"It's not that I want to eat, but I'm planning to give some to Nitzi... Her grandmother passed away some time ago, and since then, Nitzi rarely chatted with me. When I went to visit her, although her appearance didn't seem to have changed, But how to put it..."

Wei Nai pursed her lips: "True sadness doesn't need to be expressed in words, but you only need to look into her eyes to know that she is sad."

"I always feel that if this continues, bad things will happen..."

Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye, pleaded slightly, and said, "So I'm going to take some biscuits for Nitzi tomorrow night, and then talk to her, it should be better."

The aura in the biscuit was incorporated by Hua Ye with the power of rules. Even ordinary people can absorb a lot of it after eating it. It will indeed be of great benefit to the body.

As a result, before Hua Ye could speak, Gabriel said, "Then bring some more biscuits to Nitro."

Hey, I haven't spoken yet, why have you already made a decision!

Gabriel turned to look at Hua Ye, and asked fiercely, "What, do you have an opinion?"

"……No comment."


Wei Nai only ate two biscuits before stopping.

Not long after, the automatic washing machine buzzed and stopped working. Wei Nai went over to take out the washed clothes, turned to Hua Ye and said, "Okay, you can do the laundry now."


Hua Ye got up and walked over, threw all the clothes into the washing machine, and was about to pour out the washing powder, when Wei Nai frowned slightly and looked over: "You just washed the socks and clothes together?"

"Otherwise?" Hua Ye was a little puzzled. Since the washing machine can be cleaned, of course they should be washed together.

Wei Nai said solemnly:

"How can socks be washed with underwear? Take them out and wash them by hand!"

Hey, don't worry about such trivial matters, right?What's wrong with your housekeeper's tone!

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"My socks have no smell, you can smell them."

"No!" Wei Nai bit her lower lip lightly, and gave Hua Ye an annoyed look.

Socks cannot be washed together with clothes. Is this normal hygiene common sense?

It's too sloppy to wash together.

Wei Nai put on a pretty face, and said: "I read the news a while ago, saying that a young man went to the hospital for an examination, and the result showed that his lungs were infected by bacteria. The doctor was puzzled and kept asking, and finally asked why It turned out that young people couldn't help smelling their socks every day when they took off their shoes and washed their feet, and they got infected..."

Meow meow meow?

Smell your socks before washing your feet?

What a bad hobby, most people would never do this kind of thing!

"So wash my socks and clothes separately!" Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye, and gave instructions righteously in the tone of a hostess, "If possible, it is best to wash the underwear by hand."


After watching Hua Ye take out the socks from the washing machine, Wei Nai went to the balcony to dry the clothes.

The shower outside has come to an end, leaving only the continuous rain and mist, the raindrops fall along the eaves, creating thousands of ripples on the ground.

The evening wind blows, and I don't know whose wind chime it blows. The sound is empty and light, drifting away gently in the rain and fog.

Wei Nai was standing on the balcony, drying clothes seriously.

Hua Ye set the time for the washing machine, then stood by, watching Wei Nai dry the clothes.

Under Hua Ye's gaze, Wei Nai's pretty face became more and more red, and finally she couldn't help turning her head and gave Hua Ye a look, and whispered, "What are you looking at!"

"Look at you." Hua Ye replied.

"Don't, don't come here!" Wei Nai took a step back vigilantly, put a basin in front of her, and said with a blushing face, "Hurry up and go into the house, Xiaojia is still watching TV, tell her not to eat too much at night." snacks, or you will be bloated..."


By the time Wei Nai finished drying her clothes and took a rest, it was already half past nine in the evening.

Hua Ye was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and it was rare for Gabriel to not play games, sitting and talking with Hua Ye, Wei Nai wiped her hands, came over to sit down with a pillow in her arms, and the atmosphere seemed a little delicate for a while.

"Why don't you play games today?" Hua Ye looked at Gabriel beside him.

The useless angel glanced at Hua Ye, and replied weakly:

"No matter how delicious something is, if you eat too much, you will get tired of it. If you play too many games, you will also get bored, so you need to change your mood."

"Hey, Xiao Jia still has such thoughts?" Wei Nai blinked and asked curiously, "Then how do you usually change your mood?"

"Hmm..." the useless angel looked up at the sky, thought for a while and said, "Just watch some movies and interesting barrage videos, or just get some sleep."


After all, he didn't even come out of the door!

Simply put, it is "eat, sleep and play"!Your summer vacation life is really depraved, even the son raised by others knows how to travel from time to time, but you feel far away from even going to a convenience store!

A big drop of cold sweat fell on Wei Nai's head, and she also knew that it was a bit difficult to expect Gabriel to go on a trip or something.

She thought for a while and said, "By the way, tomorrow is the summer festival. Let's go out and play together?"

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