When Hua Ye used to be a guest, he always bought some taiyaki and other snacks at the snack street near the shrine, and rarely brought gifts.

"Yes, is that super delicious biscuit?"

Without Hua Ye's answer, the little girl's eyes suddenly lit up. In contrast, KFC and everything were all forgotten.

The little girl regained her vitality immediately, blinking her eyes: "I'll try it, let me try it!"

"Go back and wash your hands before eating." Hua Ye shook his head.

"Hmm..." Lolita Mou blinked her eyes and suggested, "Brother Xiaoye, can you feed me?"

Before Hua Ye could refuse, he raised his face and opened his lips as delicate as pink cherry blossoms, like a bird waiting to be fed, waiting for Hua Ye to feed.

Hua Ye had no choice but to take out a biscuit and hand it to Hinata.

Full of anticipation, Lolita bit down anxiously, accidentally engulfing Hua Ye's fingers, and this little girl blushed a little.

Hua Ye said casually: "Slow down, there are still more inside."

"Yeah." Lolita nodded hurriedly, like a little hamster eating chestnuts, her cheeks puffed up, looking unexpectedly cute.

"Knock, knock delicious! (*^▽^*)"

Today is the summer festival. Although the location of the shrine is in the suburbs, and it is broad daylight, the sun is shining brightly above the head, and the sun is like fire. However, the summer festival is a celebration that lasts for several days, so there are quite a lot of pedestrians and tourists nearby. many.

Seeing the scene of Hua Ye feeding on Lolita, whispers of discussion soon resounded nearby.

"Catch a lolicon alive! My loli cult has added a new member!"

The tone of envy, jealousy and hatred, wishing to replace it.

Someone next to him retorted: "No, maybe it's my sister?"

"Hmph, stupid human being, at first glance, you are a guy without a sister." The speaker raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then shouted angrily in a heartbroken tone, "Sister in reality, you don't have a sister." Hold your hand, so I won't call 'Oni Jiang' in a sweet voice, so I won't act like a baby with you, it's fake, it's all fake! If you want to eat, you just reach into the bag and take it, it's not at all I will give you a chance to feed!"



After eating a biscuit, Hua Ye went back to the shrine with Dirty Lolita.It can be seen that the slightly remote shrine, which was originally located on the mountainside, has been dressed up at the moment. The gate is not closed as usual, but opened directly for tourists to come and go.

Although the customs of summer festivals vary from place to place, some are longer and some are shorter, but the real liveliness is the fireworks display at night. During the day, due to the hot weather, the number of tourists and pedestrians must be relatively large. Less, and the atmosphere should be lighter.

A few days ago, facing the summer festival invitation from Miss Miko and Dirty Lolita, after thinking about it, Hua Ye called them to come and play together, but Miss Miko refused, because during the summer festival, people would visit shrines to pray According to the custom, Chiba Shrine is one of the places to pray, and naturally Miss Miko cannot leave, so she invited Hua Ye to come to help and play during the day.

"Hua Jun, you're here."

Miss Miko was still wearing a red and white Miko costume, the red waist highlighted the slender waist that could only be grasped, and her waterfall-like hair fluttered gently in the wind.

Beside her, Uehara Mie is also helping.

During the previous chat with Miss Miko, Hua Ye knew that he had helped Mie Uehara find a new residence, and moved out with her sister.

Since her sister Uehara Miyuki regained her memory, she has not been reincarnated because of fulfilling her wish... because her wish is not to get back the wages owed, but to watch TV every day and catch up with new episodes every day!

"Hua Jun, good morning."

Uehara Mie also waved hello to Hua Ye, but because of the incident at the time, her expression was inevitably a little shy.The girl was wearing a priestess costume, and her hair was tied up with a red ribbon. Compared with the first time she saw her, her eyes were much brighter, and she also had a smile on her face.

Hua Ye nodded and said, "Good morning."

After saying hello, Hua Ye asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Hmm..." Miss Miko blinked her eyes, pursed the corners of her thin lips, "Go and wake up Lingna first? For the first time, it would be nice to have me and Meihui."


Hua Ye turned around and walked towards the backyard.

Compared with the liveliness of the front yard, the backyard is obviously much quieter.

A canopy of bamboo swayed in the breeze, scattering shadows all over the ground.

Under the corridor in the backyard, the little cat girl curled up and slept in a wooden tub.

"Lingna, brother Xiaoye is here, and he brought delicious biscuits." Lolita stood beside Lingna, propping her knees with one hand, and said, "Would you like a piece?"

The ears on the top of Catwoman's head moved, but she didn't open her eyes, her tone was cute: "Tell me what you want to eat."

"Then eat one piece, and you can continue to sleep after eating, and I won't give you the rest?"

The confused little cat girl thought it was taiyaki, so she nodded lightly: "Okay~~"

"Hmm, that's what you said, don't play tricks later." Hinata showed a successful prank smile on his face, took out a biscuit from the gift box, and handed it to Catwoman.

Cats sleep for an average of fourteen to five hours a day, and some cats even sleep for more than twenty hours, so they are veritable lazy cats.

Although Ling Na is a cat demon, she was raised by people since she was a child. Except for being very energetic at night, she still retains the habits of a cat during the day and is quite lethargic.


The pair of fluffy cat ears on the top of the head trembled slightly, and the nose had already smelled the source of the aroma of the biscuits. Lingna still did not open her eyes, but raised her head and opened her mouth to wait for the food.

Dirty Loli passed the biscuit in her hand, and Catwoman opened her mouth to hold it, but because her mouth was too small, she couldn't swallow it directly, so she could only suck it into her mouth piece by piece like eating a chocolate bar.

After taking two bites, Catwoman's round eyes suddenly widened, and she woke up instantly.

"Meow meow?!" Lingna bit the biscuit, ambiguous, "It's delicious... let's eat more."

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