He was like a person who had grasped a life-saving straw, and he would never let go of the hand he was holding tightly.

This is the last chance and the only chance.

If he can save Sister Han, he will not have any regrets and regrets, and the sense of guilt and guilt that has been hurting him all the time will also be eliminated, and that nightmarish sentence will no longer linger in his ears side.

This is called liberation...

"This is called evasion!"

"Bai Jue, you can feel guilty, but never shake your roots! Don't regret everything that happened in the past! Remember what I said... If you change the origin of cause and effect, it means that there will be fundamental changes in the past, even if you choose Giving up yourself is not a kind of perfection, everything will get worse instead!" Bai Di angrily reprimanded loudly, he was very heartbroken why Bai Jue didn't understand such a simple truth.

"Yeah, maybe it's to escape." Bai Jue smiled, the smile was very strange: "Escape is shameful, but it's useful."

"Don't repeat the past." Bai Di looked at the younger generation's smile, as if he saw a suicide walking on the edge of a cliff, and he tried his best to persuade: "You should live like me...you have a lot of things that cherish you... You should cherish the person who cherishes you..."

"It's too late, I can't be like you...I can only do what I can do now." Bai Jue shook his head quietly: "I must redeem my past mistakes, this is the only chance."

"You will kill yourself!" Bai Di scolded angrily, "You will disappear completely! Not even a single hair will be left!"

"That's...not bad." Bai Jue replied calmly, "She saved this life."

"But you are my appointed savior, you are my descendant... How can I just watch you disappear? Your past existence has been engraved on the world. If you disappear, the cause and effect of the whole world will change because of it. It can't afford it, and I'm not going to sit idly by."

Bai Di's eyes gradually lamented, he clenched his palm tightly, his nails pierced into the palm, he was bleeding, and his heart was also bleeding.

"Don't force me to fight you...Bai Jue, I don't want...to be your enemy."

If Bai Jue is not persuaded, he can only use force to talk.

He didn't want to take this step, fighting with friends and juniors who had high hopes was a kind of pain for him.

But he had to do this again. When Bai Jue went astray, Bai Di must be responsible for waking him up. This is his duty and responsibility.

"I don't want to be your enemy either."

Bai Jue raised his hand and held the pitch-black soul spar, which carried all his negative emotions, and also contained the power of the void family.

He stared at the soul spar, meeting Bai Di's silent and sad eyes.

At that moment, countless thoughts flashed through my mind.

He can choose to give up, let go of the past, and welcome his new life again. As Bai Di said, there are so many people who cherish him.

But not remembering, doesn't mean forgetting, those words imprinted the curse in his soul and promoted his life.

Bai Jue knows that he can't let go... really can't let go...

He grinned, the smile was so sunny, but it was as painful as if his heart was broken.

The boy put the spar into his mouth and silently swallowed all his despair.

"I'm sorry, Baidi..."

"I'm going to break the agreement, I can't walk side by side with you..."

"I want to save her, even if the price...is myself."


A chapter of [-] words, this chapter completes Bai Jue's character, and also completes the pitfalls that were missing before.

Bai Jue's persistence and extremes all stem from a single sentence, which cursed his life and also made his life a success.

It can be seen that he is actually very miserable, much worse than Bai Di, my conscience hurts, but the abuse is very enjoyable.

The next chapter is blackening, and by the way, Bai Di and Bai Jue are facing each other.

I just said that you can't guess who the final boss of this volume is.

I have been pondering and designing the duel between the savior and the clerk since the beginning, and it really is the most suitable place here.

As for why Sister Han is obviously dead, but there is still Sister Han from another council, this will naturally be explained later.

For such a serious plot today, there will be no sand sculptures.


This is a notification, not asking for leave, not owed, and not wanting to update.

This is a notification, not asking for leave, not owed, and not wanting to update.

This is a notification, not asking for leave, not owed, and not wanting to update.

This is a notification, not asking for leave, not owed, and not wanting to update.

This is a notification, not asking for leave, not owed, and not wanting to update.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Soul spar, a stone made from Diablo's soul, is a gift from Bai Di to Bai Jue.

Because he is worried that the negative emotions generated by the huge mental power will give Bai Jue a mental burden, this item can automatically absorb the negative emotions of the wearer, so that Bai Jue can always quickly recover his calm state.

It has gone through several battles and changes with Bai Jue, because of Bai Jue's huge soul power, it has also absorbed huge negative emotions.

At this moment, as the soul spar was swallowed into the mouth, it was crushed by the teeth.

Huge negative emotions have engulfed Bai Jue like a landslide and tsunami... Huge and extreme emotions overturned his spiritual sea, causing everything in his vision to change, and ideology also rose with the surge of mental power. Changes have taken place, as if human beings will suddenly grow overnight after experiencing some kind of huge mental trauma...

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