Follow the lead of your heart...

Siji closed his eyes, and then easily felt that familiar yet unfamiliar atmosphere.

His mind was shaken, and then the world spun, and the consciousness of the four seasons couldn't help being slightly dizzy.Then, the four seasons seemed to see the truth in the endless sea of ​​time and space, the original light opened up the embryonic form of the world, the heaven and the earth first opened, the space bloomed according to the mysterious law, and time began to flow...

When Siji came back to his senses, he had almost forgotten all the scenes he had just seen, only the space that seemed to expand without limit had a vague impression, which made Siji feel a little lost.

"That is……"

"That is the beginning of the world, the memory from the world itself!" The ethereal and melodious voice sounded again, "Welcome to our world, Four Seasons!"

Concentrated in a trance, Siji looked in the direction of the voice.

At this moment, Four Seasons believed in love at first sight.

Cao Zhi once described the beauty of women in Luoshen Fu in this way: "Its shape is as graceful as a frightened bird, graceful as a swimming dragon, full of luxuriant autumn chrysanthemums, and luxuriant spring pine trees."It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind.The neck is extended and the item is beautiful, the quality is exposed, the fragrance is not added, and the lead is beautiful.Yunji E'e, eyebrows repaired and juicy, red lips are bright outside, white teeth are bright inside.Bright eyes are good at gazing, dimpled to support the right, majestic and gorgeous, with a quiet appearance and a leisurely body. 』

The woman in front of Four Seasons expresses this beautiful scenery vividly, just like the most perfect creation in the sky, fascinated by it and overwhelmed by it.

"Dong dong dong..."

Heartbeat is accelerating.In addition to this flawless figure, what makes the four seasons throbbing is the resonance from the soul, like a lover who has been waiting for a long time, or a family member who has been separated for a long time.The girl in front of him is special to him, Shiji instantly understood this.

The beautiful girl looked at the four seasons with a smile, step by step, slowly came to the front of the four seasons, the refreshing body fragrance surrounded his nostrils.

"It's finally your turn..."

"You..." Sijiyi spoke, his voice was clearly different from that of a teenager, and he discovered the abnormality in himself, his body had obviously grown up, and he returned to an adult body after a long absence at the age of twenty: "What is going on here... "

"Hee hee, it's normal. As I said before, this is our common world. Four seasons, you exist here in the form of a soul, so you naturally look like an adult." I'm looking forward to the little Four Seasons too, but it's a pity..."

Four Seasons just shrugged and remained silent.For this mysterious woman who seems to be very familiar but has never been seen before, the completely different perceptions in his mind made him confused, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Meeting for the first time, or finally meeting, four seasons!" The woman turned around in a circle, and asked expectantly: "How is it? This body is a perfect portrayal of your sweetheart in your memory, isn't it like Have you met the girl of your dreams?"

"Memory?" Even though his mind was a little confused, Siji still instinctively felt something was wrong from this word.

The woman smiled sweetly, and shook her index finger as tender as a jade onion: "That's right! As part of the contract, you and I have opened our hearts to each other. Haven't you also seen the deepest memory in my consciousness?"


Siji remembered what he had seen before, although he basically forgot all of it, but the indescribable mystery and majesty still made him feel awed.Then he couldn't help but smile wryly, that kind of thing is by no means the greatness that he can come into contact with now, he can't understand, recognize nature, and can't remember it.

"I always feel bad..."

"Don't show this expression..." The woman's Shui Lingling looked at Siji and said, "That's a good thing that many people can't ask for! Although I can't recall it now, but these are imprinted in your soul, wait If you are strong enough, you will naturally recall it.”

"No, I just think it's a bit weird, after all, I've seen all my memories..." Four Seasons stopped talking halfway, and the woman in front of him said that what Four Seasons saw was her memory, then...

"Hee hee, it seems that the four seasons have reacted?" The girl stretched out her hands and turned around flexibly: "Didn't I say it before, welcome to our world! And I am the self-will of this world! "

"The Will of the World?"

Even if there is some speculation, Siji still clicks her tongue for the girl's identity. Although she has no sense of reality, it sounds like a great existence, and the memory that could not be remembered before is also true.

"However, is the will of the world so active..." The words and behaviors of the girl in front of her are completely indistinguishable from ordinary people in the sense of the four seasons.

"Well, the world is different, and the will of the derived world is naturally different. Some can form a complete personality, and more are only at the level of instinct. However, they are a special case!"

The girl shook her finger, explained a few words roughly, and then she said with an expectant look on her face: "Don't worry about these things, you will naturally understand the four seasons in the future, and now you want to name me! It should be nice! "

"Name it?" The unexpected request made Si Ji slightly taken aback.

"That's right! Names are magical. The stronger the existence, the stronger the mystery contained in the name. Naturally, the act of 'giving a name' also has a special meaning." The girl blushed and said: " Letting you name me is really the last step in completing the contract ceremony between you and me!"

Although it is still unclear what kind of contract it is, Four Seasons instinctively believed in the girl in front of him. Then, what name should be given, Four Seasons thought about it.

1. "Jun's name wa", laugh...

2. The original setting was only to awaken the origin of "Ouroboros", and then I added these into it when I wrote it for some reason O__O " will be difficult to change later. Don't worry, the probability of Shiyin appearing is not too high high.

Chapter 11 Once upon a time

"I'm not very good at naming names..." Four Seasons struggled to say a name: "...Kaguya?"

"Hmph! I'm not that Princess of the Moon! Even if you were born in the past, you don't need to use this name!" The girl puffed up her cheeks, turned her head, and folded her hands on her chest, with a look of displeasure on me. Four Seasons seems to be able to hear her muttering in a low voice: "The same is black and straight, with a dark belly, plus Yamato Nadeko's temperament, the cuteness overlaps a lot, do you want to add some other..."


Siji Fu forehead, heaven and earth conscience, just now he thought that the name "Kaguya" has nothing to do with that Princess Taketori, his EQ is not so low, but he just thinks this name is very suitable for the glamorous girl in front of him.

Turning his thoughts around, he quietly ruled out a lot of alternative options that he had originally thought about, and asked again, "Then... Anya, or Shiyin? How about these two? Do you like any of them?"

"Hmm... Anya? Shiyin? Anya, Shiyin..." The girl blinked her big bright eyes, and said after a little hesitation, "I like Shiyin better than Anya, so that's it!"


Although he finally passed the test, Siji still asked one more question. After all, if there is no accident, it will be a title that will accompany him for a lifetime, so he must be more cautious.

"Shiyin, Shiyin... I like it very much, especially this is the name given by the four seasons!" The girl, no, it should be called Shiyin now, and said with a sweet smile: "If the four seasons insist, the name of the former Kaguya It's not unacceptable."

"No, no need, whatever you like is fine..." Siji's heartbeat seemed to slow down a beat, and he muttered in his heart: 'What a foul! '

It has to be said that Shiyin's posture given by the subconscious of the four seasons and the mysterious charm contained in her own noble identity, coupled with the intimacy brought by the contract between the two, the four seasons have almost no resistance to her.

"Although I still want to have a pleasant chat with Siji, but it's really important. Anyway, we will spend a long time together!"

Shiyin clapped her hands, suppressed her smile, and said the words of the contract in a solemn and simple language.

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