Li Yi looked at the conceited veteran with a smile on his face, and pointed to the other's face after a while, signaling for him to clean up.

The previous kick was not light, and Li Yi was afraid that the other party would react and shoot him directly, so that kick was very heavy. Although it didn't directly smash the bridge of the prairie leopard's nose, it also caused his nose to bleed.

At this moment, with the muddy water on his face and the prairie leopard's own paint, it's a bit funny no matter how you look at it.

The Prairie Leopard wiped his face casually, and felt a little glad that Li Yi didn't attack directly. That kick was really heavy, which made him stare at him now. If Li Yi attacked directly and continuously, he would be really bad. Parry.

After the prairie leopard recovered from the slightly dizzy state, Li Yi still had no intention of attacking at all. The prairie leopard finally understood that it turned out that they intended to give way!

Being handed over by a newcomer, there is a slight sense of humiliation, but Prairie Leopard also knows that Li Yi is a gentleman, an upright and upright person, and he can't say anything about this. It’s not playing games, and there is no emphasis on the way of a gentleman here. Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Everything must be aimed at killing the enemy, no matter how unscrupulous it is for this!

If Li Yi knew what the prairie leopard was thinking, he would definitely vomit blood and die three times. No one knows these reasons better than him, who has crawled out of the dead for countless times. The reason why he gave the prairie leopard time to breathe is because He knows his own strength very well, he has the potential to explode, and he is absolutely sure to defeat the prairie leopard, so he has nothing to fear.

"Huh, it seems that today I have to teach you what is the real battlefield!"

Li Yi was puzzled by what the prairie leopard said. He didn't know why the other party said that. He looked at the prairie leopard suspiciously for a moment, and he was slightly relieved when he found that the other party was not fooled by him.

Without waiting for the Prairie Leopard to speak again, Li Yi pointed the pistol thrown by the Prairie Leopard with his chin, and said seriously: "You should have read my profile, I used to be a boxing champion, and I may not be as good as you in terms of firearms, but I am very confident in hand-to-hand combat!"

The Prairie Leopard obviously showed a disdainful expression. He would not pay attention to those so-called boxing champions in the city. It has strength, but there are many loopholes in its moves.

In order to pursue the absolute power of their fists, those people will have many loopholes when attacking. For special operators like them, just one of these loopholes is enough to kill, let alone every move is a loophole?

=================================================================== ==========================

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100 Painful Memories Reappear

Today, I have to find this newcomer to understand that the so-called boxing champion is just a moving sandbag to them.

The Prairie Leopard didn't want to talk nonsense, and no matter how much he said, it was better to act, so he didn't say anything, but just hooked his fingers again to signal Li Yi to attack, which was to give way to Li Yi intentionally.

Li Yi was not at all polite this time. Since he didn't appreciate it, he wanted to use his bare hands, and he had no choice. Since he wanted to abuse him, he would naturally do it.

The body was slightly lowered, and Li Yi did not attack directly. This place has a great impact on the figure. Too much foot movement is definitely a kind of SB behavior, and it must be done steadily.

Although he has the confidence to crush his opponents, Li Yi will not be too careless. There have been too many examples to prove that you should not take it lightly when facing any enemy. Maybe a small character who is not in your eyes may be stabbed kill you.

As Li Yi slowly approached, the Prairie Leopard immediately felt an invisible pressure, which made his face change instantly, staring at Li Yi firmly and becoming more vigilant in his heart.

When the two got close to a certain distance, Li Yi finally attacked, and without any intention of probing, he directly used his potential to explode and punched the prairie leopard hard.


Just relying on full speed and the sound of the wind, the Prairie Leopard couldn't help cursing inwardly. He had roughly guessed the weight of Li Yi's fist. According to Li Yi's current attack, it is definitely not wise to fight head-on, and he must temporarily avoid the edge. Can.

In the end, he still underestimated Li Yi too much. He never thought that a recruit would have such an attack power. Even if Li Yi was once a boxing champion, it would be too exaggerated.

But fortunately, I still have some psychological preparations for the boxing champion's fist. Although the attack power is too fierce and the speed is not slow, the Prairie Leopard still thinks that he can handle it, but he must temporarily avoid the edge for now.

However, the prairie leopard is a little too naive. What kind of combat experience does Li Yi have?Not to mention that the two are evenly matched, even if Li Yiruo and the Prairie Leopard are stronger, they can easily deal with him in melee combat, not to mention that he has the potential to explode this debuff.

The Prairie Leopard once again miscalculated Li Yi's strength, which made him doomed to fail more quickly from the moment he stepped back.


A ferocious fist brushed across his face. Although the prairie leopard was surprised and more powerful than expected, it didn't panic at all. Instead, it counterattacked immediately and directly attacked Li Yi's elbow joint.


A hard punch hit Li Yi's joints, and a smile flashed in the grassland leopard's eyes. After all, he was still a rookie, and his attack was too open and closed. After this blow, he would not be able to use his right arm in a short time.

The prairie leopard was about to take advantage of the situation to chase after him, and when it took Li Yi down in one fell swoop, the imaginary unusable right arm hit him on the head with an elbow, and the prairie leopard's eyes went black for an instant.

This blow was not light, and it was even more violent than the first kick. The prairie leopard was no longer as simple as staring at gold stars. If it wasn't because of his strong willpower, he doubted whether he would fall down just like that.

It was so fierce that he couldn't understand at all, even if his attack could not affect Li Yi, but in that case, the fist's offensive was obviously exhausted, so why he could still make such a powerful attack.

Of course, the Prairie Leopard has seen this kind of fighting technique a lot, and he can use it himself. It can be said that the entire special forces team basically knows this two-stage attack, but there is a big premise for that, that is, the power cannot be exhausted. , otherwise even if you can make a second attack, there is no way to cause damage.

However, Li Yi was different. This unreasonable strength reminded the Prairie Leopard of his own painful memories.

It was just an ordinary assessment by Yebu, but it shattered all the pride of the Prairie Leopard. Only then did he realize how big the world is and how ridiculous the things he has always been proud of are.

That place is full of freaks, not to mention the official members, even the reserves' substitutes are all unreasonably strong.

None of their personnel in that period was selected. A group of guys with similar strengths who worked hard during the selection thought that each other was of equal strength and would be the biggest stumbling block in the assessment. As a result, the cruel reality made them understand that the real difficulty is never They themselves, but from the group of people in the night department.

It's just the reserve players, so none of them can last ten seconds in the ring.

Those people beyond common sense are surprisingly similar to Li Yi in front of him. Faced with Li Yi's sudden storm-like attack, the Prairie Leopard was only relying on instinct to defend, but everything he did was in vain , None of Li Yi's attacks could be accurately blocked, and every blow fell heavily on his body.

I don't know how long time passed, the prairie leopard finally fell into the mud. Before he passed out, he couldn't help but think of the last assessment of the night department again. It was a group arena. The opponent was a young man younger than him. About the same age as Li Yi, with a shy appearance, he looks harmless to humans and animals.

I remember that at that time, there were people in the same period who secretly laughed and said: "This kind of young bird can also approach Yebu? It seems that Yebu is not as powerful as imagined!"

It was just such a little boy who didn't seem to be threatening, and soon let the group of ridicules understand what kind of existence Yebu is.

Ten seconds is completely a dividing line, no one can stand in front of him for ten seconds, and even the few people who laughed at him fell at his feet in less than five seconds.

The prairie leopard really couldn't figure out why there are such powerful people in this world. Could it be that they were all trained from the womb?Or is there really something magical?

This idea has been with him for many years, until today when he was knocked to the ground by a new person in his eyes, he finally understood it.

It turns out that there really are geniuses in this world!

Eight seconds, just eight seconds, Li Yi knocked down this strong Spike player!

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