He quite liked this silly girl who was a bit stubborn and always unable to get married, who was overly responsible and cared about the world.

"Hmm..." It seemed that she had misunderstood something. Li Xiuning's face turned redder. Years of military life made her skin texture a bit poor, but it was still fair. Some squirm.

Her memory still stays at the stage when the two parties were friends, and there is no further contact, and no further opportunity.

Maybe now is the time to have this opportunity... After thousands of years, meeting again in an era, being rescued by him, and being needed by him, this made Li Xiuning immediately think of many folk novels, most of which are teenagers and girls. The fantasy product of the perfect love description that I can conceive, only enough sweetness is poured into it, so many things can only be fantasy.

Is this the moment when fantasies come true?I didn't expect that what happened in this kind of novel would happen to me... If Shi Ming knew, she would definitely envy herself to the point of jealousy...

Li Xiuning opened her mouth, and slowly calmed down, she changed her mouth and asked, "When did you... come back?"

"Not long ago." Bai Jue said: "I was in Britain before, from Britain to France, after crossing Europe and Asia, I arrived in Kyushu Island, from Kyushu Island to Korea, then to Tsarist Russia, and finally returned to Kyushu Island. "

"Have you... traveled so far?" Li Xiuning was shocked by his few words of description: "But other countries should also be..."

"It's been dealt with." Bai Jue said lightly, "The Shenzhou Empire is the final battleground."

"..." Li Xiuning squeezed her fingers tightly, and pressed them tightly on his shoulder: "How long have you used it?"

"Twenty days." Bai Jue sighed, "I also know it's been a long time, if possible, I want to come back soon, but when I was passing through the Himalayas, I was conspired by heaven and humanity, and I was directly suppressed deep in the bottom of the mountain." in the cracks."

"Heaven and humanity are right to you..." Li Xiuning suddenly thought of the abnormal earthquake ten days ago, she pursed her lips: "But you, but why... come back now?"

Bai Jue knew that she might blame him for coming back late, and he clearly knew that the Shenzhou Empire was the place he was most familiar with, but he wanted to stay at the end.

There are many reasons he can say, for example, the Dao of Heaven and Humanity is too strong and must be dealt with at the end; for example, other countries are too weak, and if they don’t help, they will die on the spot; To reach Asia across the American continent, they could only cross Eurasia, and were forced to be involved in disputes along the way.

The reasons and blame can be thrown at anyone, but the fact... will not change.

He could only say one sentence: "Sorry, I'm late."

"Fool... How could I blame you..."

How could she be willing to blame him, how could she say the words of revenge...

It is enough for him to come back, and he has to overcome many difficulties to rush back to the Shenzhou Empire, but he is still here recently, who can say that he is not?Who is qualified to blame him?Even when he opened his mouth to tell why you came back, his first reaction was to apologize...Fool, what a bad person you are, and you are taking all the responsibility by yourself...

Li Xiuning hugged his neck tightly, bit her teeth, and said, "I don't blame you for coming back late, but you... why did you come back? You have also seen the power of heaven and humanity, if you can't win , We should just give up... You will be targeted by them, Shi Ming has been seriously injured... I don't want to see you hurt again... You are not from here, you don't need to stay with us."

She couldn't see the dawn of victory, even if Bai Jue came.

"I know." Bai Jue replied.

Of course he knew the horror of the Dao of Heaven and Humanity. He had once faced the courage of the golden Buddha statue and seen the whole Dao of Heaven and Humanity with his own eyes.

"Then why did you come back?" Li Xiuning swallowed bitterly, she still hoped that Bai Jue would live.

Bai Jue paused, this time there are also many reasons to say, he can make up sweet lies, he can express his heart-pounding care, he can explain away this problem plainly... and he chose the most straightforward and simple Answer.

"I did not expect."

His answer was too natural, but it was completely different from 'I don't know'.

I didn't think why I came back, I just knew I should come back.

I haven't thought about why, and I don't need to know why, but here I am.

There are only four words but Bai Jue's thoughts are vividly expressed. There can be ten thousand reasons, but none of them is more convincing than this. Before thinking, the body has already started to act. Rather than hesitating and hesitating, he chose to give up this meaningless thinking, convincing himself that there are a thousand reasons, and the actual actions are not even important.

"So I'm back." Bai Jue said with a smile: "There is no need for any reason, it's very simple, isn't it?"

Li Xiuning closed her eyes and made a soft nasal sound: "Yes."

She doesn't want to say anything anymore, she just wants to quietly enjoy the company and beauty of this moment, these words may only be heard by her, at this moment, she is embracing the most unique person in the world... If this is a beautiful Dream, then please let me drown in it...

She suddenly remembered a popular song, the lyrics of which were so charming, as the woman's voice twirled in her ears, it led her thoughts to spin around with the feeling of this moment.

——Feel the fingertips that stopped at my origin... how to freeze time in an instant; remember to look at my firm eyes...maybe already, there is no tomorrow...

Such a world is indeed out of reach from the very beginning.

——In the face of the vast sea of ​​stars, we are as small as dust, floating in the sky, helpless.

Everyone barely survives in helplessness, even heroic spirits are also weak as dust before fate.

——Fate allows us to meet beyond the troubled times, and fate wants us to love each other in times of crisis. Maybe the future is far away in light years. I would like to wait for you in the unknown.

I thought I was ready to face death, but you still came. The distance that was originally far away from light years was so close that my heart seemed to be clinging together...

——I didn't expect that I would be crazy for you; landslides and tsunami, without you, I don't want to escape at all; my brain, for you, is already crazy; pulse and heartbeat, without you, it doesn't matter at all...

She raised the corners of her lips and smiled quietly. Maybe the thoughts circling in her mind at this moment are really crazy.

I never thought that I must be in love with you...


This chapter, which was finished light years away from the infinite loop, is the sugar between Bai Li who is too late.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The last time I came to Yanjing, the place was full of flowers, but now I look at Yanjing again, but it is dead silent.

Originally, the Shenzhou Empire had an extremely large number of people, and the big cities had a total population of tens of millions of people. During the period of war, a large number of residents went to the north to seek refuge.

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