Hearing the crisp sound of the key falling on the ground, Gabriel poked her head out from behind Hua Ye, and only then did she see the female neighbor on the other side and the shocked, complicated and messy expression on her face.

The crippled angel blinked, and could roughly guess what the other person was thinking, so his face was slightly hot, and he hurriedly turned and opened the door, and hid in his room.


On the way down the stairs, Wei Nai noticed the strange gaze from Ayana Yamamoto from time to time, and Wei Nai looked down at herself, wondering, "What's wrong with her? Is there something dirty on me?"

"No dirty things." Hua Ye replied, "She probably thinks our relationship is rather chaotic."

"Hey, the relationship is messed up?"

"For example, a compensated dating girl lives with three people..."

"Three, three people living together or something..." Wei Nai blushed pretty, and hurriedly explained, "I'm just staying overnight, there's no such thing, and I'm leaving soon!"

Hua Ye said casually: "The problem is that the other party doesn't know."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, wanting to explain, but found that the female neighbor had left in a hurry after going downstairs, she had no intention of staying at all, so she had to give up.

"Forget it, let's talk about it next time..." Wei Nai shook her head, "I'll go and see those kittens, aren't you going to help the shrine? Hurry up."


Hua Ye responded, separated from Wei Nai, and walked towards the tram stop.

Chapter 595

"Brother Xiaoye!"

Just as Hua Ye got off the tram, he heard a soft and crisp call blowing along the wind.

Looking around, you can see a little girl waving her arms under the shade of a sycamore tree.

It is the dirty loli Hinata.

The little girl is wearing a white princess dress today, with two butterfly hairpins pinned to her ears, a light blue wide-brimmed hat on her head, and white knee socks on her legs. Legs glistened in the sun.

Although he is only ten years old, his body has already begun to develop, revealing a bit of youthful slenderness that only belongs to young girls, just like the little lotus that has just shown its sharp corners, and has a small face with a touch of baby fat that has not yet faded. Facing the sun, smiling happily, such a scene is enough to make any lolicon shout out "lolita saigao" with a nosebleed.

Hua Ye walked over and asked casually:

"only you?"

"That's right, that's right." Poor Loli stepped forward and hugged Hua Ye's hand, then she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Because I knew Brother Xiaoye was coming, so I came here early in the morning to wait for you, if Brother Xiaoye If I don’t come, I will become a husband-wife stone.”

Hua Ye was unmoved, and sent a big killer:

"Have you finished your homework?"

On the list of killer moves against elementary school students, this sentence is at the top of the list, and its ability to persuade them to quit is MAX.

"It's finished." Poor Loli raised her face and said proudly, "I've already finished it."


Hey, why don't you play your cards according to the routine? Shouldn't you be hesitant and speechless at a time like this, and then find an excuse to slip away?

So the summer vacation is incomplete if you finish your homework early. Only by crazily completing your homework the day before school starts is the correct way for a student to end his summer vacation (I am).


"Brother Xiaoye, let's buy a KFC family bucket and go home?" Lolita said, taking credit.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "What's delicious at KFC?"

Two days ago, a woman in the United States hired a lawyer to sue KFC, saying that the family bucket was not enough to eat, which did not match the content of the advertisement, and she was suspected of inducing and deceiving consumers, so she claimed [-] million US dollars. KFC responded directly: the family bucket is made of chicken Family bucket.

The whole family of those chickens are lying in the family bucket, and people simply can't bear to eat them again.

"But all my classmates have eaten it." The little girl hugged Hua Ye's hand and said coquettishly, "I haven't eaten it yet, so I'm curious."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Why haven't you eaten?"

"Because my elder sister won't let me eat."

Hua Ye asked back: "Then why should I let you eat?"

The little girl hugged Hua Ye's hand tightly, her little face turned red, and her voice was a bit shy: "Because, because I am my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law is also my brother-in-law."

I'm sorry, although there are indeed many brothers-in-law who want to turn their sister-in-law into "one of their own", but what follows is the sister's kitchen knife and formalin solution.

And when did I become your brother-in-law?

The era when you have to be responsible for everything is long gone. According to what you say, then all men in the world have to be responsible to Mr. Cang and Hatano!However, the fact is that so far, Teacher Cang has just left the single, and Teacher Hatano is still an older unmarried young woman!

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "Don't buy KFC."

"Woo~~" Poor Loli looked up and puffed up her mouth, "Brother Xiaoye will lose his lovely sister-in-law like this."

That's just right, but whoever wants such a clingy sister-in-law, just raise your hand and take it away!

Seeing Hua Ye's refusal to agree, Dirty Lolita could only say helplessly:

"Then, forget it, I'd better buy some taiyaki and go back to feed Linna..."

Although he knew that the little girl was pretending to be pitiful, Hua Ye raised the gift box in his hand and said, "There are biscuits inside."

"Huh?" The dirty loli blinked her eyes, "Biscuits?"

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