It's too much to ask each other's bust when they first meet, but now they are shamelessly inviting each other to take a nude photo album...

How can a man be so shameless!

Machiko was so ashamed that she raised her hand to cover her face. In order to prevent Hua Ye from misunderstood that her father was a pervert, the black, long, straight girl gently pulled Hua Ye's clothes and explained in a low voice, "When Dad is doing things, sometimes he will be super cute. Seriously... just, like the artists in the book, it's going to get a little weird..."

This is no longer a bit strange, but harassment!

Hua Ye looked at Machiko's mother, only to see that Mizuhashi Qingyin was still playing with his mobile phone lightly, as if he didn't care about the current situation at all.

"Hey, did you take a nude photo shoot? I haven't really taken a photo..."

Facing the strange man who wanted to take a nude photo of himself, Erko Ya was not angry, but seriously thought about it.

"Please, please promise me!"

"Well, even if you say that..."

There was a slightly hesitant expression on Erkoya's face. Just when everyone thought she was going to refuse, the dragon girl suddenly blinked and asked curiously: "By the way, is there any money for photo shoots? I'm a little tight recently... ..."


There was a sound of vomiting blood.

The promised beautiful and noble girls will not bend their waists for five buckets of rice, what are you doing so skillfully asking for money!At least change to a place where no one is around before negotiating the price!

Many teenagers who had good hopes for the future couldn't stand the blow at this moment, and their faces showed a broken look!

"Student Hua Ye... Your friend is joking, right?" Machiko asked cautiously with a big drop of cold sweat falling on his forehead.

Sorry, she's clearly not joking.As the Feathered Serpent God in mythology, he doesn't mind exposing his body in front of others, okay?

Ordinary human beings are just like ants in her eyes. Would you be too shy just because there are ants in front of you?

After Hashimoto Ryosuke was taken aback for a moment, he nodded quickly and said seriously:

"Money is not a problem! We can find a hotel and talk slowly, the car can be sold, and the house can be mortgaged..."

Before he could finish speaking, a soft voice suddenly sounded: "Ryosuke, I'm having a headache when you say that."

The aunt who had been playing with her mobile phone didn't know when she put away her mobile phone. By the way, she appeared behind Ryosuke Hashimoto in a way that most people didn't notice. The subtlety was comparable to the spirit behind her.

Although he said "very headache" on his mouth, there was clearly a calm expression on his face.

"Old, my wife..." Hashimoto Ryosuke finally came back to his senses, and he could clearly see this man who could fight kangaroos, and his face was as thick as a city wall when he was serious, and his face turned pale in a flash.

It's just that the opportunity is so rare, Hashimoto Ryosuke wanted to continue for another second, and whispered: "But, but such an opportunity is really rare..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hashimoto Qingyin grabbed his hand and led him out: "Let's go home and discuss this matter, otherwise it will cause trouble for others."


Machiko's parents left through the crowd, and Erkoya actually chased after them: "Hey, I'm about to make an offer, why did you leave? I'm really tight recently..."

Seeing that it wasn't lively and interesting, the crowd eating melons dispersed one after another.

Hua Ye only felt that the roots of his ears had finally recovered.

and many more……

Hua Ye turned his head to look at the black long straight girl beside him, and said:

"Your parents forgot about you?"

"No..." Machiko blushed slightly, raised her phone, and whispered, "Mom just sent me a message asking me to go to the summer festival with you... but before ten o'clock in the evening, have to go home..."

I always feel that this condition is very delicate. Does it mean that as long as I send you home before ten o'clock, then even if I do such and such bad things to you during this period, it is within the scope of acquiescence?

"Irkoya has been approached many times today, but most people ask her for her contact information. This is the first time I have met a human being who wants to help take a photo."

After watching the play, Thor walked up to Hua Ye, with his hands behind his back, smiling brightly, the small canine teeth on the corner of his mouth gleaming under the light, tilting his head slightly, and said: "Humans always seem to like to estrus on insignificant parts. Well...the breasts, butt, etc., will become a burden when fighting."

However, the battlefield of modern women is men. Big breasts are not only a burden, but an important treasure that can control the balance!As long as you use your chest to kill at the right moment, it can completely turn the tide of the battle like King Dumao's victory and the sword of the oath.

"Cough cough..."

Machiko was a little embarrassed when Thor used adjectives like "heat" to describe her father. Although she didn't talk to Thor much, but it was related to her father's reputation, she still couldn't help explaining in a low voice: "That... Dad Usually it’s not like this, only when it’s about photography, it’s a little, a little strange, artists and so on, most of them have some strange hobbies, right?”

"What?" Thor was startled, "Strange sexual fetish? Could it be a fetish like wearing a panty on top of his head!"

Your sister's is an artist's quirk, not a sexual fetish!You add one more word, and the meaning instantly becomes worse!

"No, there's no such thing!" Machiko hurriedly shook her head, almost crying.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal even if you wear a fat time on your head." Thor waved his hand generously, really not caring, "On the battlefield, people always like to carry crosses, Bibles Yeah, the photos of your girlfriend and the like are on your body, as a sustenance for your soul... Your father likes to wear fat times on his head. Although it is a bit strange, it is understandable. It seems that someone wears it in the movie. Fat times can get superpowers."

"My father won't wear fat times on his head!" Machiko was so angry that he almost fainted. He was obviously talking about the artist's eccentricity, but why did he turn it into a sexual fetish!

Don't think that I haven't seen the perverted mask, but in reality, even if someone wears a fat mask, they will only become perverted and cannot gain superpowers!

Although, although Dad was indeed a little weird just now... But it can't be misunderstood that he likes to wear girls' fat times on top of his head!

"Eh?" Thor blinked his eyes and said curiously, "Didn't you just say that your father has strange sexual fetishes?"

"That's an artist's hobby, not a sexual one!!"

Thor stretched out a finger and tapped his lips: "But they all sound similar..."

"It's too bad!"

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