Li Yi didn't retreat very far, he just chose a relatively good terrain as the venue for the next battle.

The field is not big, and the sniper rifle is almost useless. Unless you ambush in advance, you will definitely be beaten by the 95-type automatic rifle in this kind of place. Li Yi put the sniper rifle aside early, and just took out two Type 96 pistol.

These are the standard equipment of Spike. Because the 95-type automatic rifle is too cumbersome, it is not suitable to be carried at the same time as the sniper rifle. These will greatly increase Li Yi's consumption, so he uses it as a trap when he is on the road. After entering the swamp, he only had two pistols, a sniper rifle, and the special dagger he got from Drunk Fox.

Two pistols against a 95-type automatic rifle, if the strength is much stronger than the opponent, but like a master like the Prairie Leopard, Li Yi's chances of winning are actually very low, whether it is the rate of fire, penetration, power, or number of bullets. Press down on Li Yi and beat him.

If you accidentally start and get suppressed, you will probably be suppressed until you die, so you must seize the upper hand!

The most sensible choice is actually to find a bunker, hide yourself first, and take the lead when the prairie leopard comes over.

However, this is a swamp, where can I find some kind of cover, if jumping into the muddy water is fine...

"It's really not an ideal place to fight!"

Li Yi sighed, looking forward suddenly, holding the pistol tightly with both hands, ready to shoot at any time.

"Boy, remember my code name, Prairie Leopard, don't worry, I don't even bother to take advantage of you, let's have a fair fight!" Prairie Leopard shouted from a distance, and then moved his 95-style Putting down the automatic rifle, he took out a pistol like Li Yi, and then took off the vision equipment, as if he was going to fight Li Yi fairly.

Li Yi frowned slightly. Although what the Prairie Leopard did was generous, he didn't take it seriously. Since it was a battle, he had to win by any means, especially as a soldier. Sometimes in order to complete combat tasks, he must Some disgraceful means will be used, and situations like prairie leopards giving up their own advantages are not worth advocating.

Because he was a little upset, Li Yi was no longer polite when he started. The Prairie Leopard obviously had something to say, but he had fired three shots in a row, forcing the Prairie Leopard to roll around in embarrassment.

The distance between the two is about 200 meters, and there is fog in between. It is not completely impossible to avoid the pistol shooting, not to mention that the prairie leopard is already prepared, even if it reacts at the moment of the gunshot, there is still a big problem. Chance to avoid attacks.

Therefore, it is not incredible to be able to avoid Li Yi's three shots.

And Li Yi also had expected this, he knew very well that the battle between the two might not end in guns, but in close combat!

This is also the reason why he is sure that he can defeat the prairie leopard. Although the other party is better than him in marksmanship, if it comes to close combat, he has the potential to explode, so it is really not easy to abuse the prairie leopard.


Li Yi finished with three shots, and the prairie leopard was not polite. After rolling in muddy water, he shot two backhands.


The bullet flew past his shoulder, and a burst of blood surged instantly. Li Yi let out a muffled groan, and frowned tightly.

It's not that he can't dodge these two shots, but he deliberately made a test. He wanted to test whether his body would react differently when the live ammunition and the practice ammunition were fired.

Facts have proved that this body is still not satisfied. The real sense of crisis came from live ammunition, and his perception can be clearly sensed, but when the command is given to the body, he can't do the best dodge. This kind of thing has never happened before. happened before.

After all, he still has no professionally trained body, and still can't fully exert his potential. After getting merit points this time, he must train well in Langya, otherwise his body will become his burden instead.

"Hey, is this what your kid is capable of?"

The Prairie Leopard didn't expect to hurt Li Yi so easily. After a little surprise, it rushed towards Li Yi with a grinning grin.

Li Yi was expressionless, but raised his hands and fired again.

This shooting method is actually ridiculous. Don’t look at the male pig feet in the TV series. They are all awesome. They can shoot with both hands. That’s acting on TV. In reality, you let him shoot like the Desert Eagle. How many shots to try?It’s as if a pistol has no recoil. Even if you’ve been holding a pistol all year round, you have to hold it with your hand if you want to ensure the hit rate. Double-gun bursts are at most a kind of suppression. If you want to achieve a gunshot headshot...

In fact, it is not impossible. Those who have been playing with guns all year round, like Spikes, can almost do it. As for people with special talents like Ye Xiao, they have no pressure.

However, Li Yi is different. In fact, he does not spend much time playing with real guns. Even the original He Chenguang does not play with guns every day, and he is more inclined to use sniper rifles, rifles, and pistols. On par with sniper rifles.

Therefore, Li Yi's salvo of two guns is really not objective in terms of aiming at the head, at most it is just a kind of suppression.

What's funny is that the prairie leopard doesn't know this. Li Yi's ferocious firepower forced him to roll all over the ground, in as much embarrassment as he wanted. ..

099 Make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses

The bullets flew like a storm, and the suppressed prairie leopard was in a panic. Apart from constantly moving to avoid the bullets, there was no chance of shooting.

However, this seemed to be in a mess, but it didn't hurt much. Due to the distance and Li Yi's random shooting, unless some stray bullets hit the prairie leopard by themselves, not a single bullet greeted him.

The Prairie Leopard soon discovered this too. Li Yi didn't shoot at him every time, but almost shot around him, as if deliberately molesting him.

The anger in his heart rose, and the prairie leopard gritted his teeth and refused to hide. When he started to fight back angrily, when he looked up, he saw a big sole of his foot flying towards him.


Unbiased, Li Yi kicked the prairie leopard in the front, and kicked his head that had just been raised.

He ate a mouthful of mud in his mouth, but the prairie leopard didn't care about it. Now he was filled with endless shock, and he didn't know when Li Yi came to him.

According to the bullets, the Prairie Leopard can guess Li Yi's approximate location, especially every gunshot, reminding Li Yi of his location Even without looking at it with his eyes, he also knows the distance between the two.

And Li Yi approached while shooting, and he had discovered it early on, which was the biggest reason why he wanted to stand up and fight back just now.

However, there were some big mistakes in the calculation. According to his calculation, Li Yi still has a distance of at least [-] meters. This distance is already within his shooting range. Even if Li Yi's speed and evasion ability are very strong, he is confident that he can get it done with one shot. Li Yi.

As a result, what the Prairie Leopard didn't expect was that Li Yi came in front of him as soon as he raised his head. How fast is this?Can actually span a distance of tens of meters in an instant?

If the prairie leopard on the flat ground can accept it, after all, Li Yi has been moving in front of him, and he can do this kind of thing if the run-up call explodes in an instant.

But here is different, this is a swampy area full of mud, not to mention those mud pits that people get stuck in and come out, even the small mud puddles they are looking for will affect their actions. It is almost impossible to break out at this kind of place with the fastest speed. impossible!

Shocked by Li Yi's speed, the prairie leopard returned to normal after being stunned for less than half a second. Now is not the time to study these things. Li Yidi's purpose is already understood. He must know that his marksmanship is not as good as his own, so it is better to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses than to give up Instead of using his own firearms, he chose to fight more confidently in melee!

This week, the role of firearms is not very important. Using firearms now is not like on TV. Two people are fighting there, and in the end, whoever has the most strength and can bend the hand of the other will win.

Shooting at this time is a very stupid behavior. Such a close-range opponent will never let you have a chance to pull the trigger. If you lose a shot for this, you will then fall into a passive position. If the two are about the same strength, Then this shot will directly lead to its own failure.

The Prairie Leopard resolutely gave up the pistol, not because he also had this concern, but because he was also confident in his close combat. He didn't think that he, who had been training hard for many years and had many dangerous missions, would not be able to defeat a recruit.

As the pride of being a veteran of the Special Forces, the Prairie Leopard didn't even draw out the dagger, but just stood up and moved some of its body, threw some burdens on it, and then hooked its fingers at Li Yi.

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