"I don't want to go." Gabriel huddled on the sofa, her blond hair fell to her knees, she wrapped one hand around the end of her hair, and replied lazily, "There must be a lot of people tomorrow, and the weather is sultry, so I will be sweating all over when I go out. It’s uncomfortable, it’s not as comfortable as blowing the air conditioner in the room and playing games.”

"But the summer festival only comes once a year, right?" Wei Nai frowned slightly, still trying to convince the useless angel.

Gabriel blinked her eyes, and retorted solemnly:

"What day of the year is not unique?"


Wei Nai suddenly realized that she really couldn't refute.

Although there are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year, each day is unique, and once it passes, it can never be recovered.

Hua Ye casually said beside him:

"Not necessarily. The Englishman Fokker can travel around the world in [-] days. In the end, he won the bet because of the extra day. Therefore, there can be two days that are exactly the same in a year..."

"Are you looking for fault?" Gabriel glared fiercely.

"It's because you don't read books... Hey, I'm going to go crazy if I do it again!"

(PS: The rare fourth update, so tired, please ask for a wave of blades by the way... Friends who see it, please vote~~ You can become a European after you vote! ╰(*°▽°*)╯Recently playing ship b, finally feel the despair of Africans... hurt, please comfort)

Chapter 593 Behavior of a Gentleman


Gabriel turned her head to stare at Hua Ye, her already big eyes widened even further, trying to make Hua Ye submit with her eyes.

"Super vicious—"

This useless angel clenched its small fists, ready to fight, with a fierce expression on its face.

Hua Ye was unmoved: "If you hit me again, I will go crazy."

Facts have proved that in this world, thick-skinned people always have an advantage over non-thick-skinned people.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to hit you. My body is so hard. If you don't hurt me, I still think my hand hurts!"

Gabriel let out a 'ts' and withdrew her fist.

Although her face has become thicker and thicker since she became a useless angel, and it is almost the level of a bad girl who has cowardly students obediently offering pocket money as long as she reaches out her hand, but compared with Hua Ye, her face is still far inferior .

"This Hundan has such a thick skin, if I continue to beat him, I don't know what bad things he will do in front of Wei Nai!"


"Crack clap."

The useless angel looked at the TV, picked up another biscuit, and ate it with a crisp voice.

Wei Nai couldn't help covering her forehead and said:

"Xiaojia, let's eat it tomorrow. If you eat too many biscuits at night, you will get bloated."

"It's okay." Gabriel waved her hand, clicking, "I went to bed late at night, so don't worry."

Hua Ye said casually: "Eating too much at night will not only cause abdominal distension, but also gain weight."


Gabriel was so angry that she almost crushed the biscuit in her hand.

You wait!

Don't think that since Wei Nai is here, you will be bold, and I will make you look good when you turn around!

"Tch, what's the matter with getting fatter?" The useless angel pouted and said, "There is a village in Phuket, Thailand that advocates fatness as beauty, and the women in it only need to eat and sleep every day, so that they can gain weight." Well, there is no need to go out at all!"

But saying so, the useless angel still put down the biscuit, obviously not indifferent.

The TV station he was watching entered the commercial time. Hua Ye picked up the remote control and changed to another TV station.

This is an urban romantic comedy, and it looks like a series that has been on for a while, because when the scene was cut, it happened that the male protagonist reached out and stroked the female protagonist's cheek, saying softly: "We must be together forever", and then The heroine nodded vigorously, standing on tiptoe to offer a kiss!


The air in the room was still.

A delicate atmosphere began to spread.

Two eyes fell on Hua Ye, one with a murderous look, and the other with shame.

Hua Ye suddenly realized that, compared to girls standing on tiptoe to offer kisses proactively, he was always kissing others forcefully, and he fell into the bottom line from the very beginning.

"It's already ten o'clock, it's time to go to bed..."

Wei Nai coughed lightly, looked away slightly, and broke the silence.

The shower outside has stopped, but the clothes have been washed, so naturally there is no way to go back, so they can only stay overnight.

Hua Ye responded and said, "How do we sleep at night? How about we..."

Me, what are we?

Don't you want to say something like sleeping together!

In order to prevent Hua Ye from saying bad things, Wei Nai hurriedly shook her head and said, "I'll just sleep on the sofa!"

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