Before the freshly baked living corpse was revived, his younger brother Du En chopped the head of the corpse with an axe, took out a Molotov cocktail, and smashed it on.Whoops, the flames ignited the corpse.

At this moment, screams came from behind the two of them. They turned around in shock and saw a man kneeling on the ground again. He was clutching his throat, hiding under the thick clothes. The skin gradually turned green

And, what are you stupid doing here?"

The younger brother Du En also realized that the situation was out of control, so he quickly grabbed his sister and ran away.At the same time, there was a burst of dazzling light from the companions, and a milky white beam of light burst out directly from behind the two of them. With a bang, a leaning building in the distance, together with most of the street, suffered disaster on the spot. .The piercing-cut light sweeps across, and the cement brick ruins blocking the way are destroyed and evaporated by the energy of the beam of light bursting. The beam of light contains amazing heat, which makes the high temperature heat up at the same time as it cuts through the air, and the air expands and explodes, forming aftermath waves Like scorching air.Abelia and his younger brother Dun: were also blown away by the blast like a shock wave. The two of them rolled on the uneven ground for a few laps. Then they got up in pain.At the same time as the two got up, the two siblings looked around and found out in horror that after the beam of light exploded, the entire block around them was blown to pieces. Several streets were hit by the impact of the beam of light. Razed to the ground.A few kilometers away, behind the wall of the imperial capital penetrated by the beam of light, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the crazy vibration of the ground spread throughout the entire imperial capital.

This scene was really shocking, not to mention that Aberia and his younger brother Du En were just street gangsters in the imperial capital, and they couldn't close their mouths when they saw this terrifying scene.Shua!

A figure rushed out from the hill of rubble and rubble formed by the collapse of a pile of buildings, started - bounced, and kicked up a cloud of dust.

With a bang, it landed like an air-dropped bomb.

There was a loud noise, and a three-meter-wide pothole suddenly appeared on the hard slate floor, and the surrounding edges were all crushed cement powder.

"Fun fun!

This figure is a skinless blood corpse, more than three meters tall, covered with swollen muscles.The blood corpse strode forward, his throat groaned, he tilted his head, and cast his eyes on the sky.

"This is the ancient sage. In order to fight against our shaman race, the stone statue vanguard, the 'self-discipline nerve circuit', is a bit interesting. In terms of destructive power, it is indeed a bit extraordinary..

"Phantom General" Harrell smiled evilly, and his right hand, which was vaporized by the laser beam, grew rapidly.

"But that's about it, this level of strength is not enough to defeat me! What's more, this is the imperial capital, and there are countless blood food that can replenish my energy consumption!"

Having said that, the blood corpse Harrell grinned cruelly.

At the same time, Peripede, who was suspended in mid-air with a halo of thorn patterns floating above her head, was indifferent, but indifferently cast her hostility on Harrell below.

At the same time, in the inner hall of Azerothi's palace at the other end, more intense battles are also going on.

The towering stone pillars collapsed and were scorched black.The relief bursts and burns.Copperplate galleries in the palace, precious furniture, and decorative marble statues were all damaged in waves of fierce battles.Suddenly, a silver ring flashed out of thin air. It bit together with the jaws of the huge centipede covered with exoskeleton.


The silver ring exploded with a swish, turning into a radiant light and explosive wind.

"Shining Light!" The magic weapon "Sword of the Shining One" she holds in her hand, every time she swings a sword, it will trigger a powerful sword strike, accompanied by dazzling light and explosion.

But the problem is that her enemy's defense is impenetrable, without any flaws.

"Hahaha! Woman, your combat power has improved compared to before. It seems that you have focused on your weaknesses!"

The brown-skinned man blocked the tip of the sword with a steely fist, turned around, and -kicked out.A crocodile-like giant mouth grew from the toes of his toes, biting towards Ms. Joreni's lower body.

Rainey quickly turned over in a thrilling manner, holding the dart spike pistol in his hand. With a bang, the dart spike added with concentrated explosives was shot out.

And "Destroyer General" Keus formed a huge turtle-like carapace on the other arm, blocking the incoming dart nails, but the terrifying explosion force still knocked him away a few steps.Just as he took a few steps back, a black shadow pierced out from the shadow under his feet.

This was a knife aimed at his vitals. The assassin in the shadow held a dagger in his hand, and suddenly pulled out a swift and unparalleled wind, bringing out a gray afterimage. The knife cut off Keus's right arm like lightning, making him Below the elbow, the root is aligned and broken, and the hand moves to the air.Hermit Dagger - Hitting Effect!

The figure of the first hunter of the Silver Cross Sect sneaked into the shadow of the ground again.At the same time, the tribal female warriors under Rainey had already been fully armed and were on standby around. As soon as they saw the opportunity, they took the lead and fired. Countless ammunition turned into a dense line of fire and swept across, beating "Destroy Mochus like a sieve." It's no different, but even so, it can't stop the Demon General of Destruction with super resurrection ability. He rushed out all at once, and before Ms. Rennie stopped him, he rushed in front of Tip and the others. Ability. Killed three people in succession to restore the consumption of the inner body. After absorbing human flesh and blood, the "Destroyer General" Keus once again recovered, and he smiled contemptuously: "Don't you understand? We have no chance of winning against you, the Azerothi Empire is doomed to be destroyed, no, more than that, the entire continent will fall into our hands sooner or later.Hearing the words of the Destroyer General, this strong woman from the Cole Lehman Company didn't say much, but tightly held the Shining Sword in her hand.

"I remember that you should have died! Why are you resurrected now!"

"Laughing... I am an immortal witch race. Death has never existed for us from the very beginning. Keus sneered: "You humans and other lives on this planet have Wrong pattern of life. Our witch race is different. We are a perfect race that surpasses all life forms, and we are also the real ultimate life. We are beyond!

And in another field unknown to mortals, time has not passed for a long time, and the horrific battle is still going on,-two lights and shadows of black and red are constantly entangled and colliding, like a entangled whirlwind hurricane .

Ripples of power that seemed to be substantial one after another spread, and everything touched by the ripples instantly collapsed and was crushed into flour by invisible forces.

"The First Emperor!!" An irritable and angry voice came from the black and red intertwined light and shadow, and the fist focused on the boundless red thunder rushed forward. In an instant, time seemed to stand still. Converging into a tyrannical pillar of red thunder, it hit the chest of the first emperor's human-faced eagle body head-on.

With a bang, Shi Huang was hit by a thunder pillar and flew upside down.

"Hahaha! Emperor Shihuang, have you become weaker!"

When the power of Mielunquan was activated, Fang Jing's body was full of muscles. He was nearly five or six meters tall. He looked like a scarlet ghost, and the corners of his mouth became wider and wider, making a vulgar sound.

"Garbage is garbage! Old man, your strength is the most useless, you can kill me as soon as possible!" His figure flashed, and he appeared in front of him at an unknown time, with one arm hanging down The red light was overflowing, and it smashed the head of the harpy monster with incomparable ferocity.Amidst the terrifying impact, the half truck-sized head of the harpy monster exploded with a thunderous sound.

Chapter 666 The Garden of Eden

【 】

It seems that the fist that can smash everything, at this moment, Yuanjian turned into a red internal lightning, and with a rumbling sound, released an air-breaking strike

The huge body of the monster with a harpy face hovered in mid-air at once, froze and motionless.

In the end, the invincible energy wave swelled inside the Harpy monster.

Chapter 667 True Demon

Yindian sanctuary?

Fang Jing was also stunned when he heard it. ÷san∫ bar ∫ read ∫ book ÷

Speaking of it, the religious concept of the Silver Cross Church does have the term "Eden Sanctuary". well-being.This is nothing more than a typical religious theory, bragging about the benefits that "believers" receive after death, which are essentially "nothingness".

Of course, only foolish believers would believe this kind of thing, but from what Emperor Shi Huang said, it seemed that he wanted to create a Sanctuary of Eden in this world.

"Absurd! It's a fantasy-like idea!" Fang Jing sneered, and sarcastically said: "Do you think you are a real god? The Mirage Palace can indeed keep the dead alive for a while, and it can also temporarily Let the strangers stay in this world for a longer period of time, but after a long time, both the soul and the body will be corroded. Those strange monsters in Bloom Manor are nothing more than aliens transformed after the fall of human beings.

"Furthermore, although gods like the 'Moonlight Spoon' can indeed liberate mortals, there are two problems. First, mortals do not have your extraordinary perseverance. Waiting for thousands of years to make the soul fully understand the moonlight The transformation brought about by the spoon. During this process, those mortals will go crazy in all likelihood; especially moonlight spoons and other substances, I believe that you will not have too many in your be robbed by Fang Jing. The first emperor wearing a white mask also nodded in approval. He continued: "You are right, the first point is that even if ordinary human beings are lucky enough to enter the Phantom Palace, they still insist on

The first emperor who said these words also sighed for a long time to other worlds. After finding the moonlight spoon, he returned to this star... In other words, it is almost impossible to count on other moonlight spoons to help me .No, that's an option that wasn't considered in the first place either.The First Emperor never tested the idea of ​​using the moonlight spoon to fulfill his phoenix wish. Not to mention that he did not have the ability to travel through the galaxy, even if he could do it, this round trip would be a time of vicissitudes, and he did not know that after his return, the human race Will it be extinct.

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