The cockroaches in Gabriel's room were not removed for a day, and Wei Nai didn't dare to go to sleep at all. What if some cockroaches crawled on her while sleeping?

At that time, I will definitely be scared and lose my mind, and then blow up the room.

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, looked at Gabriel again, and said, "Xiao Jia, shall we sleep together tonight?"

If only myself and Hua Ye are in the room, I always feel a little uneasy. After all, Hua Ye said dirty words like "help wipe your back" before, who knows if they will come to attack at night... Herbivores Turned into a carnivore, very scary.

"Okay." The useless angel agreed without hesitation, raised a jade-like little foot and kicked Hua Ye's thigh, "Vina and I will sleep in the bedroom at night, and you will sleep on the sofa."

Hey, why do I need a sofa to sleep on?

The room is mine, so when you dove in the magpie's nest, you should at least ask for other people's opinions!

"Why, do you have an opinion?" The crippled angel glared fiercely.


Gabriel clapped her hands: "Okay, I'll give you a chance to give your opinion."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said:

"The bed in the bedroom is very big. If three people sleep together, it won't be too crowded..."

"Rejection!" The crippled angel raised his hand to interrupt, with disgust in his eyes, "You can go now."

Wei Nai's pretty face was also flushed, she narrowed her eyes and looked over, and said two words from her delicate lips like cherry blossoms: "Dirty."

Hey, what's wrong with your contemptuous and disgusting eyes!

When we were on vacation on the island, we slept together in the living room of the villa. Why couldn't the three of us sleep together?


Wei Nai dragged Gabriel into the bedroom, and after a while, walked out with a thin quilt in her arms.

"Will you cover this quilt later?"

Hua Ye shrugged: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't cover it, the weather is not cold."

"No way." Wei Nai shook her head, "Even in summer, it's still a bit cold at night, especially in the stomach, it's easy to catch cold if you don't take care of it."

Hua Ye still wanted to refuse, but Wei Nai already put on a pretty face, and said seriously: "You must cover it, what if you catch a cold?"

"Okay." Hua Ye took the quilt, "It will be covered."

"Then, then go to sleep..." Wei Nai raised her hand and rolled up a lock of hair beside her ear. She seemed to feel that such a scene and dialogue were a little delicate, so she hurriedly turned around, "Good night."

"OK, good night."


Hua Ye turned off the light in the living room and began to sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a rustling sound in the darkness, followed by the sound of tap water flowing in the bathroom.

After a while, a figure came to Hua Ye's side and helped Hua Ye pull the quilt.

Hua Ye opened his eyes.

Wei Nai was slightly taken aback, her purple eyes were like two crystal clear gems in the darkness, and she whispered apologetically, "Did you wake me up?"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head, "I'm a light sleeper."

While speaking, his eyes were involuntarily drawn to Wei Nai's open neckline.

When the three of them were sitting on the sofa watching TV before, Wei Nai never forgot to hug the pillow to her chest. Now that she got up to go to the bathroom, she couldn’t hug the pillow, and she couldn’t wear Gabriel’s underwear. The extremely rare one is the vacuum attribute. Although Hua Ye only had a glimpse, he could see it clearly and couldn't move his eyes away.

However, girls are naturally extremely sensitive in this regard. Upon noticing Hua Ye's gaze, Wei Nai blushed, and immediately raised her hand to cover her neckline, narrowed her eyes, and bit her lower lip in embarrassment: "You've been getting more and more lately. It's getting worse!"


Hey, who is dirty!

Isn't it just when you took a shower before, you volunteered and offered to help wipe your back?

Isn't it just when discussing how to sleep, suggesting that everyone sleep in bed together?

How can you say something dirty about a gentleman... Anyway, those big shots on the Internet say so!

Chapter 594 What a messy relationship this is...

"I'm going back to my bedroom to rest!"

Wei Nai snorted softly, turned around and was about to leave.

But just as he took a step, Hua Ye grabbed his hand.

"What are you doing?" Wei Nai was taken aback.

Hua Ye replied: "I want..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wei Nai hurriedly interrupted him.

"How can it work here...Xiaojia is still in the bedroom! He will be heard!"

A blush suddenly appeared on Wei Nai's pretty face, "I will never agree to that kind of thing!"

Hey, what kind of thing is that?

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