It was a was a big mouth full of purple teeth and purple lips. Countless purple smoke sprayed out from the mouth, instantly forming a thick purple smoke.And from it gradually condensed a vague human form.Haha, hahaha!

The fuzzy figure of Ziyan let out a sharp laugh, and rushed towards Ruoming Shenmo Huanzhai.


He snorted coldly, unsheathed the scabbard, and slashed like a lightning bolt in his hand.The Ziyan figure who was hit by the knife was instantly swept away by the power of the black light field.

"It turned out to be the black awn collar of the Moon Demon?"

The "mouth" on the face of the corpse lying on the ground opened in surprise.

"It's unbelievable that someone can control the power of the Moon Demon.

"Who are you?"

There are not many people in this world who can utter the "power of the moon demon".Especially among those who are fighting against themselves for the first time, people who can draw such inferences are absolutely rare.

Mingshen Wuhuanzhai also raised his brows, and asked such a sentence without too much hesitation. "...?" The purple mouth grinned and grinned, "I am the existence you call 'Dawn Hall', everything you see is a part of me. .Yes, the power of Yueshang, I haven't seen it for a long time.

Hum! The entire body of the Moon Demon Pill turned black, and the powerful black awn field expanded outward, wave after wave of outward radiation like field fluctuations.

"It's useless. The 'Black Glow Domain' is not an invincible power. To put it bluntly, it is just the power of the Moon Demon to repel other alien existences. You are now in my body, and the effect of the Black Glow Domain can How far has it gone?" The purple mouth opened, and it became bigger and bigger like a cave, and those purple teeth, each of which was extremely huge, came together in a blink of an eye, as if - opening the mouth To swallow Ming Shenlong Huanli in one breath.

What responded to it was the countless silk threads released by the "cursed six sangge cage", which were intertwined and sewed on this huge mouth like needles and threads, which made this huge mouth the size of a city gate There is no way to expand it to the maximum.

"It's useless! It's useless! It's useless! The big purple mouth suddenly trembled, tearing apart the silk thread formed by the entanglement power of the Jiabeicheng family. As if Mingshen Wuhuansai didn't react, he was caught by this huge mouth. Swallow it all at once.

It's over!

The huge purple mouth slowly retracted. It was like the camera was reversed, back to the mummy-like man, and in the blink of an eye, the mummy-like man changed into the posture of an old man wearing a butler .

"Being able to hold the power of the Moon Demon in the Black Glow Domain... I thought it was a powerful character, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

As the "manager" of the Dawn Hall, he of course noticed the existence of the Myojin Obscure Huanzhai.

It's just that this inferior kid is not a particularly noteworthy role for him.

The most noteworthy things in Songyuan City are the supernatural beings who will be visited by the clan.For foreign envoys, the most dangerous enemies are the supernatural beings whose main body is the Hidden Society. In the end, it is impossible for the Hidden Society to remain indifferent to Songyuan City and the Dawn Pavilion that appeared here.

Sooner or later they will discover that this is where the birth rites of Matsubara City have their roots.

And those dangerous enemies will come soon, but for the Dawn Pavilion and the great witch Lanna stationed here, as long as everything lasts until the two major eclipses of the foreign envoys return, there is no need to worry

Although the clan's urgent meeting is huge, but the swelling within the organization and the clan's own incompatibility make it impossible for this colossus to integrate its forces.Even though there will be several powerful eclipses and false eclipses, but in the crisis of Songyuan City, it is difficult to clench five fingers into fists and learn to shoot again.

Conversely, the foreign law envoys are different. They may not be comparable to the clan in terms of power, but they are closely united. In the Yinzhihui clan, there are also many people who are related to the foreign law envoys. They are the existing system Opponents are also an undercurrent hidden under the water.

The association cleverly used these factors. Only then did it have the opportunity to carry out the plan this time.

And the current Liming Pavilion is the home field of the two parties after all. As long as the hidden clan of the clan does not realize this, the situation of their disastrous defeat this time can hardly be changed. "Oh... the time seems to be ripe."

There was an unfathomable smile on the housekeeper's face. He felt the fluctuations outside Songyuan City and knew that the waiting prey had already fallen into the song.

The butler with the zombie face floated away from this empty land.

He didn't notice that behind him a white transparent shadow stuck tightly to his back.The outline of that shadow can be seen clearly as a man with long hair, with a cold smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 493 Occupy

The Shadow Mask Ceremony gradually came to a critical juncture, Fang Jing Yiri sat in place motionless.He didn't even breathe, his whole body was like a corpse, and his eyes were tightly closed.

"His physiological function is getting lower and lower, and his physical strength is also declining. Even his heartbeat and pulse are close to several times a minute..

Rosenhanks hid in a corner to observe the state of the square mirror in the Ruo ceremony. He also took out a small notebook and wrote something on it.

The crow also turned its head sideways, and seemed to be observing not far away, and it did not move extraneously.

At this time, the candles surrounding the square mirror had long been extinguished, and without the flame, his surroundings became more and more gloomy.In the depths of the darkness, something stretched out like branches and leaves, growing and wriggling, like a huge vine, a tree branch is circling and twisting from the shadows little by little.

Because of the lack of light, those evil things dominated that area unscrupulously.Also aware of this, Rosen and the crow deliberately avoided getting too close to the square mirror. During the ceremony of the shadow mask, the person performing the ceremony would open their minds and communicate with other people. The world communicates with each other.And in this process, this ceremony will become a node of communication between multiple worlds.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared around Fang Jing again, - everything happened in a silent environment - the upper two red eyes seemed to be smiling, and there was no mouth or nose, which really gave people a strange feeling Feel.Fang Jing didn't feel it, his perceptual mind was immersed in a kind of super experience, as if he had lost consciousness, and his body remained motionless.At the same time, another mask appeared behind him, and instead of a smiling face, a crying face appeared on this mask.

For some reason, Fang Jing's complexion turned dark blue, his body was like a plant that was about to wither, and his skin also gradually decayed and lost its luster.

At the same time, weird masks kept appearing around him, just like human faces, quietly surrounding Fang Jing, watching his movement.The expressions on the faces of each mask are different, some are smiling, some are crying, and some are expressionless.

Floating in the air one by one, surrounded him in all directions, like guests attending a funeral, silent.Rosen Hankerson's face became very tense, and he noticed that Fang Jing's face was getting worse and worse, and his skin became wrinkled, as if the internal vitality of the flesh and blood body was being pulled out of the body by something .This made him look as if his life was gradually drying up, and his whole body became more and more like a corpse that lost water.

"Damn it! His vitality is draining. This shadow mask ritual is really weird. Rosen is quite familiar with black magic rituals, but he has never seen such a bizarre scene. He secretly thought bad. Because From his point of view, Fang Jing continued with the ceremony

"It can't go on. If this ritual continues, his vitality will be absorbed and exhausted during the ritual... We must stop him!"

He came to the conclusion that if this weird ritual is not stopped, the only fate waiting for Fang Jing is to usher in the end of death.Thinking of this, Rosen decided to interrupt the shadow mask ceremony, but at this time, the crow, the incarnation of Crow City, stopped his action.

"Don't do this, the ceremony is in a critical period, if you interrupt it now, it will be equivalent to wasting all previous efforts!"

Crow held a different view. He didn't think the "ceremony" was facing the possibility of failure.Yacheng knew Fang Jing himself a little bit, and he knew that the other party was humble, so he felt that it was impossible for that man to be defeated so easily.

When Rosen heard what Crow City said, his footsteps froze in place, and he could only let out a long sigh.His eyes fixed on the mirror sitting cross-legged in the original place. During the short time he discussed with Crow City, more masks appeared in the air. They had no form, just a group of vague shadows. At the same time, a huge The metal door is looming, floating behind the square mirror, which is a strange pattern.

It's like a few years ago. There are many fine and complicated gorgeous lines engraved on it.

On the right side of the door there is a doorknob, the color blood red - piece.

At this moment, Fang Jing, who looked like a corpse, let out a faint breath.

With his long cry, the doorknob trembled.

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