The girl in the white skirt smiled quietly: "I don't need you to answer."

"No need?" Bai Jue didn't quite understand, she waited for a thousand years, didn't she wait for another answer?

"Your answer...isn't important." The girl in the white dress said with a smile, "As long as I'm sure I like you, that's enough."

Bai Jue's heart skipped a beat, suddenly aware of a terrible possibility, he coughed lightly, reconfirmed, and tentatively asked cautiously: "Girl, what do you mean...?"

"The literal meaning." The girl in the white skirt tilted her head: "It shouldn't be difficult to understand, or is my expression wrong? Then let me explain briefly... What I want to say is that your answer, Your thoughts, your thinking, these are not important to her, to me, or to us, if you want to ask why, it is naturally are ours. "

She clasped her hands on her chest, interlaced her fingers, and her soft words had a creepy obsession.

"Your hands, your feet, your heart, your eyes, your life, your words, your smiles, your sorrows, your feelings, your thoughts, and even your soul... should be its mine."

"Because you are mine, so your answer is not important, whether you agree or not, it really doesn't matter... I'm just waiting for you to come back, and then let you become my thing, that's how she was originally want."

"There is no need for any fancy reasons. The reason why she told you what she really thinks is just to make you give up resistance, shouldn't reject me, and you can't reject me..."

The girl in the white skirt is sincere, and none of what she said is a lie. All these thoughts are true from the heart. These are obsessions, extreme paranoia distorted after thousands of years of fermentation. .

Bai Jue realized that he had made a big mistake.

He mistakenly thought that the sincerity represented by the white dress was normal...but how could it be normal? After using reason to restrain and disguise, he barely looked like a normal person. If all these were stripped off, the remaining The purest category that cannot be regarded as a normal person in terms of essence and true self must be a very paranoid extreme personality.

However, he couldn't deny or express disgust to this extreme emotion.

This is also what she thinks of love, although it is very extreme.

Delicate love is also love, isn't it?

She hasn't directly expressed the idea of ​​cutting Bai into a stick and hanging it up.

Bai Jue panicked for a while and then regained his composure. First of all, there is only a conscious body here, and the main body is still outside, and Xun Qing and Meng Ke are watching, so don't worry, not to mention that Li Shiming's main body is not awake yet. It's just a girl's sincerity running wild here. She may not think so when she regains consciousness, but she has this tendency, but it doesn't mean she can't control herself.

Yes, the biggest problem right now is not whether she is sick or not, but when she will wake up.

"You are telling the truth." Bai Jue said lightly: "But what does it have to do with me as the savior... Actually, I don't care much about what you want to do, at least I don't care now, those are all after saving the world. I don’t mind playing frivolous games with you, but now is not that time, you know what I mean.”

The girl nodded: "Of course I understand that China is in chaos now, and it is not appropriate to say that children love each other, so even she will try to stop me and call my approach a runaway."

"Is not it?"

"What did you misunderstand? After all, I am still a part of her. I will not disobey her too much. This is also one of her thoughts, and it is also one of my thoughts." The girl in the white dress turned around, stood on the green grass and opened her arms Turning her hands in circles: "In fact, from the very beginning, the poison of Sanshenghua has been constantly being consumed, right here...she didn't ask you to kill me, but deliberately led you here, just to let me be with you say something."

Bai Jue was a little dizzy for a moment, he rubbed his forehead: "Wait, wait... This car is going too fast, I can't find the curve..."

"It's nothing difficult to understand. It's just a play. Even if you don't come back, I will wake up in a day at most." The girl in the white skirt smiled mischievously: "It's an unexpected good thing that you came here today."

Bai Jue thought to himself, did I spend half a day in vain?

"You are not tossing around in vain, at heard her heart." The girl said seriously: "Those are true thoughts...because no matter how many times I say it in words, I can't make you really feel her. All the thoughts... can't let you know how difficult it is to like someone consistently for a thousand years."

"So the only way is to make yourself sick?"

Bai Jue was speechless.

"Well, I chose this path myself. She is stubborn and doesn't want to forget, so I can only continue to strengthen self-suggestion and carry out subconscious memory implantation... Actually, I can't even remember your face clearly, but you wear Even with a mask on, I can still recognize it, do you think it’s just a coincidence that a first love can bring a deep memory? Of course not, it needs countless memories and deepening impressions.”

Bai Jue thought to herself, she is really a wolf girl... She forced herself to be like this.

After a pause, he asked, "Don't Li Xiuning know?"

"Of course my sister knows, but what she knows is only a small part." Li Shiming in the white dress paused and said: "I'm afraid she will realize it by herself. In fact, we are really similar. After all, we are sisters. I like it...why wouldn't she like it?" really know each other!

Bai Jue secretly thought that it was good to have sent Li Xiuning to the doctor's clinic in advance, otherwise even if she couldn't come to the spiritual world, the quiet room outside would be messy, if Li Xiuning heard Li Shiming's sincere words, then But... emmm... No, it seems that there is no exaggeration. This scene always feels that I don’t need to make up my mind, but it seems to be familiar. I must have seen it somewhere...

"I can't say anything nice, but I probably understand that what you really want is just to talk to me." Bai Jue stared at the girl: "Now, your idea has been achieved?"

"Are you leaving now?" The girl in the white dress said sadly, "The time here is not fast, we can continue to chat."

"What are you talking about?" Bai Jue shook his head: "Forget it, I can chat with you when I have time in the future, but now, every minute and every second is precious, and she thinks so."

"She's just a coward, a coward who has thoughts and ideas but dares not to say them, so I can only speak the truth with my heart." The girl in the white skirt blinked her eyes: "Don't you think that I am like this? Actually cuter than Li Shiming?"

"It must be even more black-bellied, and it must be even more... scary." Bai Jue recalled her blackened expression and coquettish lines just now, and shuddered a little, fearing that the next moment justice would come from the sky, and the light would fall on his head, This sick and delicate girl can eat him up and take him away, the kind that doesn't leave a single bone, which can be called bone-sucking charm. "

"Don't worry... In reality, I will become such a woman sooner or later, but the time is not yet, the time can change everything, it can make a calm person crazy, and it can make an elegant person have no bottom line " The girl said, her voice gradually faded away, the world of green grass was also shrinking, and the pastoral scenery disappeared one after another, and a trace of loneliness appeared in her expression: "The time is coming soon."

"It's pretty fast." Bai Jue already wanted to leave immediately, but deliberately pretended not to care about the time: "It doesn't feel like too long has passed."

"Is it because talking with me is pleasant?" the girl asked with a smile.

"Maybe..." Bai Jue was noncommittal: "At least it's hard for me to say too much to Li Shiming in reality. She is very cold and charming, and she doesn't know what's on her mind. I don't know if she is serious... ...or something else."

"She is serious." The girl said softly, "So...please give her an answer after everything is over, otherwise...she will definitely become what I said. For her...isn't she happy?"

"Sick and delicate happiness, I don't understand." Bai Jue shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I can only say that I will give her an answer. After this battle is over, whether it is going back to my hometown to get married or you are a good person... I will definitely give her an answer." Give."

"Then I'm relieved." The girl in the white dress smiled, and she took a few steps closer: "The last...give me a hug. As a sincerity, I'm actually more greedy than her."

Before the dream disappeared, she stood on tiptoe, her voice soft and gentle: "Your body... smells like a sister, please warn me first."


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