That was Shiji who had never been exposed to this language before, but he clearly understood the meaning of Shiyin's words——

"I take the name of "Shiyin" and take this world as my proof. Under the witness of the supreme truth, I made an eternal contract with the person in front of me. So far, I will never leave it, and I will depend on life and death!"

As if confirming Shiyin's oath, a magnificent and lofty existence appeared in midair.

Maybe it's because of the blessings in his heart, or maybe it's the effect of his unforgettable memories that are as long as the four seasons. With a smile from the bottom of his mouth, he stretched out his right hand: "With this body, with the people in front of you, and the world in front of you, Make an eternal contract, never give up, life and death, uh..."

Before Siji's oath was finished, Shiyin stretched out her white jade-like left hand to cover his mouth.

"It's enough to get here! Maybe one day I..."

The four seasons behind Shiyin can no longer be heard clearly, and the instant scene just now made his mind go blank, as if there was something unforgettable that he had forgotten.

"You're back to your senses!" A few white and tender fingers shook in front of Siji's eyes.

"Sorry, I don't know what to..."

"It's okay, it's Four Seasons after all! Anyway, the contract has been established!" Shiyin stepped forward and hugged Four Seasons slightly: "I didn't expect that even after reincarnation, I still have the impression!"

"Reincarnation?" Siji slightly raised his eyebrows, Shiyin obviously did not refer to his previous life.

"Yes, you can imagine it too, just like the origin of the world you are in. Since there is a previous life, then naturally there will be a previous life, a previous life..."


The four seasons are silent.In this way, everything about him now is a relic left by the "he" in the past.Although it can be called the "self" that is not "self", it still makes the four seasons feel mixed.

"Even my time travel before?"

"Yes or no..." Shiyin nodded and then shook her head: "Here, let me tell a story for Siji first!"

The story is a clichéd but classic plot.

A man met a woman by chance, and after going through ups and downs, the two fell in love.The time spent with each other has always been the happiest time in their lives.

Just like every story must have a villain, the evil forces have appeared.After a bitter battle, the two lost to the evil forces. The woman sacrificed herself for her love to improve the man's strength. In the end, the man was seriously injured and sealed the evil forces.

After the turmoil ended, the distraught man embarked on a journey to find a way to revive the woman.After an uncountably long time, the man finally despaired.In addition to his seriously injured body, he chose to give up his will and accompany the woman to sleep forever in the dark, while his soul was reincarnated.

Stories that end in tragedy have old-fashioned plots, and similar plots can be seen in myths, fairy tales, operas, novels and other carriers in ancient and modern China and abroad.But after adding the identities of the two protagonists, this old-fashioned story becomes——

"A catastrophe event involving the survival of dozens of worlds and the death of hundreds of millions of lives, it is said that even the endless sea of ​​time and space was affected in a small area." Shiyin sighed softly: "After all, it is It is inevitable that so many lives will be lost in the war between the transcendent and the transcendent."

Four Seasons has no doubts about this.He learned from the memory of the inheritance that the transcendent is also called a saint, a god, a lord of truth, etc., the strongest person in the endless sea of ​​dimensions, the one who controls the truth and fights against the world with his own body. The Void Ouroboros with its body is one of them...

The man in Shiyin's story is naturally the previous life of the four seasons. The identity of "he" or "he" is a transcender. What about the identity of the woman in the story?Four Seasons expressed his doubts.

"Just like me, it's the will of the world!" Shiyin turned around in a circle, and said in a proud tone: "However, unlike me, who is just a freshman, she is the world's highest-ranking world." will."

At this time, even the four seasons can't help but marvel at the "self" of the past. If marrying a fairy or a goddess is a rare beauty and a legend to boast about, then the "self" who has pursued the will of the world is simply amazing... …

Four Seasons is very curious: "Then how did he do it..."

"I don't know! I only know the general idea, I don't know the details!" Shiyin spread her hands helplessly, and then whispered: "I really want to know..."

"What about the evil forces in the story?" Seeing that Shiyin was also unclear, Siji changed the subject.

"That is……"

Chapter 12 The Aristocratic Circle Is Really Messy

"He is..." Shiyin hesitated for a while, but still gave the answer: "The Void Ouroboros..."

"Ah, it really is Him..." Four Seasons said with a delicate tone.

The Void Ouroboros, which feeds on the world and has the title of "Sky Devouring Dragon", undoubtedly perfectly fits the evil forces in the story told by Shiyin, especially the heroine in it is also a will of the world. In some cases, there is even a criminal motive.

So, here comes the problem——

"Why would I have anything to do with the Void Ouroboros? It stands to reason that 'I' and him should be regarded as mortal enemies, right?"

Even the inheritance memory has appeared, no matter how stupid the four seasons are, they will not think that this will be an ordinary causal connection, and then think of the origin awakening ceremony that I am carrying out, I am afraid...

Thinking of this, Four Seasons couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Oh, this..." Shiyin didn't seem to see the distress of the four seasons, and said with a smile: "Of course you have his power in the four seasons! Looking at the scene of the memory fragments you experienced before, your awakened power will It will be very pure!"

"You haven't said why yet?"

"First of all, Four Seasons, you need to understand one thing: power is poisonous! Those who possess power must have a corresponding heart and will, otherwise they will only become slaves of power!"

Shiyin shook her white and tender fingers and warned——

"This is especially true for those who transcend! Their power contains amazing self-will. If they don't have the open-mindedness and firm belief that can match the world, then the end will only be a puppet of that power. If you inherit the four seasons If you lose the power of the previous life, there is a 99.999% probability that your current personality will be swallowed up by the previous life, after all, the gap between the two of you is too great!"

"Of course, there is another important reason. After you gave up your self-awareness and reincarnated in your previous life, you and him undoubtedly have different self-will and personal cognition. The path that suits him may not necessarily suit you."

Four Seasons raised his eyebrows, which was not beyond his expectation. After all, if you want to get something for nothing, you have to pay the corresponding risk.

"Since I can't inherit the power of being a transcendent in my previous life, why do I have the power of the Void Ouroboros? He is undoubtedly a transcendent."

"It's very simple, because the Ouroboros in the Void is a special existence. His power attributes are almost nonexistent, and his purity is unbelievable. What's more, you have experienced his mental scene before, and you must know it. Self-will is quite weak, well, that's not true, it's very simple, as pure as a blank sheet of paper, it's incredible!"

Recalling everything he had experienced before, Siji nodded in agreement: "It is indeed very simple, most of the time it is based on instinct."

"In fact, it was also an accident to obtain the power of the Void Ouroboros. Before banishing him to the land of destruction, you in the last life took a small part of his essence. What people did not expect is this original power It can actually become the seed of the perfect Void Ouroboros power through endless cycles and self-improvement, and only then can it be perfectly integrated into your soul through reincarnation."

Shiyin paused for a moment, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and with a swipe of his right hand, a figure that looked like a dragon and a snake, full of majesty and beauty, appeared in midair, and said, "Let's put it this way, Siji, you are now a humanoid figure." Tailed Snake! Even if it’s an infant!”

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