palm was completely attached to the blade, and the power of the storm was completely suppressed immediately, and the icy frost spread along the blade. Xiaodou Changguang wailed, like the last cry of a dying animal. This famous knife is a sacred relic handed down from generation to generation, but now it will eventually be destroyed by human hands.

Bai Jue's face was cold, and he exerted force with his five fingers, like a spearman breaking his own weapon. With a little force, the frozen blade really shattered into two pieces like a piece of shattered ice.

The broken blade fell to the ground, and the famous sword lost its spirituality.

Bai Jue destroyed its shape, the sword was not just broken, but shattered. If you look closely, its cracks have already spread all over the blade, and it is impossible to repair it again. Even a skilled swordsmith can't do it .

Uesugi Kenshin's Noble Phantasm was defeated head-on, and while she was shocked, her self-esteem and confidence were easily crushed by Bai Jue at this moment, connecting with Xiaodou Changguang.

For this, Bai Jue didn't even offer a word of comfort, but just walked by her side silently, ignoring her, and had no time to pay attention to her mood at this moment.

Stepping into the Asama Shrine in the third step, he stared at the main hall, the released soul power whipped up a strong wind, and opened the tightly closed wooden door tens of meters apart, he said coldly: " Here I come... a snake."

The shadows in this hall squirmed like snake shadows.

A man wearing a round felt hat came out, his face was also covered with black shadows, and the contours of his expression could be barely seen. The snake stood in front of the door and said with a smile: "You are late, I will wait for you for ten minutes I have more than enough."

"You already knew that I would come here." Bai Jue said coldly, "What if I don't choose this place?"

"Why didn't you choose this place? You can't turn a blind eye to the life and death in front of you at all." Snake spread his hands and joked in a tone that knew him very well: "If you can turn a blind eye to the life and death in front of you with great will, great perseverance, A person who is enlightened, then you are no longer you...Because the clown who bears the name of the savior and wants to save everything, this is your essence."

"Heh... If I were a clown, what would you be?" Bai Jue said coldly, "A demon king who is always beaten by brave men? Or a villain who dies too much? Or just a simple slime A? You Do you deserve to think you are in control of everything?"

"Hahaha, I like the way you speak hard, but your words can't have any influence on me at all, you can say whatever you want, you can't change this reality, the reality is...you made a wrong choice again! "Snake spread his arms: "You will fall into the choice of the prisoner's dilemma here, and the Tsarist Empire will be finished, and the fragments of the six paths will target the Chinese Empire." It snapped its fingers: "When Tsarist Russia falls, The Dao of Heaven and Humanity will launch an offensive, the Dao of Animals in Koryo, the Dao of Heaven and Humanity inside China, and the Dao of Shura in Tsarist Russia, attacking from three sides, I see how the Empire of China can protect itself."

"Really?" Bai Jue's face remained unchanged: "You really think I didn't expect that?"

"Of course you know which is more important, but you still came here, not only because of Kyushu Island, but also because I am here, and you want to kill me... Poor boy, I know what you think very well." The snake lowered his head Pulled off the brim of his hat, posing in a flirtatious pose, turned sideways to Bai Jue, raised the corners of his lips, and sarcastically said: "I don't care about anything, and I came here wholeheartedly just to kill me... This kind of awareness is indeed remarkable, bra vo~bra vo~ But have you overlooked an important fact? Even Baidi can't kill me, why do you think you have the ability to kill me?"

He shook his head regretfully: "That's the clerk, Sen Luo's clerk, a first-class big shot, although his strength is a bit weak, but his tracking ability and temperament are far better than yours. It was cracked, if he hadn't chosen to block the disaster for you, I really couldn't deal with him... even your seniors couldn't do it, do you think you can do it?"

Bai Jue said lightly, "Yes."

"Oh?" The snake wondered, "Why? When did you have the illusion that you could kill me? Who gave you the courage? XX Hui?"

"Because...you don't have any hatred for Baidi, but you hate me." Bai Jue said calmly, "You hate me and want to kill me, but you don't want to kill Baidi, so you have been running away all the time, but when you want to When you kill me, you will be in front of my blade, and I can kill you... like two snipers, when your gun is aimed at me, mine is also aimed about you."

Snake's smile faltered slowly, and he sighed: "It's a calm judgment...you're right. When I want to kill you, you and I are on equal footing. I can kill you, or I can kill you." Kill me, but... you still made a mistake, you can't die, at least not yet, our game is still going on... Although I can choose to remove you from the game, how can I enjoy it? What about the joy of victory?" It licked its lips: "How boring is that? Our game is still going on until you lose everything, otherwise I won't kill you so easily."

"Heh..." Bai Jue said lightly: "Coward, you don't even have the courage to PK offline, you are so talented."

Snake froze for a moment, he sneered and said, "This kind of ridicule is for me..."

"You are a king with a strong mouth, and you are a younger brother, a younger brother." Bai Jue raised his middle finger: "You are still an orange, the kind that you can't find the edge when you die!"

"Damn it, the last one is too much!" Snake calmed down after cursing angrily, "Well, I'm a bit smug...then, let's get started, I'll see how you can save this Kyushu Island, now it's another choice You can only choose one question."

He smiled maliciously: "Sasaki's second daughter, or Himiko...Come on, choose one, brother Bai."


ps1: Explanation of nouns, oranges—a synonym for dying and continuing to die until being sanctioned for excessive death, but still not regretting and continuing to die until you are completely scrapped.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"You really like to give me multiple-choice questions, why don't you fill in the blanks?" Bai Jue stared at him indifferently, with neither sad nor happy expression, not the unwilling expression full of jealousy and hatred that Snake likes most. .

"It's fine to fill in the blanks... Come on, you fill in a name, whoever you choose, I will let him go." Snake sneered and said: "In the end, you still have to make a choice, you save one, I kill one, It's very reasonable...don't worry, I won't rush you, think slowly, I'll give you enough time to think about it, even if it takes forever, because it's you, not me, who are in a hurry."

"I feel like I was in a hurry to sign in to get a rare dress and my phone was snatched away." Bai Jue was in a bad mood, he looked behind the snake, the dark shadow bound Himiko and the fainting second daughter of Sasaki, the ground There is also a headless corpse lying on the bed... Who is that?Forget it, it doesn't matter who it is, it's probably just a melon eater who doesn't care, and no one remembers the full name after death.

With his hands behind his back, he didn't draw his sword, nor did he summon the holy soul.

The snake knows itself very well, and the moves it has already used are useless. Even Lei Gong who attacks at the speed of light to help me, or moves such as Baihuxingjiang, Xuelei, etc., may not be effective against it.

Although Chi You's destructive power is extremely strong, his speed is not enough.

Phoenix and Fenrir's fire of nirvana and absolute zero are not enough to take effect immediately.

Since it stands here, it proves that it is not afraid of all the holy souls it holds, so... it can only make a big move.

The golden pupils stared at the snake, Bai Jue took time off, and said calmly: "Do you think I will rush over to do your multiple choice questions without any preparation? I'm sorry, I'm not the kind of good student. Instead of choosing to do the questions, I will choose The method is to tear up the test paper directly."

"Haven't you given up on killing me?" Snake sneered, "You can't kill me, not even Bai Di."

"No, he can do it." Bai Jue said sarcastically: "Otherwise, why are you so afraid of him? You have been emphasizing that Bai Di is weak and he is protecting me from disasters. Is that really the case? Quite the opposite, right? The fourth singularity you designed was originally a trap set up to deal with Bai Di. He is not weak. Although he cannot beat you, he has a trump card that makes you dread and fear. That's why you never dare to confront Bai Di head-on. Or, you once had a confrontation with him, but you suffered a big loss, and you couldn't deal with his methods at all."

The corners of Snake's raised lips drooped slightly, and he raised the lowered brim of his hat a little bit, revealing a pair of mercury-like vertical pupils: "Your imagination is very rich, yes, I don't deny the possibility, but that's How? Bai Di is not here...he can't save you, he can't even save himself, assuming everything is as you guessed, what does it mean? What do you want to say?"

"What I want to say is..." The corners of Bai Jue's lips also raised under his mask, his expression read the madness of 'planning' and 'I'm not a human anymore'. The red wooden box instantly shattered.

Bai Jue raised his index finger and assumed a classic stance: "You've been tricked too!"

The moment he assumed this posture, the pupils of the snake's eyes shrank violently, and it couldn't help recalling the time when the clerk also made this weird gesture and shouted a line...

It hurriedly wanted to retreat, but it was already too late!

The limit of stillness expands towards the four directions, engulfing it in an instant, engulfing everyone's consciousness.

In the dark, Bai Jue heard someone humming an ancient song, a figure strolling in the still time, although it was just an illusory figure, even though it was just humming hoarsely, but the familiar His back also made him bite his lip.

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