Because many cities with transportation nodes were destroyed, the transportation network has been paralyzed, and a large number of cities are isolated and helpless. Instead, a large number of people can only be concentrated in the Yanjing generation. However, Yanjing is in the north, and it is also winter here. Resources, energy, food, clothing, etc. , without exception, there is a shortage, every mouth needs to eat, everyone wants to live, the government of the Shenzhou Empire is under extremely huge pressure.

Just counting the number of people, distributing supplies, and transporting water, the pressure on all aspects is already enormous, and it is not optimistic.

It has been more than [-] days since the outbreak of the war. Many scholars who deal with affairs are wearing stethoscopes, hanging glucose and normal saline to work overtime and staying up late. Every day, some people fall down... If it weren’t for Jixia students, they would have filled a lot of blanks I am afraid that the government agencies of the Shenzhou Empire have begun to collapse from within, but this will not last long after all.

The cabinet council has discussed it many times. The huge population is a burden after all. Originally, it was planned to send the citizens to a safe area for refuge, but the Shenzhou Empire was in a situation where it was attacked from both sides, and it was not sure whether the foreign countries were safe. However, I dare not confirm whether it is safe there, not to mention that the transportation of materials and personnel is extremely time-consuming, and the plan has been delayed.

The battle on the front line is urgent, and the internal affairs in the rear are difficult to maintain. No matter how you look at it, it is almost unbearable.

At this critical juncture, even the emperor was severely injured and fell into a coma.

The ministers couldn't find a backbone, and the people didn't know how the war was going, and they were even more confused, and they were only one step away from the collapse of ritual and music.

Now in this situation... Saints are useless.

Jixia Academy is now the only place with basic order. Most of the people here are scholars. Students from all over the country are housed here. Scholars are the most sensible group of people, at least in the Shenzhou Empire. They don’t cry No noise, no noise, and no sign blocking the entrance of the Forbidden City shouting messy and inappropriate slogans. Instead, they maintained a consistent silence, even a little dead silence, and sat silently doing what they could do.

Jixia Academy, where students once gathered, is now deserted and quiet on the road, the classrooms are empty, but there are not even a few pedestrians on the road.

The busiest place in Jixia today is probably the doctor's school. Even the medical students who have just entered the school for less than half a year have to go to the first scene and face many bloody scenes. At first, many students vomited out, but after ten After a few days of polishing, many medical students have become numb and used to it. They even got used to watching some people dying when they couldn't be saved.

It's cruel, but also helpless.

As if overnight, the world has changed.

In a quiet room in Jixia Academy, Xun Qing and Meng Ke were sitting opposite each other, and Li Shiming was sleeping on the other side of the bed.

"Her injury is not serious." Xun Qing said coldly.

"It's not serious, but there's poison on that arrow." Meng Ke tapped his finger on the desk table: "The question is what kind of poison can make the heroic spirit fall asleep."

"Is she not awake, or is she unwilling to wake up?" Xun Qing asked: "The poison on the arrow cannot destroy her body, it can only act on her spirit or soul, and her heroic spirit has not collapsed. Nor is it the kind of highly destructive mental poison."

"You want to say that she is having a sweet dream?" Meng Ke frowned slightly: "A dream so sweet that she doesn't want to wake up?"

"She may not be able to realize that it was a dream." Xun Qing said lightly: "But no matter what, someone has to wake her up."

"...Are you coming?" Meng Ke made a gesture to invite you to start your performance.

"I can't do it." Xun Qing shook her head: "Her consciousness will fortify other people's spiritual consciousness."

"Then it's meaningless even if you know where the crux is." Meng Ke sighed, "You can't wake her up by knocking her on the head with a book, right?"

"If she can't be woken up, she will find a replacement." Xun Qing said lightly: "If the emperor can't, then abdicate and replace him. No one is irreplaceable. For the Shenzhou Empire, an emperor is actually not important. It's... the Son of Heaven Sword."

"There are very few heroic spirits who can control the Sword of Heaven. At present, besides Li Shiming, you can't find a second one." Meng Ke paused: "Liu Xiu may have the qualifications, but she is only a teenager, and she can't do it at all." Use such a huge dragon vein power."

"...You should know what I want to say." Xun Qing said abruptly, as if playing a riddle.

"I know, so let me tell you, that's impossible." Meng Ke said in a low voice, "Don't have those unrealistic dreams... We all know that some things are just wishful thinking."

"Really?" Xun Qing said lightly: "I don't think so... This situation is too similar to that of the past, and they are also on the verge of destruction. Why can there be the first time and not the second time?" She said: "He Those who left back then were too strange... Looking back on my last life now, many of them seem to be as accurate as prophesied, I don't believe in coincidences, everything is inevitable."

Meng Ke's expression changed slightly: "What are you implying?"

"I'm just explaining a possibility." Xun Qing said coldly.

Meng Ke's gentle expression became dangerous: "But when this possibility exists, it is often when a huge disaster strikes..."

"...I don't deny it, I do have some expectations." Xun Qing asked back, "Don't you?"

"If there is a one-in-a-billion possibility, then I also hope that this will not come true." Meng Ke clenched her five fingers, and she laughed at herself: "Don't you think we are really ugly like this? Don't think about it when we encounter difficulties." To overcome it by yourself, but try to rely on him, do you think this is something to be proud of? Junior brother is not a prop, he is a person with emotions and ego, and should not be used."

"This is not dependence!" Xun Qing retorted coldly: "I hope this time, I can stand by his side, not as a protected person..."

"Do you think this is redemption?" Meng Ke shook his head: "We still don't know!"

"It's not an atonement, it's not a compensation for the past, it's an explanation for myself." Xun Qing said: "This time, at least I'm still here."

"And then?" Meng Ke whispered, "What else do you want?"

"I don't need anything anymore," Xun Qing said.

"Lie." Meng Ke exposed her lie: "You think that by doing this, you can get close to his original state of mind, shorten the distance, and stand on the same level, maybe you will have a chance, don't you?"

Xun Qing said lightly: "You have changed."

"You've changed too." Meng Ke also said, "It's been two thousand years, and of course everything will change...I thought I would remain the same forever, but I don't seem to let go as much as I thought... Guilt and regret It is a kind of poison, and as time goes by, it will penetrate deeper into the bone marrow, and when you think about it a little bit, you will feel overwhelmed with pain, we are half saints, but we can't save time."

It’s as if the black history of the past will never disappear, even if only you know it, but every time you think about it, you will still have a sore toothache or a crazy feeling of scratching your ears and cheeks, which will bring a series of physical discomforts, but in fact At the beginning, you would never have thought that this occasional inadvertent and thoughtless action would bring about such serious sequelae, so that you can still remember it clearly many years later.

Meng Ke stared at the sleeping Li Shiming, and said, "Let go of that unrealistic thought, let go..."

"Can you let it go?" Xun Qing didn't like her persuasive attitude, it was like the tone of someone who has been here... You and I are the same for anyone who has been here, but they are just losers, pretending to be a winner.

"Because I can't let go, so I advise you to let go." Meng Ke changed his sitting position.

"Meng Ke... two thousand years have passed." Xun Qing lamented the long time: "It's only now, don't you think it's too late?"

"I told you back then, would you listen?" Meng Ke rested her cheeks, just like the girl who sat in the afternoon sun and imagined the future. She turned her head to look at the colder woman than before: "I was not I don't know what you think, but I didn't say it."

"In the end, he will still leave." Xun Qing did not answer this too heart-wrenching question. Admitting or not admitting is a kind of inner torture for her. Maybe she, who was naive back then, would struggle for a while and answer yes or no. But now she is already a icy saint, and Meng Ke's teasing can't even make her heart beat faster... So too much reading will turn into frigidity.

"I think we got off topic." Meng Ke decided to bring the topic back on track: "How to wake her up?"

"If you don't know what the poison is, you can't wake it up. The dream world should be dealt with by experts in the dream world." Xun Qing said: "This is not something we can handle. Maybe the Seat of God can..."

"Send her to the Vatican now?" Meng Ke frowned. "Not to mention whether the other party has this ability, there is not enough time. Maybe the situation in Western Europe is even worse than ours..."

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