Although the great red is more famous for her abilities and is known as the master of "Dream", her hand-to-hand combat ability is also extremely strong. The sharp teeth, strong dragon claws and powerful dragon tail are not just decorations - Orpheus touch He touched his small face, expressing that it would be very painful to be beaten.

"Don't worry, at least I, Bailian and Beast Emperor 666 are jointly manifested, basically [-]% to [-]% of the strength of the great red, right? It's impossible to swallow it in one bite, but the opponent must not be able to do three moves..."

Siji looked at the great red who was about to kill Jiao with his physical strength, and wiped his sweat. This is a shortcoming of lack of spirituality. You must know that the great red cherishes feathers very much, and I have never seen her like this A murderous scene.

With a cry, Jiao finally died with wounds all over his body.Even the big monster was killed so easily, which also declares that the interception of these guys who are greedy for Taijitu or Xiage Aidi sword has come to an end for the time being, and the ones who will appear in the future must be more difficult guys .

In the East China Sea, a clean and white modern ship braved the wind and waves, and quickly headed towards Japan.This is an artificial artifact that Four Seasons "robbed" from Asachel. It can be large or small, and it ignores bumps—it just consumes a little more energy.

In the deep sea, which is unknown how many meters deep, sunlight cannot penetrate the thick sea water to illuminate the place. As far as the eyes can see, there is only a piece of darkness, and occasionally a little fluorescent light drifts by. It is a deep-sea luminescent fish.

At this time, two groups of azure blue light like the ocean suddenly appeared, and then the sea water began to roll. This is a giant beast more than [-] meters long stretching its body.A pair of glittering and translucent dragon horns, a slender figure, four claws on the abdomen, red scales like flowing fire still shining in the deep sea - this is a red dragon.

She sensed it!Not long ago, the person who took away the jade of the dragon head when she jumped the dragon gate, and the breath of the little girl beside him who wanted to eat her, these two people appeared!

Now, having completed her transformation, she is no longer a fragile little carp monster who has not even mastered the evil spirit, but a dragon!Even if her blood is not as pure as a natural dragon, there is no doubt that she is a dragon!Compared with humans, the dragon clan is superior!

The giant dragon opened its mouth, with an expression very much like a human being with a cracked smile: "I was going to look for you after a while, but since you automatically sent me to your door..."

So, after making waves, the red dragon, who had put on a show, flew into the air, condescendingly looking down at the strange steel ship below, and the four seasons brought out by the vision.

'Steel can also sail on water? '

After this thought just flashed in Red Dragon's mind, her blue dragon eyes stared at Siji, and she exhaled white air from her nostrils, "Do you still remember the little carp you played with by the Yellow River?"

Siji, who thought that there was an unyielding monster intercepting him, suddenly realized: "So it's you, little carp! It's really a complete change, even the breath has changed a lot, I almost can't recognize you!"

The red dragon circled around slightly, and the high-pitched tone was full of jokes: "I am a dragon now! Are you afraid?"


Four Seasons smiled slightly, and took out the "Book of 666"...

1. What is Hong Meiling's body has yet to be determined, and the carp jumping over the dragon's gate is the second design.

Chapter 28 "Dragon Meat? A great supplement!"

"Why did this happen? The first time I acted as a dragon, I met an enemy who used to play tricks on me. Why did it become like this? This is completely different from what I thought..."

The red dragon looked up at the huge monster that was almost five times bigger than itself in the sky and muttered to himself.The body trembled involuntarily, which was an instinctive surrender in the face of the threat of a higher existence.

Siji stroked the "Book of 666" in his hand, with a dazed look on his face: "It seems that even if they come from different worlds, even if they are two different dragons from the East and the West, they have some things in common in terms of dragon power or racial deterrence. ?"

Huiyin at the side looked at the trembling red dragon in the sky, and couldn't help scolding: "Mr. Siji, that's too much! She's just a child..."

Obviously, with Huiyin's experience and ability, he could see the immaturity of the red dragon in front of him - at least before he appeared on the stage, he used to call the wind and call for the rain, and his jerky tricks were undoubtedly exposed in the eyes of the strong.

"I'm teaching it the principle of the law of the jungle... Well, I admit my mistake!"

Siji just babbled, and then Huiyin gave him a blank look. He decisively raised his hands and surrendered. If Teacher Huiyin gave him a headbutt, he would definitely be laughed at by Bailian for a long time.

Ignoring Bailian's contemptuous eyes, Siji closed the book, and the great red that covered the sky and the sun disappeared, and everything just now was like an illusion.

The red dragon only felt his body lighten, and the coercion that had shrouded him was finally gone. After sweeping the strange ships stopped on the sea, he lowered his head and plunged into the sea.She finally understood that the two enemies who played tricks on her were so powerful on the day she leaped to the Dragon Gate.

Before the transformation, the little carp monster, the predecessor of the red dragon, had no experience in the world, and was ignorant of everything. Coupled with the psychological expansion brought about by the skyrocketing strength after transforming into a dragon, his behavior was so reckless.Now that I was frightened by the great red, my mind cleared up, and I immediately recalled, how could it be an ordinary person who could give me that knowledge casually?

"Want to go?"

After vaguely hearing a word, Red Dragon felt dizzy for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he was already lying on that weird ship.As soon as he raised his head, he met Siji's expression of looking at him with a half smile but not a smile. The red dragon trembled, and finally remembered the horror when he was dominated the day he jumped over the Dragon Gate.

If Siji, who was curiously comparing the similarities and differences between Dragon God and Red Dragon, knew what was going on in her heart, he would definitely smile and say to her: "No, you think too much..."

"Will it take form?"

The red dragon answered the answer directly with actions. In a hazy red light, the body of more than [-] meters long became smaller and smaller, and finally, a tall beauty appeared.

Waist-length red hair, two twisted braids hanging from the temples, good facial features, eyes as blue as the ocean, complexion as clear as flawless jade, a very Chinese-style coat and skirt, a pair of long white skirts The legs are looming between the slits of the skirt and gown, which is very attractive.

Four Seasons was taken aback, this image has a super instant sense of sight, except for the lack of the green hat, it has hardly changed...

"By the way, do you have a name?"

"I named myself Hong Meiling!"

Four Seasons secretly said: It really is you, Master Hong...

So, is it Hong Meiling who bullied me these two times?Four Seasons repented for his bad behavior in his heart for a second.

With her hands behind her back, Bai Lian walked around Hong Meiling, with a strange gleam in her eyes.

Hong Meiling, who was frightened by Bai Lian's gaze, took a step back and asked vigilantly, "What's the matter?"

"Tell you, I'm a cat. I like to eat fish the most, especially the carp from the Yellow River. The meat is thick, tender and delicious. It's the best for making sweet and sour carp..."

After finishing speaking, Bai Lian seemed to have an aftertaste, and the tip of her scarlet tongue slid across her moist lips.

"Really?" Orpheus heard the words, and didn't care if it was Bailian's words, his eyes sparkled like crystals, and he looked up and down Hong Meiling.

Stimulated by the breath leaked by Orpheus, Hong Meiling shuddered and took a few steps back: "The imperial court does not allow carp to be eaten! Besides, I am a dragon now, and the meat is hard and not tasty!"

Because the surname of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was Li, which is the same as the "carp" of carp, the current trend is to regard carp as the most expensive fish. From emperors, officials, nobles to common people, all admire carp and compete to feed red carp.

Orpheus was disappointed: "Is that so?"

"Datang can't control us!" Bai Lian chuckled maliciously: "As for dragon meat, isn't that better, Dabu..."

Orpheus's eyes shone so brightly that he couldn't look directly at it: "Isn't the great red delicious?"

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