The once prosperous imperial capital gradually turned into a dead city and ruins of a battlefield after experiencing the ravages of the green spore disease for half a month.

It all started when a cargo ship floated in from the inland sea full of cargo, but empty without a single crew member.At first, no one paid much attention to this cargo ship, but after the cargo ship was inspected by the authorities, the first soldier who boarded the ship, who was infected with green spore disease, vomited green juice from his mouth and died in pain in the barracks , became the first ever instance patient of chlorosporosis.

This was the first victim. Four hours after the death of this unlucky soldier, half of the soldiers in the battalion died one after another from this strange green spore disease.

People who get this disease will have a weird green skin and plant-like textures on their skin, and they will emit the smell of rotting plants in the depths of the jungle.Several bold doctors dissected the corpse and found that part of the blood of the corpse had turned into a substance close to plants.

However, the more terrifying events were yet to come. Those corpses that fell during the day gradually revived at night and turned into living corpses like living people.

The living corpses began to attack the surrounding crowd. Anyone who was bitten and scratched by the green corpses would also be infected with green spore disease and become a member of the army of green spore living corpses after death.

I don't know when it started, countless green spore living corpses fought with living people in the streets and alleys of the ancient city of Beven.The living corpses are difficult to kill, even if people use guns to smash their heads and cut off their hands and feet, they will continue to move.Fortunately, the green spore living corpse is slow in movement and weak in combat effectiveness, and people soon discovered that the green spore living corpse can be solved by cremation.

Then it became a war, a war of the dead and the living.A large-scale epidemic broke out.In just two months, the plague swept the entire city, wiping out nearly [-] people at once.You must know that the imperial capital has a population of nearly [-] people, and it is the most populous city in the cold zone, which is sparsely populated. However, within [-] days after the outbreak of the plague, more than [-] people died one after another People. And what a terrible blow this dealt to the empire.

However, this is probably still a beginning.Because most of the dead population will turn into highly active living corpses at night, they will search for shelters that emit the breath of living people with a keen sense of smell, and use the huge number of people to move forward.

Most healthy adults have a way to escape and evacuate from the imperial capital, but more elderly, weak, sick and disabled people often become the first group to suffer.The city is full of repaired battlefield fortresses, and many public facilities in the ancient city have been converted into shelters. A large number of fortifications and facilities have been built on the streets, which are blocked by barbed wire layers to prevent the living corpses from moving towards the crowded places. The place of residence began to change. At the same time, the residents of the imperial capital also learned through the radio that the green spore disease did not only occur in the imperial capital. their invasion.The situation was so serious that the royal family also issued an emergency mobilization order, and the army was also mobilized to quickly support the areas affected by the outbreak of the green spore plague.

After a series of hard work, the people of the imperial capital defeated the invasion of the evil green spore living corpses for many times in a row by means of modern hot weapons such as artillery, explosives, and guns. While recovering the old soldiers little by little, they heard an amazing information.The old king of the leading country Paridit Federation died of illness, and the new king was succeeded by the second prince Kelba.The eldest prince was imprisoned for treason and committed suicide in prison a few days ago.After the new king ascended the throne, he gave a speech, declaring that he would consolidate the results of the three baptismal wars and launch a new war against the Azerothi Empire.

Chapter 664 Giant Tree

[-]-The new king of the Paridit Federation ascended the throne, the old king died of illness, and the eldest prince committed suicide in prison.

A new chairman of the Red Chamber, a military hawk, took office.Various forces within the Federation have re-baptized factions. The military hardliners have gained momentum, and the moderates in the parliament have been eliminated and suppressed.

A new wave of anti-Asian racism is rising in the Commonwealth, and the deportation of sub-human races broke out among the people everywhere..

A new king made a speech after taking office, claiming that the results of the Paredit Federation after the third baptismal war were betrayed by traitors, and that the Continental Peace Agreement was an insult to the Federation.The new king Kerba is determined to wash away this shame, and his first goal is to send troops to attack the empire.

The Gein Empire is the country with the largest number of demi-human races, and it is also the empire of the Baridit Federation. The empire has sympathy for the demi-human races who have been discriminated against and expelled by the Baridit Federation, and the federal people who hold anti-Asianism In other words, the empire itself is an evil country, especially after knowing that the royal family of the empire has demihuman blood, it is even more believed that the empire is the root of all evil.This is also because some people in the federal government are secretly promoting all this to happen, inciting the people of the empire.After this horrific news came out, everyone in the empire was shocked. You must know that the empire at this time has been invaded to such a degree, and its current national strength is much weaker than in the past.

Assuming that there is a conflict with the Baridit Federation at this time, the empire is equivalent to being attacked by the enemy. It is equivalent to fighting two battles at the same time. The disasters induced by spore disease engulfed the holy city of the Silver Cross Church like a wave, casting a layer of haze on this holy place of the religious circle.

At this moment, a situation similar to that of the Azerothi Empire is happening on the mainland. There are inexplicable outbreaks of the green spore disease in various places, and more than ten countries are threatened by the green spore disease.

The high-level royal family and government officials of the Azerothian Empire pondered the situation for a while, and felt that the situation was not good. It was also because of the rampant green spore disease and a large number of living corpses rampant in the imperial capital, that the high-ranking royal family and government officials also hid in special rooms. i] in the forts and palaces, and in the streets and alleys of the imperial capital.

Many people covered their mouths and noses with their own mouths and noses, and covered their bodies tightly. While avoiding the living corpses wandering in the streets, they were reduced to rubble under the attack of artillery fire and bullets. Cruising. Their purpose is to pick up waste. You must know that this sudden disaster has left too many people homeless and impoverished.And the ancient city of the imperial capital, which has accumulated countless wealth since the founding of the country, hides countless precious treasures under the ruins that were destroyed in the flames of war.

The living corpses don't care about the property under the ruins, so this ruin is not only a hell for the poor who have nothing, but also the biggest gold rush.As long as you can avoid the gradually decomposing living corpses, you will have the opportunity to sneak into the rubble and ruins to search for the property that has no owner.

I found something good!" From among the rubble in the ruins, I picked up a long gold necklace, and there was a photo hidden in the pendant of the necklace, which was a bust portrait of a young woman. Aberia rolled her eyes Liang knew that he had found a treasure.

She wore a long beak-like mask covering her mouth and nose, and she was covered in a thick coat.In the ruined city full of rubble and gravel, there are quite a few people like her. Most of them carry shovels and axes in their hands, and they hide Molotov cocktails in their clothes. These are for the living corpses wandering in the ruins of the imperial capital. We prepared it, but it's a pity that if you really meet a living corpse, this crude equipment is just a gift.

"Sister! I found something.

- A carefree voice came from behind Abelia.

"Keep your voice down, don't attract the living corpse over there. Abelia made a silent movement.

"Don't worry, old lady.

A tall white-haired young man behind him waved the shovel in his hand, and the sharp part of the shovel was stained with some light green liquid.

"The last few green ghosts' were all cleaned up by us.

"Green ghost" is a folk name for living corpses. Those dead corpses infected by the chlorosporia plague will turn into a strange, greasy dark green after recovery. It is also because of Wen Yi's characteristics, That's why they are called "green ghosts" by ordinary people.

"It's nothing, a gold chain. Although it's good in terms of the current harvest, it's much worse than before.

Aberia sighed deeply.Before the imperial capital fell into the hands of these green spore plague and living corpses, although their street gangsters had a hard time, they could barely make a living under street organizations like "Eagle Fort".And now, the world has become more and more difficult. All kinds of small street organizations that were once active in the imperial capital have collapsed. Most of the people are re-accepted by the sub-human race gang headed by Ibrahim. As for the territory, ah bah ! The imperial capital has become such a mess, who cares about the territory.Of course, there are also minorities who are dissatisfied with organizing their staff to be accepted by sub-races like Ibrahim. Most of them choose to go it alone, but the current environment in the imperial capital is such that fighting alone often means that there is no backup, + Most of them will be buried in the tide of corpses.The living corpses have low activity during the day, but if they are stimulated, they will immediately become extremely violent; at night, their activity will become stronger, and it is difficult for ordinary adults to fight against them.The military will regularly clean up the places where the living corpses gather, but they will only focus on those places where the living corpses gather together, or focus on areas where the dignitaries headed by the palace gather.

"I heard that the four dukes received the Queen's order and concentrated their superior forces at the junction with the Baridit Federation. This also caused the troops in the imperial capital to be stretched. If you drop it, it will quickly turn into a living corpse, and recently, I heard that some extremely special "abnormal species" appeared from the mutated living corpses. Uneasy. For some reason, she felt an unknown palpitation in her heart. It was as if her sixth sense was telling her that something big would happen in the imperial capital next, and it was a very bad one. Boom

Boom! Boom

Amidst the loud noise, disturbing voices came from the heart of Azerothi's imperial capital, that is, the direction of the palace.If Aberia raised his head with a feeling, he saw a towering giant tree rushing out of the magnificent black fortress with golden walls. It was the side hall of the palace where the queen lived. The fortress was torn apart. The surrounding sawtooth-topped walls were also smashed by the dense giant trees. In an instant, a giant tree as green as a king rose up, as if a steeple with a canopy stood in the very center of the imperial capital.

Chapter 665 Another Battlefield

In a very short period of time, the huge emerald green tree soared like a pillar of the sky. This strange giant tree has luxuriant branches and leaves, but the whole trunk is crimson, just like the body of the tree condensed by blood.Blood of the Demon Tree!! No one knows the real body of this huge tree. It is a deadly magic tree recorded in the records of ancient Didos. A magic tree formed after the death of the shaman tribe expelled by the gods.Excellent ancient magicians will use the seeds of the magic tree to create monsters called strange puppet. This is a filthy product created by witchcraft. It has a nearly immortal life and can only be driven by wizards.Suddenly, the densely packed branches and branches squirmed, and dark green spores gradually grew from the branches. With a strong wind, countless spores on the emerald green branches floated up, like fluff, floating down from the air. But these spores were not snow, but something extremely dangerous. The particle-sized spores gave off a faint light, and driven by an invisible strong wind, they scattered in all directions from the direction of the imperial palace.

almost duck!

The shimmering pale green spores emit light, and under the impetus of the invisible airflow, they turn into snowflakes that fill the sky and slowly scatter down, like catkins flying, falling to the ground one after another.

"What's this?" Abelia and a man next to her brother Doon took off their gloves and reached out to touch the green glowing spores coming down the tube.Seeing this scene, Aberia, who was in a daze, cried out immediately.

The man who she yelled at was also stunned and startled.

"Is there a problem?"

"It's okay," Abelia came to her senses, and said shyly, "I just feel that something is wrong with this thing, and it's best not to touch it with your own hands.

"Oh! I don't think anything will happen...

That man was also a scavenger nearby. He frowned. He wondered if there was something wrong with his head.

Suddenly, his movements froze, and his whole body was twitching, like a patient suffering from epilepsy.At the same time, both Aberia and his younger brother Dunn's expressions changed drastically, and they took a few steps back.

"Potential infection of chlorosporosis? It's impossible.... Why did it explode all of a sudden?" She panicked for a while, and a very bad thought came to her mind, right in front of her and her younger brother Dunn. This sick person A layer of green gradually emerged from the whole body of the man, and in a blink of an eye, a living person began to transform into a green corpse.

Aberia was stunned. It was the first time she had seen a patient with chlorosporum disease that transformed so quickly. It would take hours for ordinary people, but this man turned into a fresh living corpse in the blink of an eye. .

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