He was a little hesitant at first, but he was impressed by the opponent's momentum, so he said several materials of the "Shadow Mask Ceremony": spider's eyeballs, cat's glands, black goat's hooves, toad's tongue...

"Oh! These are relatively common things in black magic rituals, it's too simple, I have them all here.

Rosenhanks took out a small bag, and quickly took out a variety of rituals from it.

"Fairy Tinder, this thing is very difficult for other people to obtain, but you think about it, what am I doing.

He finally took out a strange thing, it was a small crystal bone.

A burning fire can be seen from inside the crystal clear crystal bone.

Chapter 491 The Ceremony Begins

Rosenhanks became extremely excited after hearing Fang Jing say the "Shadow Mask Ritual".

He even paid out of his own pocket, taking out various ritual materials from a small bag.

It is said that studying black magic and witches is Rosenhanks' past interest.

In addition to his job as a goblin college, he is also a researcher of occult literature. He also spends a lot of time searching for ancient sites, collecting ancient books and objects, and he also knows a lot about the rituals of witches.

"'There are very few records of the Shadow Mask Ceremony, and even in the information circulated by the witch, there is very little information related to this ceremony," Rosenhanks said excitedly, the main purpose of this ceremony It is to seal the evil entity that invades the human brain. Through this secret ceremony, the burden on the body can be reduced. "

"That's about it."

Fang Jing nodded, and what Rosen said was not wrong.

The basis of black magic is the witch and a few psychics. When communicating with the existence of another world and being forcibly occupied by the other party, the evil entity possessed can be transferred out through this ritual.

And the daughter of suspense novelist Suzuki Kiryu, Aoi Kiryu chooses to use this ritual to seal other personalities in her brain.

She even specially made several changes to the ceremony. Originally, in her plan, she could not only solve the problem of her split personality, but also seal the most dangerous violent personality in her body. It's a pity, Kiryu Aoi's plan It didn't work out, but instead released the most dangerous personality, causing a terrifying supernatural phenomenon in the mansion of the Kiryu family. ζSee ↑ Ba ↑ Reading ↑ Book ζ But afterwards, Fang Jing and Aoi Kiryu had a discussion, and it was basically confirmed that there was no problem with the change of "Shadow Mask Ritual".The fanny pack that Rosenhanks took out looked small compared to the outside, but it seemed that there was a space inside that could be stuffed with a lot of materials.

He casually took out all the materials of the "Shadow Mask Ritual" from it, including the extremely rare fairy tinder.

The material of fairy tinder is basically the core part of this ceremony.

Whether or not the Shadow Section Ceremony can be successfully held basically depends on this core material.

"It seems that all the materials have been assembled, maybe the ceremony can be held now?"

Rosen clenched his fists.

The crow trimmed its feathers on its own, and said something casually.

"...We need to stay here for five days. The shadow mask ceremony' will take about two days, so there should be no problem. Fang Jing also calculated the time in his heart.

I feel that this "Shadow Masquerade Ritual" can still catch up in theory.

At present, it seems that this narrow place is only used to trap the enemy.

If no one bothered him, he would be able to solve the two internal troubles of "angry body" and "evil body" in two days to complete the "Shadow Mask Ritual".

If his plan is successful, he will be able to block the thoughts of the "angry body" and "evil body", and Huanglong Zhuan Fighting and Mielunquan will no longer be restricted. able to return to the body. ....

It doesn't matter if you have an angry body or an evil body.In the final analysis, it is just a group of phantom self wills. These two phantom self wills occupy Fang Jing's Huanglong Zhuan Fighting and Killing Method and Mielunquan, forming two almost independent personalities

One of these two personalities is always in rage, like a burning and erupting volcano; the other is evil and treacherous, both are quite dangerous existences, and in their nature, there is the will to occupy this body and replace it. An evil body in the will of the phantom self. It is an entity based on the malicious condensation of various evil thoughts. It can be said to symbolize the darkest, bloodiest, and most evil part of Ruo Fangjing's personality.If it grows unscrupulously, God knows what kind of existence it will become.

"You don't really intend to start the ceremony now, do you?"

The crow found that Fang Jing was thinking seriously, and hurriedly asked a sentence.

"There is no other way," Fang Jing explained: "Even if we leave this narrow place, we may still encounter battles. During this period of time, even a little increase in combat power Okay, hearing what Fang Jing said, Crow City was quite surprised and speechless. The materials for the ceremony are all prepared. The next steps are very simple. The white candles are lit one by one, and they are lined up on the ground. lock up.

The square mirror sits cross-legged in the center of the ceremony venue, surrounded by white candles in a circle.

He held the Fairy Spark, the crystal-colored bone, in his palm.Allow

And several other materials were crushed, mixed together, and boiled in a copper kettle to prepare a potion.After completing all the steps, a dark blue strange potion will be prepared.Fang Jing drank the potion in one gulp. This mixed potion can be called a potion. It is also an inducing potion for the "Shadow Masquerade Ritual". Shamans and witch doctors will use drugs to hallucinate themselves, which is to alienate their spirits, separate themselves from reality, and enter a mental state that is easier to "contact" with the outside world.In this state, the shaman can open his body and mind and connect with the higher level of the external world.

It stands to reason that each of Fang Jing's nerves is as tough as steel, but after drinking the drug preparation, he quickly became dizzy during the very short time he deliberately relaxed his mind, like It's like going around in circles for too long.The body and mind are gradually immersed in a shaky, misty, trance feeling.Fang Jing also found that the tentacles of his consciousness were constantly expanding, radiating outward every minute and every second, which was a mysterious experience.At the same time, the crow and Rosenhanks who were outside the circle surrounded by white candles both realized one thing, that is, the crystal bone held in the palm of the square mirror was emitting a halo of translucent color.

Chapter 492

A very faint white halo floated up. ÷san∫ bar ∫ read ∫ book ÷

It was a crystal bone whose source was called "Fairy Tinder".This bone is not big, and it can be held in the student's heart with one hand.Fang Jing simply closed his eyes. In order to close his own vision, the sensory organs of the eyes cannot play a good role here, but will interfere with the more mysterious perception functions deep in the brain. He concentrates his feelings on more Mysterious spiritual realm. By continuously amplifying the tentacles that spread in the supernatural, it will extend in the distant void. Unknowingly, he heard some kind of extremely low, buzzing, buzzing! In this wonderful sound A call was conveyed, which came from an unknown realm. Gradually, more voices were conveyed. In addition to this horn sound, there were also the sound of birds, insects and beasts, and a large number of sounds that could not be clearly described.All kinds of grand, small, solemn, noisy, chaotic, and weird sounds are conveyed from distant time and space.The body and mind seem to be floating in the void, and Fang Jing can intuitively feel that his perception is infinitely magnified.

It's like being able to hear different voices from the endless three thousand worlds.Among all the sounds, the horn-like vibration at the beginning was the most special.

It is a kind of vibration sound that comes from the origin and gathers together, just like a kind of vibration heard from the unformed fetal period in the placenta, like the heartbeat from the mother.

"What's that?" Without a sound, some distorted lines appeared behind Fang Jing, and these lines hovered around him like smoke.

And sitting in the ceremony field is a kind of thick and inextricable darkness, just like the deep black that the square mirror itself expands to the outside world.

Distorted lines hovered around the square mirror like smoke, and blurred images emerged from time to time.Rosenhanks wisely backed away quickly, away from Fang Jing's side.Even the crow who saw the incarnation of Crow City Shadow did not dare to be careless, staring at Fang Jing closely.Those distorted lines are changeable, and from time to time, the form of a beast emerges from it, or it becomes a human form wearing a strange mask, but no matter which one it is, it gives people a dangerous way to sit in the ritual field Mirror seemed to be in a deep sleep, and the whole person sat there motionless.

Only a few hours have passed since the shadow mask ceremony started.Both Rosenhanks and the crow can hardly predict what will happen to Fang Jing in the next time. On the desert-like land, there are people walking step by step in a trance.

After he entered the Dawn Hall, he also found himself separated from Fang Jing.The Pavilion of Dawn itself is equivalent to a distorted time and space, and even he has no way of determining what area he will be teleported to.Before he knew it, he appeared on a desert-like land.There seems to be no limit here, and there is no way to go to the end.

"The power of the Moon Demon Pill has no effect, which means that although this is not the real world, it is a real transitional plane. After searching around, Mingshen Wuhuanzhai found a huge rock not far away. , lying like a black shriveled corpse. This corpse is wearing a rag-like white coat, with very long hair, and the attire is almost indistinct. It seems to be his own corpse after being trapped and dead.

"Boring! Mingshenwu Huanzhai was unmoved. At this moment, the black skin on the mummy's face suddenly split open, revealing a round hole of dry flesh and blood.

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