The fire mouse fur here is naturally the treasure required by Kaguya Hime's five difficult problems, and it is woven from the fur of the fire mouse.As a kind of strange mouse living in the southern volcano in Chinese legend, the fire mouse inhabits in the unburnable trees called "endless wood", and has long been extinct with the change of environment.Probably only old immortals like Tai Gongwang who don't know how long they have lived can have collections.

"Yes..." Four Seasons readily agreed. As a tea lover, the variety and quantity of tea leaves he collected would definitely make the eyes of Youzhu, who is also a tea lover, shine.

"The old man seems to be at a disadvantage..." Taigong Wang waved his hand, and a blue robe with golden radiance appeared on the table, and a stone bowl was placed on it, "here, the fire mouse fur is here Yes, this stone bowl was entrusted to you by the great monk."

Four Seasons put it away unceremoniously: "Thank you!"

"The task is completed, I should go!" The grandfather stood up neatly and waved his hand smartly, "The Taiji diagram will be placed with you first! After all, if the current emperor comes to do it like this, the luck of the dynasty may be weakened." For several years, the land of Shenzhou will be in trouble in the coming days. With it, it should be able to attract a few evildoers, so you can kill them. Well, do justice for the sky."

"You're so old, and you're still so murderous."

The so-called "when a country is about to perish, there must be evildoers", when a country declines and its luck is low, naturally all kinds of ghosts and snakes will appear.Wu Zetian asked the Buddhist sect to borrow the luck of the dynasty, but now it has failed, so she will naturally suffer backlash, and she must have a headache for the next natural and man-made disasters.

"Okay, pack up, let's go tomorrow! How about letting the 'monstrous' along the way try the power of my new equipment?"

Recalling the malicious gazes of the group of guys who peeked at the Tai Chi picture before, Siji smiled brightly, his white teeth gleamed fiercely, and a monster with seven heads and ten horns was depicted on the cover The book appeared in his hands at some point, and his slender fingers were gently tapping on the cover.

Orpheus blinked his pure and bright eyes: "Siji smiles so sinisterly..."

Siji's smile froze suddenly, and the big boss's aura suddenly disappeared.

Huiyin covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "Mr. Siji is really interesting!"


There is no need to say goodbye to Yakumo Zi, because that Ito Zi "died" not long ago due to a sudden illness.When I received this news today, Siji was still very speechless, I didn't expect Yakumo Zi to slip away so fast.

Unsurprisingly, on the way from Chang'an City to Dongying with the group of four seasons, many monsters or monks blinded by greed appeared to block the way.Later, after seeing how powerful the four seasons are, they even joined forces.

Such a large number made Siji silently remember Yakumo Zi in his heart.If she hadn't spread Buddhist plans everywhere, where would there be so many "monsters"?

"Flame of the sun! 』

The almost incandescent flames were extremely hot, turning all the monsters in front of them into ashes.

This is the ultimate power possessed by Huiyin, which emerged from history based on "The Book of 666", which is the power to create atoms 'nuclear fusion'—that is, it was later sealed in Lingwu Road The gods in the void.

Maybe because he didn't want the Yatagarasu to focus on the front, there was a clear and loud phoenix cry in the sky, and a phoenix wrapped in flames flew in the air, and it was already swooping over many enemies. Wings hovered continuously, and the flames on his body were instant wounds, and the inextinguishable flames infected spread throughout his body in an instant, and finally turned into ashes in a scream.

Looking at the two majestic bird beasts flying in the sky, Shi Si rubbed his chin and came to a conclusion: "It seems that even if the few of us join forces to realize it together, no matter whether it is the Yatagarasu or the phoenix. It is not as good as the original version, at most it is infinitely close..."

Huiyin carefully looked at the thick book in her hand, and praised: "That's amazing!"

Frankly speaking, probably the god of the Bible who created the god-killing tool "Warcraft Creation" and the four seasons who turned the beast emperor 666 who ate "Warcraft Creation" into "The Book of 666" did not expect this book to be able to play like this .Guided by Huiyin's history, Bailian's fantasy, and Orpheus' infinity, it seems that it can really play well, although in terms of destructive power, it is not as simple as summoning Beast Emperor 666 directly...

Four Seasons snapped his fingers, "Bai Lian, help me, and provide you with the power of fantasy."

"Could it be that..." Bai Lian's eyes danced with a cunning aura: "As expected of the master! You really know how to play!"

With the joining forces of Four Seasons and Bailian, the sky was instantly eroded by power into a bewitching red.A giant red dragon with a body length of more than [-] meters appeared, and its powerful aura instantly permeated the world.

Orpheus was stimulated, puffed up his cheeks, and waved his small fist towards the dragon: "The great red! Down!"

Chapter 27 "I'm a dragon now! Are you afraid?"

It was a dragon with sharp fangs, a proudly standing horn, a smooth and oppressive dragon body, covered with red dragon scales, and wide dragon wings spread out. Sky tour.

"What kind of monster is this?" A wild boar demon scratched his strong head, looking up at the giant soaring in the sky, the coercion from the upper race made his legs weak, and his body instincts were even more desperate Urge him to leave this dangerous place.

Beside the wild boar demon, a bear spirit hammered his head: "Stupid pig! It's obviously a crocodile (tuo, two sounds, that is, a crocodile)! It's also a crocodile at the level of a big monster. Be careful!"

"A group of ignorant turtles!" Seeing that the great red was mistaken for a crocodile, Bai Lian, who has the best relationship with her, couldn't help but sneer: "At least the strength is a high-ranking monster. He is a famous person. How can he be so ignorant?" !"

Huiyin couldn't help laughing, and smiled to explain Bailian's confusion: "Because most monsters have a strong sense of territory, unless there is a mysterious existence like the monster sage, they will not go out of their territory for a long time."

Finally, a middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist finally got it right: "It seems to be a dragon from the Far West? There is a record in the classics of the Taoist Master. The ancestor once went to the West and said that the dragon over there is very similar to the crocodile. It just has an extra pair of wings, be careful of his dragon breath, dragon claws and tail!"

"Finally someone recognized it. It would be too embarrassing to be mistaken for a crocodile monster after playing a big role." Si Ji joked with a chuckle: "If the great red is really here, I don't know what expression it will be ..."

Bai Lian grinned and said, "If Sister Hong was here, she must have killed you first!"

Four Seasons shrugged and said indifferently: "She can't run as fast as me..."

Then Siji raised his head and looked at the emptiness of the great red eyes, and rubbed his eyebrows: "Even if you have the power of Bailian, is it still lacking in spirituality? Could it be that the existence that manifests must be rootless?" Destroyer?"

The seed of power given by the great red is the opportunity for the birth of the white lotus, so the power of the white lotus has the characteristics of the "fantasy" of the great red, so the four seasons let the power of the white lotus be attracted, but I did not expect that it still cannot have spirituality.

When the four people were chatting, the great red was overwhelmed by magic weapons, flying swords, flames, ice, thunder and many other attacks, but they had no effect, and all penetrated the body of the great red Wei'an, as if she was stereoscopic projection.

"Is it an illusion?"

"Haha, it's fake! It's a lie!"

Before the monk who said this could show a happy expression, the breath of the dragon from the great red drowned him, leaving behind a vaguely doubtful "Is it true?"

It's not that no "sighted people" tried to attack the four seasons as the summoner, but they died faster, because Orpheus, who was in a bad mood after seeing the great red, didn't hold back at all.

Following the slaughter of the great red dragon, there were fewer and fewer monsters and monks surviving on the scene. Many people who were blinded by greed saw the ferocious red dragon, scared into a cold sweat, and left secretly...

Finally, a big monster that had been completely invisible before finally appeared.


A sound resembling a deep dragon chant sounded, and a monster shaped like an oriental dragon, with no horns on its head and a hard barb on the tip of its tail appeared.

Huiyin's expression froze: "Be careful, this is a monster-level jiao!"

As soon as the words fell, following a roar full of pain, the Jiao who had just appeared was bitten by the neck of the great red, and the dragon claws grabbed Jiao's body and began to bite, even though Jiao's long body was like a snake. The body wrapped in the great red is still useless.

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