What do you think I'm going to do to you on the couch!

"You, you let go!" Wei Nai was ashamed and anxious, struggling hard.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "I just want to..."

"I don't even think about it!"


Hua Ye didn't intend to do anything at first, but when he saw Wei Nai's shame and anxiety, he suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, so he pulled Wei Nai into his arms with a slight force.

The soft touch of warm jade and warm fragrance crashes into the bosom, and the fragrance of green apple shampoo and the elegant fragrance of gardenia rush into the nose.

Wei Nai's body stiffened immediately. She thought that Hua Ye had absorbed too much moonlight energy and wanted to do such a terrible thing. Her pretty face was already slightly pale. She bit her lower lip and said seriously, "Let go, I'm really angry." Already!"

If you tell me to let go, I will let go. Wouldn't that be very embarrassing?

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, silently let go of his hand, and said at the same time, "I just wanted you to pour me a glass of water."

Wei Nai had already stood up hastily, and couldn't help being startled when she heard the words: "Just... just this?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"


Wei Nai put on a pretty face: "Why don't you pour it yourself?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "I don't remember."


Silent all night.

At [-]:[-] the next morning, Wei Nai got up early, but because of the pouring incident last night, she had a pretty face and didn't give Hua Ye a good look.

However, after Wei Nai got up, she didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, she opened the refrigerator, made three omelet rice with the ingredients, and then called Gabriel, who was sleepy and had cute eyes, to get up, and the three of them had breakfast together. Just ready to leave.

"Xiao Jia, if you're sleepy, go back to the room and sleep again." Wei Nai glanced at Hua Ye with disgust, "It's not safe to sleep here."

Gabriel nodded seriously, "That's right."

Hey, what are you two up there singing and choking with each other? Could it be that after sleeping all night, you are still sleeping like your husband and wife?

Hua Ye happened to be going out too, and he had to go to Chiba Shrine.

As a result, just as Gabriel and Gabriel walked out of the room, another door opened on the same floor as the apartment, and a professional woman wearing a small suit, wrap skirt, and high-heeled shoes walked out. It was the female neighbor. Ayana Yamamoto.

Seeing Hua Ye and Gabriel come out, the female neighbor paused, then looked away, slowly took out the key, and began to lock the door, without any intention of saying hello to Hua Ye. Girlfriend, but a guy who is still looking for other girls to date, he doesn't like him at all.

"Really, I didn't sleep well at all last night." Gabriel was blocked by Hua Ye, but she didn't see the female neighbor, she muttered and complained, "Don't keep tossing me..."

Who tormented you? It’s clearly because you couldn’t help but want to play with your mobile phone. After turning off your mobile phone, you wanted to play with the computer. It's an uncomfortable severe stage, and I need to go to Professor Yang for electrocution treatment as soon as possible!

"Toss? And still overnight?"

The female neighbor, Aina Yamamoto, looked at Hua Ye in surprise, and then her hands stopped suddenly.

and many more!

What I just said was not you, but you...

Difficult, could it be that this young man not only tormented himself, but also called others to do it together?

Just like some news reports, the boyfriend is doing nothing, doing nothing, and even asking his girlfriend to have compensated dating to make money...

Thinking of this, Ayana Yamamoto couldn't help but want to take out the electric shock device from her bag and give Hua Ye an electrotherapy on the spot.

To be able to do such terrible things to his girlfriend, is he still a man after all?

Noticing that the female neighbor's contemptuous eyes suddenly became murderous, Hua Ye was a little puzzled.

Just when Ayana Yamamoto was about to rescue the lost girl Gabriel with her own hands, Wei Nai happened to come out from behind the door.

Seeing Wei Nai coming out, the female neighbor trembled all over, and dropped all the keys in her hand on the ground.

Meow meow meow?

I obviously gave Gabriel a colored hat back then, so she still couldn't understand what it meant?

What about the girl with purple hair?

Are you from the same room?

It must be!

When will Zhenggong and Xiaosan be in the same room, talking and laughing.

Hua Ye took out the key and began to lock the door.

"If you lock the door, does that mean there are only three of them in the room?" Ayana Yamamoto opened her eyes wide, and her whole body was in a mess, "So what a chaotic relationship you two have!"

Ayana Yamamoto felt that the whole person was going to be bad.

I thought that I gave the other party a green hat, and Gabriel must have broken the relationship. After all, ordinary girls will not tolerate things like boyfriend cheating... But instead of breaking, they awakened a strange hobby What!

Today's young people can't understand it at all!


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